====== NOTE: ====== Minutes posted on the wiki are always unofficial. Schedules for upcoming presentations are always tentative. (Some more tentative than others!) ====== Location ====== Saint Louis Bread Company, (at Old Olive and Olive), 10550 Old Olive Street Road, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 ====== Date and Time ====== * November 1, 2006 * 6:44 pm - 8:03 pm ====== Attendees ====== * Barry Morrison * Stan Reichardt * Carl Fitch ====== Secretary Report ====== * Secretay DNA due to illness ====== Treasurer Report ====== * Treasurer DNA due to business trip ====== Book Sales Report ====== * One Book sale $39.00 ====== Membership Report ====== * Attendance for October * 4 Oct STEERC - 6 * 11 Oct SLUUG - 28 * 17 Oct SOLARIS - 8? * 19 Oct STLLUG - 13 * 24 Oct HZWLUG - 11 * 25 Oct SECURE - 12 * 26 Oct STCLUG - 9 * * First meeting for Solaris SIG this month * An attendance sheet was provided, not yet returned. * Per Jeff Muse, attendance may have been 8, or so. * Current mailing list membership numbers (approximate): * 880 on ANNOUNCE (give or take a dozen possible duplicates) * 180 on DISCUSS (previously reported as 140) * ====== Nominations Report ====== * Nominations needed for February elections * Stan R. and Gary M. are on the nominating committee. * ====== Comments on Presentations ====== ===== October 2006 ===== ==== SLUUG - Oct 11 ==== * Base: Firebug (Firefox plugin - JavaScript debugger) by Ed Howland * Good - crammed a lot into too short a time period * S3 (formerly KPG) "sponsored" the SLUUG meeting with pizza. * Survey sheet sent around and pizza was ordered about 7:30 * * Main: AppArmor by Matt Skiption of Novell * comments: "Well presented" "An eye opener, I was not aware of it's capibilties" "Can't know too much about security" ==== SOLARIS- Oct 17 ==== * First meeting for Solaris SIG this month * Ran into problems with wireless * Need to run cable? * No report sent in, we don't know who is leader (point of contact). ==== STLLUG - Oct 19 ==== * TOPIC: Troubleshooting Linux Problems by Craig Buchek * Topic was not scheduled on home web page until late Tuesday prior to meeting. * Lots of interactive, on the fly demos of commands. * Details sometimes too fast, hard to keep up. * In all, mind expanding, and excellent quality on such short notice. * ==== HZWLUG - Oct 24 ==== * TOPIC: Setting Up Wireless Networks (With Or Without Encryption Keys) by Carl Fitch * Very well received, lots of questions, possible follow-up next month. * Some discussion of "ports", which may be another topic to focus on. * Considerable difficulty getting PC video projector to work (may have just been loose cable). * ==== SECURITY - Oct 25 ==== * Primer on Encryption by Mark Buchanan * Traffic caused a few folks to show up late. * Covered historical background which was a good lead into topic. * A lot of material, very interesting specifics. * Very informative, with lots of side-bar information. ==== STCLUG - Oct 26 ==== * Cronolog - Effortless Log Rotation by Carl Fitch * No slides, web page shots, hands on * Afterwards, Carl F. showed Stan R. how to make translucent graphic using GIMP * Location in restraunt was different, good for watch the game. * Will include web server in next demo session. * ====== Presentation Schedule ====== ===== November 2006 ===== ==== SLUUG - Nov 8 ==== * Base: Cronolog - Effortless Log Rotation by Carl Fitch * Main: Introduction to Logical Volume Manager (LVM) by Jeff Muse * Stan R. working with Jeff M. on building presentation slides. * This tutorial is on a heavy duty topic with 45+ slides. * Want one other volunteer for review of slides. * Details of follow-up session at STLLUG not yet worked out. * Carl has book sales cash box; needs to hand it off whenever he's not there. * Need to do nominations for February elections. ==== STLLUG - Nov 16 ==== * Main: Demonstration of Logical Volume Manager (LVM) by Jeff Muse * This is a Follow-up of the SLUUG presentation * ==== STCLUG - Nov 20 ==== * Has determined Holiday schedule date. * Regular date would fall on Thanksgiving Day Holiday. * Carl says that it had been scheduled for the 20th. * Topic TBD. * ==== SOLARIS- Nov 21 ==== * Topic TBD. * No one reported on this. * Carl F. will be attending this next meeting. ==== Thanksgiving Day - Nov 23 ==== * ==== HZWLUG - Nov 28 ==== * Newbie Topics * ==== SECURITY - Nov 29 ==== * Regular date Nov 22 was one day prior to Thanksgiving Day. * Need to determine X-MAS Holiday schedule date. * Topic TBD. * ===== December 2006 ===== ==== SLUUG - Dec 13 ==== * Base: TBD. * Main: TBD. ==== SOLARIS- Dec 19 ==== * Topic TBD. * ==== HZWLUG - Dec 19 ==== * Holiday schedule date. * The 26 Dec date given last month was wrong, meeting room was reserved for 19 Dec - Stan R. * Topic TBD. ==== STLLUG - Dec 21 ==== * Need to determine Holiday schedule date. * Base: TBD. * Main: TBD. * ==== Christmas Day - Dec 25 ==== ==== SECURITY - Dec 27 ==== * Need to determine Holiday schedule date. * TBD. * ==== STCLUG - Dec 28 ==== * TBD. * Carl has confirmed 28th is good for December. ===== January 2007 ===== ==== SLUUG - Jan 10 ==== * Base: * Main: Ethical Hacking by ??? (scheduled via Lee L.) * Need to do additional nominations ==== SOLARIS- Jan 16 ==== * TBD. * ==== STLLUG - Jan 18 ==== * Base: * Main: * Need do final nominations for STL Linux chair. ==== HZWLUG - Jan 23 ==== * TBD. * ==== SECURITY - Jan 24 ==== * TBD. * ==== STCLUG - Jan 25 ==== * TBD. * ===== February 2007 ===== ==== HZWLUG - Feb 13 ==== * This early date necessary due to StLC Library Branch scheduling conflicts * Election balloting * TBD. * ==== SLUUG - Feb 14 ==== * WARNING: Valentines Day - May cause low attendance * Back-to-back meeting this month with STLLUG * Official annual SLUUG business meeting * Election balloting * Lightning Talks are usually done in February at SLUUG * * Base: * Main: ==== STLLUG - Feb 15 ==== * Back-to-back meeting this month with SLUUG * Election balloting * TBD. * ==== SOLARIS - Feb 20 ==== * Election balloting * TBD. * ==== STCLUG - Feb 22 ==== * Election balloting * TBD. * ==== SECURITY - Feb 28 ==== * Election balloting * TBD. * ====== Potential Presentations ====== * InkScape by Mark Jarnowski (via Craig) (was STLLUG TENTATIVE) * Everything you (N)Ever Wanted to Know About HDTV by Craig Buchek (will work on this to have as a stand-by) * Certified Ethical Hacking by Mark Russell of Premier Knowledge (via Lee) * Contact Mark Russell about presenting at Security group. (via Tim/Ted ?) * XGL by Matt Skipton of Novell (via Lee) * Perl Scripts to do DNA Genetic Research by Bryce Meyer from Wiltel/Level 3 (via Gary) * OpenVPN by Robert Citek (via ???) * WiFi - Jerry @ OCI (via Gary) * CVS/Subversion - Sanjiv, Ed Howland (via ???) * Tech Futures - Railroad guy (via Rich Seibel) * Requests: * VPN (hands-on preferred, good for a Security meeting) * CVS/Subversion for Config Files * Oracle Application Express * How To Update Your System - apt, yum, yast, etc. * Music - Linux on iPod, iPod on Linux, Ogg, players, etc. * Using Secure Email Clients * TrueCrypt - file-level encryption for Windows/Linux * Using One-Time Passwords * MythTV / Freevo / TiVo - (STLLUG?) - (via Sarah on the Perl list, or others) * Video cards in Linux (Heuris) * IBM vs. Sun vs. HP on UNIX * ====== Library Room Reservations ====== * Room reservations are always opened on the first Saturday in October. * Stan R. filled out paperwork. * Stan R. reserved Prairie Commons Branch for HZWLUG. There were four conflicting dates. * Phil Bunch delivered paperwork to Indian Trails Branch for STLLUG. * Indian Trails staff mentioned reservation payment policy. * Advanced payment for STLLUG might be appropriate. * Carl F. made inquiry about alternate meeting site for STLLUG. * ====== Formation of New Solaris SIG ====== * Solaris SIG (special interest group) * Principles interested are Jeff Logullo, Nik Moon, and Jeff Muse * Nik Moon reserved meeting room * Stan R. created temporary Solaris SIG webpage, with favicon.ico * Stan R. included information in ANNOUNCE mailing * Stan R. created attendance sheet document * Stan R. mailed attendance sheet document to principle members * What is status of donation of 2 Sun 1U servers that Craig had for the group? * ====== Sponsorships ====== * Craig was contacted with sponsorship offer from S3 (formerly KPG). * Stan R. purged a number of old sponsor icons from SLUUG website. * Stan R. created temporary sponsor icon for S3 and added it into rotating image script. * Stan R. ran into problem with rotating image script. * Craig said the check is in the mail to PO box. * What is status of Lee sending out invoices to previous sponsors? ($200) * Lee is wating for us to generate a list of contacts. * Clarence J. and Stan R. to gather information about previous sponsors. * Collect sponsor contact info. * Starting with information from the web site. * No progress this month. * ====== Website Library ====== * Stan R. working with Ted P. to get presentations put up. * Ted has gotten some of the older presentations gathered * Resources page listing past presentations is up to date. * No presentation uploads yet - waiting for migration * No progress this month. * ====== System Administration ====== * Dark * Michelob * Defunct WU Dialup hardware * Yea, what ever happened to the trusty WU dialup? Did they finally change the # (& login/psw.) after all these years? Anyone have replacement info for us old folks without DSL? ====== New Servers Project ====== * Was to meet at Lee's on October 28. * Decisions to make: * How to get mailing list archives on the new web server. * How to migrate email, while allowing users to access email via existing methods. * How to migrate mailing lists. * Look into Majordomo/Mailman. * To complete: * Migrate SLUUG web site. * Point http://sluug.org/~user to http://users.sluug.org/~user * Which can remain on Dark/Michelob, and be migrated to Budlight later. * Create new web sites for SIGs. * Migrate Chris Byrd's Drupal install over for Security site. * Make Bud an admin-only box. * Make Budlight a user-accessible box. * Need offline (sensitive?) working documentation matrix of machines (for recovery) * hostnames and IP numbers, * functional purpose, * hardware, * resources, * holders of root, sudo * ====== Other Old Business ====== ===== Board Member ===== * Barry Morrison is Christine's replacement, will hold the board seat until the 2007 elections. * Stan R. made change to SLUUG contacts web page * need to announce at meetings, etc. ===== Dial-up Lines ===== * We were to have WU drop the remaining line on October 30. * Was request made? * Do we need to yank some equipment? ===== Membership ===== * We discussed membership dues in relation to shell accounts. * Agreed that there should be 3 levels of voluntary membership dues. * $100 * $70 * $35 * Agreed that shell accounts are available in 1 of 2 conditions: * User pays voluntary membership dues, OR user attended 2 meetings in the previous calendar year, and pays $10. * Craig B. was to write up new membership info on membership levels for web site and hand-outs. * Stan R. sent SLUUG membership flier OOo document to Craig B. for updating * ====== New Business ====== * Always more to do. * ====== Blue Sky ====== * Still blue. * ====== Follow-up and Action Items ====== * Always need somebody to do stuff. *