====== SLUUG Steering Committee Minutes - February 2007 ====== NOTE: Minutes posted on the wiki are always unofficial. Schedules for upcoming presentations are always tentative. (Some more tentative than others!) ====== Location ====== Saint Louis Bread Company, (at Old Olive and Olive), 10550 Old Olive Street Road, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 ====== Date and Time ====== * February 7, 2007 * 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm ====== Attendees ====== * Lee Lammert * Carl Fitch * Craig Buchek * Gary Meyer * Stan Reichardt ====== Secretary Report ====== * Secretary is catching up with things. * Should have print-outs of things by next month. * Will probably not be able to make it to the official annual meeting on February 14. * Stan will take the minutes, or find someone to do it. ====== Treasurer Report ====== == Deposits == ||From |Description | Amt || ||Mike Knight|| $10.00|| ||Stan Reichardt|| $10.00|| ||Mike kriz|| $50.00|| ||Book Sales|Total|60|| ||S3|Sponsorship |250|| == Bank balance as of 12/31/07 $ 1,074.75== == Pending Deposits 0 == == Pending AP 0* == * Still have not received final bill from Wash U yet. ====== Book Sales Report ====== We recieved three memberships in January and one booksales. ||Mike Knight|| $10.00|| ||Stan Reichardt|| $10.00|| ||Mike Kriz|| $50.00|| ||Don Ellis|| $8.95|| ||CC fees|| <$5.74>|| ||Total|| $73.21|| ====== Membership Report ====== * Attendance for January 2007 * 3 Jan STEERC - 4 * 10 Jan SLUUG - 26 * 16 Jan SOLARIS - 3 * 18 Jan STLLUG - 15 * 23 Jan HZWLUG - 9 * 24 Jan SECURE - 10 * 25 Jan STCLUG - 12 ====== Mailing List Report ====== * Current Structure * Majordomo packages is used for bulk mailings * Two main mailing lists are ANNOUNCE and DISCUSS * ANNOUNCE is intended for low volume * Monthly Newsletter * Events For This Week * Quick Announcements and Corrections * DISCUSS is for general participation * Two other lists are STEERCOM and SYSADMIN - for making soap * Other miscellaneous lists - USERS for announcements to BBS users * Mailing list messages are archived * Except ANNOUNCE and USERS * Some current mailing list subscriber numbers (approximate): * ANNOUNCE - PENDING * DISCUSS - PENDING * STEERCOM - 31 * Current Activities * No Editor means no newsletter * Weekly mailing of "Events For This Week" continues by Stan Reichardt * Effort to automate EFTW process not finished * Refinement of process has cut production time in half compared to 6 months ago * A draft of upcoming monthly calendar is posted to STEERCOM mailing list * No List Administrator means no handling of user questions or subscription problems * Anticipating monthly calendar on revised SLUUG website ====== Nominations Report ====== * Nominations needed for February elections. * Stan R. and Gary M. are on the nominating committee. * If no updates, names placed on ballot will be arbitrary. * Stan nominated Gary for President. * Board seats up for election: * Clarence Johnson * Barry Morrison ====== Presentation Review and Comments ====== ===== January 2007 ===== ==== SLUUG - Jan 10 ==== * Base: Coping with Spam Using Filters - Carl Fitch * Good. Covered the client side of things. * Main: Certified Ethical Hacking by Mark Russell of Premier Knowledge * Good. A bit light on details. * First 45 minutes were too long -- sales pitch about the training class. ==== SOLARIS - Jan 16 ==== * Main: Basics of ZFS File System by Jeff Muse * Was originally scheduled for December. * Attendance low due to ice storm, severe weather, and power outages. * Very good. * Included coverage of snapshots (in case you didn't get enough at the last LUG meeting). * Planning to reprise the presentation at a Wednesday night SLUUG meeting. ==== STLLUG - Jan 18 ==== * Main: Floppy Disks by Stan Reichardt * Last minute topic, nobody else volunteered. * Updated a presentation that was given about 2 years ago at HZWLUG meeting. * More interesting than expected. * Discussed next month having volunteers do 10 minutes of Tips, Tricks at the keyboard. ==== HZWLUG - Jan 23 ==== * TOPIC: Floppy Disks by Stan Reichardt * Got about half way thru slides. Lots of questions and discussion. * Plenty of interest, questions, and tangents. ==== SECURITY - Jan 24 ==== * TOPIC: Security Certifications by Stan Reichardt * Good stuff. * Discussed February conflicts. * Decided to cancel February meeting. ==== STCLUG - Jan 25 ==== * TOPIC: Filtering Spam with Postfix by Carl Fitch. * Good. Covered the server side. ====== Presentation Schedule ====== ===== February 2007 ===== ==== SLUUG - Feb 14 ==== * WARNING: Valentines Day - Might reduce attendance * Back-to-back meetings this month with SLUUG - STLLUG * HZWLUG meeting will NOT be on 13 Feb as previously anticipated * EVERYONE: Was to line up 2 presentations for Lightning Talks * TOPIC: Lightning Talks are usually done in February at SLUUG * Point man: Stan and/or Gary. * Official annual SLUUG business meeting * Election balloting ==== STLLUG - Feb 15 ==== * Back-to-back meetings this month with SLUUG - STLLUG * Election balloting * TOPIC: Ten-minute tips (each person sits at the keyboard) ==== SOLARIS - Feb 20 ==== * Election balloting * Hands-on: Installing virtual machines, and using new Solaris process management tools (Jeff Muse? - TENTATIVE) ==== STCLUG - Feb 22 ==== * Election balloting * TOPIC: TBD. ==== HZWLUG - Feb 27 ==== * HZWLUG meeting will NOT be on 13 Feb as previously anticipated * NOTE!!!: Temporary change of location to Bridgeton Trails Branch Library. * This necessary due to StLC Library Branch scheduling conflicts. * Election balloting (Last chance to vote at a meeting!) * TOPIC: TBD. ==== SECURITY - Feb 28 ==== * Clarence Johnson can't be there and too difficult to try to get building access. * Ateendees agreed to forego having February meeting. * NO MEETING THIS MONTH. ===== March 2007 ===== ==== SLUUG - Mar 14 ==== * Base: TBD. * Main: Matthew Porter - Zimbra as an Exchange Replacement ==== STLLUG - Mar 15 ==== * TOPIC: Survey of GUI Email Clients (Buchek - TENTATIVE) ==== SOLARIS - Mar 20 ==== * TOPIC: TBD. ==== STCLUG - Mar 22 ==== * TOPIC: TBD. ==== HZWLUG - Mar 27 ==== * Temporary change of location to Bridgeton Trails Branch Library. * This necessary due to StLC Library Branch scheduling conflicts * TOPIC: TBD. ==== SECURITY - Mar 28 ==== * TOPIC: Extraordinary SSH Use by Carl Fitch ===== April 2007 ===== ==== SLUUG - Apr 11 ==== * Base: TBD. * Main: TBD. ==== SOLARIS - Apr 17 ==== * TOPIC: TBD. ==== STLLUG - Apr 19 ==== * TOPIC: TBD. ==== HZWLUG - Apr 24 ==== * Back at the regular Prairie Commons Branch Library location. * TOPIC: TBD. ==== SECURITY - Apr 25 ==== * TOPIC: TBD. ==== STCLUG - Apr 26 ==== * TOPIC: TBD. ====== Lightning Talks ====== * Everyone was to line up 2 presentations for Lightning Talks. * Contact Stan and/or Gary to sign up. ====== Potential Presentations ====== * Carl Fitch sent a list of potential topics to DISCUSS to generate interest. * Craig created a wiki page on his site to work on presentations. * Emailed DISCUSS w/ the URL. * Invited people to contribute. * There was a small amount of interest. ====== Sponsorships ====== * Effort should be directed to find new sponsors. * No effort means no new sponsors. ====== Dial-up Line Removal ====== * Has WU cancelled lines? * No! * Gary to follow up on cancellation of WU phone lines. ====== System Administration ====== * Dark keeps crashing * Still having crashes due to hardware failures, averaging every other day now. * Need to quickly move to new systems or replace dark's hardware. * Gary predicts failure rate is increasing and will be more than once a day by end of month February. * System may be DEAD in/before APRIL! * This project needs **emergency priority!** * Gary will ask Allen @ Wash U if heat may be a problem! * Mike Knight does not belive that heat is the problem. * Gary asked Mike Knight if he knows of any temp sensor. * Mike is not aware of any heat sensor. * Barry was supposed to talk to John Hodge about assisting with installing more AIX disk space. * Not yet able to talk to John Hodge, hopefully next week or so. * Michelob * Volume of mail stabilized once graymilter was activated. * Michelob depends on NFS filesystem from Dark!!! * Bud, Budlight - see Server Migration Project below. ====== Server Migration Project ====== * Craig has been working on testing email. * Craig to compare notes with Carl on Postfix configuration. * Craig has been working on installing and configuring latest Drupal. * Need to work on getting clients to configure to use IMAP. * Jeff Muse got Mailman working and tested. * Craig found a Drupal module for Mailman. * Will be quick and simple to migrate mailing lists once we move the MX record. ====== Website Library ====== * Stan R. and Ted P. * No presentation uploads yet - waiting for migration * No migration means no progress this month. ====== Other Old Business ====== * none ====== New Business ====== * none ====== Blue Sky ====== * none ====== Follow-up and Action Items ====== * Craig - print out previous minutes. * Craig - finish up work on email server. * Craig - get people to test using IMAP to connect to Bud from their email clients. * Craig - get with Chris Byrd to work on Drupal and other stuff. * Carl and Craig - get together on Feb 13 or 14 during the day to work on new servers. * Gary - follow up on Wash U phone lines. * Gary - get more Lightning Talk people lined up. * Stan - prepare for voting. * Lee - provide power, food, and drink for workers.