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Steps to implement rsync backups on new client/server pair:

Do all this as root on each indicated system except as noted.

Definitions and substitutions to make when doing this procedure:

  1. Server system = The system receiving backups, the ssh server.
  2. Client system _= The system initiating backups, the ssh client.
  3. yourself = Your personal, not root, account.
  4. server = The short name of the server system.
  5. client = The short name of the client system.
  6. client_ip = The IP address of the client system.

Implementation systems:

  1. The server system is currently bud or budlight, which is why "bud*" is used

on the "Host" statement in the client's ssh_config file. Aside from that,

  all references to the server are "__server__"
    + At the time of this writing, the only available server is bud.
- The client systems are currently michelob and dark.
    + Due to problems with the ancient ssh on michelob, there are special
      steps for michelob only.  They haven't been fully tested at the time of
      this writing.

On the client, create a directory with custom config file and generated heys.

  1. This only needs to be done once per client, regardless of the number

of servers.

  1. Create a directory for the custom config file and generated heys.

mkdir "$HOME"/xfer/

  chmod go= "$HOME"/xfer/
  ls -ld    "$HOME"/xfer/
- Edit "$HOME"/xfer/config
         # Special ssh client configuration for automated backups to a remote server    *
         Host bud*
         User root
         Compression no
         Protocol 2
         RSAAuthentication yes
         StrictHostKeyChecking yes
         ForwardAgent no
         ForwardX11 no
         IdentityFile ~/xfer/id_dsa
    + Can't use $HOME on the IdentityFile statement, but can use tilde.
- Generate key pair on the client:
    + Even though not documented, the "-d" option works on all OpenSSH systems
      tested and works the same as "-t dsa".
    + On each client:
      time ssh-keygen \
        -t dsa \
        -N "" \
        -f "$HOME"/xfer/id_dsa \
        -C "Data transfer for client `hostname`"
- Copy the generated public key for the client to a temporary location and
    + cd  "$HOME"/xfer
    + cp  /tmp/"`hostname`"
    + vi  /tmp/"`hostname`"
    + Add to the front of the line (unfolded, no spaces):
        = Include a space after the added stuff.
- Copy the edited public key from the client to each server:
    + Do this command on the client
      scp -p /tmp/"`hostname`" __yourself__@__server__:/tmp
    + When done distributing it to all servers:
      rm     /tmp/"`hostname`"

On the client, put server's host key in default known_keys for FQDN:

  1. This needs to be repeated on each client once per server that will be used.
  2. Execute ssh command to get the host key:

+ For all systems including michelob:

    + When it asks to verify the key fingerprint, compare against

    + Don't actually need to login, probably can't since root access denied.

Install validation script and configuration file on each server:

  1. Could install it in a system-wide location or "$HOME"/.ssh, or elsewhere.

Might as well just use /usr/local/bin/

  1. Copy from where it was modified to /usr/local/bin on the server.
  2. Changes for use:

chown root:root /usr/local/bin/authprogs

      chmod 755       /usr/local/bin/authprogs

Configure ssh for root account on each server:

  1. mkdir -p "$HOME"/.ssh # Probably already exists
  2. ls -ld "$HOME"/.ssh # Check its not readable or writable by group or other

+ chmod go= "$HOME"/.ssh

  1. Merge the edited public key from the client into (create if needed)


    + cd "$HOME"/.ssh
    + touch     authorized_keys
    + chmod 600 authorized_keys
    + cat /tmp/ >> authorized_keys
    + rm  /tmp/
- Create configuration program for authprogs:
    + cd "$HOME"/.ssh
    + touch     authprogs.conf
    + chmod 600 authprogs.conf
    + Edit      authprogs.conf to contain:
      # Configuration file for authprogs for remote access to this account.
      # See authprogs source for documentation
      # For client: __client__
      [ __client_ip__ ]
          # Allow date and id commands for testing only
              re = date +(\+(%\w)+)*
          # Allow backups and restores via rsync to one specific directory
              RE=rsync --server -\w+ (--\S+(=\S+)?\s+)*\. /var/backups/__client__/\S+
- Change "PermitRootLogin" from "no" to "forced-commands-only" in the server's
  /etc/ssh/sshd_config if it is tighter already.
    + Will need to signal the sshd server to reread the configuration:
          kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`

Create backup directory on the server for each client:

  1. Create base directory only if needed:

+ mkdir /var/backups

    + chmod 755 /var/backups
- Create backup directory for this client:
    + mkdir     /var/backups/__client__
- We want to change the permissions, and possibly ownership of the
  client level backup directory to allow read access to lower level
  directories that hold the backups of individual client directories.
  So make this 755 to allow access to the lower directories being backed up.
    + chmod 755 /var/backups/__client__
- Depending on how the rsync is configured, the permission and ownership
  of the directory being backed up will be copied from the client.
  For example, doing all of /home by doing a cd to /home and running rsync
  with . for the SRC on the rsync command line copied the ownership and
  permission of /home.  Specifying a lower directory of /home for the SRC
  on the command line set the permission and ownership of that directory,
  but not /home.  Putting a / at the end of the SRC might also make a

Test from the client:

  1. ssh -F $HOME/xfer/config id
  2. ssh -F $HOME/xfer/config date +%Y%m%d

Special for michelob:

  1. The OpenSSH on michelob doesn't support -F option.

+ Can set $HOME to the base where the customized .ssh will be,

      except that didn't seem to actually work.
    + Created a simple Perl script to read the config file and convert
      into -o optons on the ssh command line.
- Must edit the $HOME/xfer/config to change "IdentityFile" to "IdentityFile2"
  due to the different syntax for this older versin of OpenSSH.
- ssh -o"IdentityFile2 /root/xfer/id_dsa" id
- ssh -o"IdentityFile2 /root/xfer/id_dsa" date +%Y%m%d
- F=$HOME/xfer/config $HOME/xfer/ date +%Y%m%d

Create script on the client to run:

  1. Install the scripts:

cd temporary_location

      cp -p    /usr/local/bin
      cd /usr/local/bin
      chown root:system
      chmod 755
- Customize for the directories to back up.
- For michelob only, install to compensate for the limitations
  of its ancient OpenSSH version.
      cd __temporary_location__
      cp -p    /usr/local/bin
      cd /usr/local/bin
      chown root:system
      chmod 755

Schedule using cron on the client:

  1. Add an entry to run /usr/local/bin/ at desired time.

+ Don't redirect output anyplace, so it will be mailed to root.

Details on the scripts:

  1. Baseed on existing cross-system backup scripts.
  2. The original basis for the script and testing was setting some variables and

running rsync:

      opt_std="--archive --hard-links --numeric-ids --one-file-system --stats"
      opt_std="${opt_std} --bwlimit=100"
      opt_rsh="--rsh=ssh -F $HOME/xfer/config"
      options="$opt_std $opt_del"
      in_dir=steer-com # No slash to include directory name
      cd $in_base ; time rsync $options "$opt_rsh" \
          $in_dir  $remote_host:$out_base \
          2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/rsync_log.txt
- Needed a check for "michelob" to set alternate ssh syntax.
- Ended up with three scripts on clients and one on server:
    + just lists directories to sync and calls
    + defines more configuration and runs rsync.
    + is only on michelob for problems with ssh.
    + For ssh authentication on server, using modified authprogs
      originally from


build/rsync-aix.1192475265.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/10/15 14:07 by