====== SLUUG Steering Committee Minutes - February 2008 ====== NOTE: Minutes posted on the wiki are always unofficial. Schedules for upcoming presentations are always tentative. (Some more tentative than others!) ====== Location ====== Saint Louis Bread Company, (at Old Olive and Olive), 10550 Old Olive Street Road, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 ====== Date and Time ====== * Wednesday, 6 February 2008 * 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm ====== Attendees ====== * Barry Morrison * Craig Buchek ====== Secretary Report ====== * Printed out minutes from Steering Committee meetings through December. ====== Treasurer Report ====== * Balance: $1,174.72 as of 1/31/08 * Carl needs to give money collected for memberships to the Treasurer. * Open issues: * New IRS reporting requirement * We will (likely) have to file a form 990-EZ for the 2007 tax year. * Need response from Rich McClennan. * Any other advisory resources available? * Final bill from Wash U. - need to complete reply ====== Attendance Report ====== * Some numbers: ||Meeting | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan || || Steercom:| 4 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 4 | 5 | 5 | No | 6 | 3 | 6 || || SLACC: | 9 | 6 | 7 | ?? | ?? | 8 | 6 | 10 | 7 | 5 | 8 | 4 | 7 || || 1st LDAP:| 7 | xx | 5 | 6 | 7 | 6 | No | No | No | No | ?? | No | 4 || || SLUUG: | 26 | 12 | 23 | 22 | 18 | 16 | 27 | 36 | 21 | 24 | 25 | 20 | 14 || || Solaris: | 3 | 4 | No | 18 | 15 | 6 | 8 | No | 11 | No | 5 | No | 13(??)|| || 2nd LDAP:| xx | xx | 6 | 5 | 5 | 6 | No | No | (6)| 7 | No | 3 | ?? || || STLLUG: | 15 | 12 | 14 | 18 | 23 | 20 | 31 | 31 (32) | 23 | 19 | 25 | 20 | 17 || || HZWLUG: | 9 | 7 | 9 | 8 | 9 | No | 11 | 11 | 10 | 10 | 15 | 9 | 10 || || Security:| 10 | No | No | 7 | 9 | No | 6 | No | No | No | No | No | No || || STCLUG: | 12 | 10 | 10 | 6 | ?? | 8 | 11 | 17 | 10 | 11 | No | 11 | 9 || * No - indicates no meeting. * () - Numbers in parentheses are head count. * ?? - Question marks indicate attendance not taken or sheet missing. * xx - attendance numbers not yet recorded. * Attendance seems to be down, which is not unusual for the winter months. ====== Mailing List Report ====== * We have migrated most lists from Majordomo on Michelob to MailMan on Bud. * USERS and non-SLUUG lists are only remaining lists to migrate. * Some current mailing list subscriber numbers (approximate): || List | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan | Feb || || ANNOUNCE | 917 | 925 | 900 | 915 | 885 | 877 | 877 | 866 | 857 | 856 || || DISCUSS | 184 | 190 | 188 | 190 | 190 | 192 | 192 | 185 | 185 | 185 || || STEERCOM | 32 | 32 | 33 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 31 | 31 || || SYSADMIN | xx | xx | 18 | 18 | 18 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 17 || * Blocking of mailing list attachments not completely configured yet. * ANNOUNCE mailing list. * Still no volunteer editor to do a Quarterly or monthly newsletter. ====== Nominations and Elections Report ====== * Elections will be held during February meetings. * Announcement of election was made at previous meetings. * Attendance report totals for CY 2007 were made using data base developed by Scott Nesler. * 203 different attendees * 112 attended 2 or more times. * 91 only once * List of eligible voters posted as PDF on SLUUG front page. * Stan R. and Gary M. are on the nominating committee. * Gary Meyer was generally not able to help the last few months. * Nominations still needed for February elections. * If no nominations, names placed on ballot will be arbitrary. * ? Stan will create the ballot forms, based on last year's. * ? Board seats up for election: ====== Review and Comments ====== ===== January 2008 ===== ==== SLACC - January 3 ==== * Linux Configuration Workshop - No presentation. ==== SLUUG - January 9 ==== * BASE: Introduction to Partitions by Stan Reichardt * Good. * MAIN: Using PartImage by Carl Fitch * Good. Would like to see more professional-oriented UNIX presentations. ==== Solaris - January 15 ==== * TOPIC: Project Indiana by Bob Netherton ==== STLLUG - January 17 ==== * Alternate site reservations for CY 2008 made at Thornhill Branch Library were canceled. * Quick poll taken about starting time. * TOPIC: CakePHP and PHPReports by Scott Nesler * Generally good. Good to see how he's using PHP. ==== HZWLUG - January 22 ==== * Meeting announcement mistake, library room not available, was scheduled for following week. * Meeting moved to Bridgeton branch of St. Louis Bread Company on St. Charles Rock Road. * Planned presentation of updated "Intro to Partitions" was NOT done. ==== STCLUG - January 24 ==== * Disk Cloning Utilities by Carl Fitch * Use of old projector helped. ====== Presentation Schedule ====== ===== February 2008 ===== ==== SLACC - February 7 ==== * Linux Configuration Workshop - No presentation. ==== SLUUG - February 13 ==== * BASE: TBD * MAIN: TBD ==== Solaris - February 19 ==== * TOPIC: TBD ==== STLLUG - February 21 ==== * TOPIC: TBD ==== HZWLUG - February 26 ==== * TOPIC: Intro to Partitions * ==== STCLUG - February 28 ==== * TOPIC: TBD ===== March 2008 ===== ==== SLACC - March 6 ==== * Linux Configuration Workshop - No presentation. ==== SLUUG - March 12 ==== * BASE: TBD * MAIN: iSCSI by Erich Schark of Alliance Systems (via Craig) ==== Solaris - March 1? ==== * TOPIC: TBD ==== STLLUG - March 20 ==== * TOPIC: TBD ==== HZWLUG - March 25 ==== * TOPIC: Usually determined by attendees ==== STCLUG - March 27 ==== * TOPIC: TBD ===== April 2008 ===== ==== SLACC - April 5 ==== * Linux Configuration Workshop - No presentation. ==== SLUUG - April 11 ==== * BASE: TBD * MAIN: TBD ==== Solaris - April 1x ==== * TOPIC: TBD ==== STLLUG - April 19 ==== * TOPIC: TBD ==== HZWLUG - April 24 ==== * TOPIC: Usually determined by attendees ==== STCLUG - April 26 ==== * TOPIC: TBD ===== Potential Future Topics ===== * APV (Advance POWER Virtualization) Overview by John Hodge * Demo/Using Scribus by Stan Reichardt. * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL 5)- still looking for volunteer (via Craig). * Untangle Gateway Platform (instead of CentOS Linux) by Tim Dreste (via Stan R). * AIX 6 - due out later this year (about November, IBM via John Hodge) * Building a modern kernel by Ed Howland. * Using git by Ed Howland. * Remotely presented (video conferencing) topics. * Qt/KDE (TrollTech sales rep, via Craig) * Linux(xBSD, etc) on Wireless. (Suggested by Ed Howland) * Part 1: Theory and operation of wireless networks. * The 802.11 stack (relevant protocols). * Descriptions of terms, expansion of alphabet soup. * Security (WEP, WPA, WPA2) * Network types (ad-hoc, infrastrucure). * Modes (ad-hoc, managed, master, monitor). * Packet Types (management, data frames, beacons, probes). * Part 2: Practical Linux Wireless configuration. * Cards, compatibility. * NDISWrapper and native (devicescape stack). * Drivers * Tools (using wpa_supplicant). * Network Monitor * Wireshark sniffing. ====== Sponsorships ====== * New Sponsor - * ? Have the current paying sponsors been asked to renew (with payment)? * ? Ajilon (Stan to follow up) * ? S3 - Strategic Staffing Solutions (Craig to follow up) * ? Potential sponsors * ? Sun - Jeff Logullo * ? IBM - (John Hodge may have a contact) * ? Red Hat - Clark Smith (Craig to follow up) * ? Novell / SuSE - Matt Skipton * ? Some old information has: * ? Annual sponsorship as $200 for Businesses and * ? $300 for Large Enterprise Corporations. This amount show on sluuginfo.pdf (18 April 2007) handout. * ? The $300 amount not viable, so sponsorships are $200. * ? Stan will purge any $300 amount from web site and forms. * ? We should review them once or twice annually and establish an end date on recognition. * ? We in fact recognize multiple entities as sponsors due to community support or services in kind. * ? EPC - STLLUG Installfest, STL BusExpo hardware use & handout printing support, SLUUG discount. * ? Computers & Things - STLLUG Installfests, STCLUG projector & STL BusExpo printing support. * ? Graybar - SLUUG general meeting site. * ? Hostirian - New server hosting. * ? K&S Pritchard Enterprises - Hosted STLLUG web pages thru to Spring 2007. * ? O'Reilly - discount book arrangement (now moot - suggest removing). * ? Law Offices of Rich McLennen - legal services as needed. * ? UMSL-MicroLabs - The St. Louis Security Group meeting lab area. * ? Omnitec - has been providing services in kind commensurate with other sponsors. * ? Possible Sponsor - pcMemoryStore * ? Last meeting, we approved. * ? However, their deal turned out not to be of any advantage to us or our members. * ? Need sign about sponsoring our group for booth/table display at meetings and trade shows. * ? More effort should be directed to find new sponsors. * ? No effort means no more new sponsors. ====== Server Admin ====== * Root passwords were changed. * Contact Carl or Mike Knight if you need to know the new passwords. ====== Server Migration Project ====== * ? Work left to do: * ? Make sure docs are up to date. * ? Add documentation telling users how to configure mail clients to use Bud. * ? Started documenting client email configurations, to help users migrate. * ? See [[../users]] and [[../mail_setup]] pages. * ? Start migrating individual users. * ? Make sure we have documentation on what we need to migrate. * ? Finish rebuilding Budlight. * ? Carl may rebuild using virtual machines. * ? Craig - Work on finishing server builds. * ? Document changes to PAM to correct MAIL variable. (Craig) * ? Get offsite backups working. * ? Publish SSH host keys on web page. * ? Work with Ed Wehner to migrate gateway-l and archrivals lists. * ? Migrate USERS mailing list. * ? Other work to do: * ? Jeff working on virus scanning * ? Craig working on Drupal ====== Website Library ====== * Stan R. and Ted P. * Uploaded January SLUUG Base "Introduction to Partitions" tutorial. * No more other presentation uploads yet. ====== SLACC as a SIG ====== * ? Carl needs to follow up with Noel about transferring the domain to us. * ? The registration is paid up until 2009. * ? Noel asked that we allow current email users to keep their SLACC.com email addresses. ====== Membership (and Shell Accounts) ====== * ? Membership drive * ? 2 members signed up in September. * ? Shell accounts have been created. * ? Lee has membership forms. * ? Need to print out name tags. * ? Omnitec will print them out and bring to SLUUG meeting. * ? Cafe Press merchandise * ? Carl has money from purchases -- needs to turn into treasurer. * ? Stan to add CafePress link to SLUUG web site when we get info. * ? Stan to link new membership page into SLUUG web site. * ? It was suggested that we use Scott Nesler's logos. * ? We should ask Scott. * ? We should post the choices to STEERCOM for voting to make it official. ====== Other Old Business ====== * ? Library reservations (October 6) * ? Reserved rooms for all our meetings. * ? A few holiday conflicts. * ? We have Thornhill as a backup to Indian Trails for STLLUG meetings. * ? Stan will cancel the backup reservations. * ? Meeting room is better, but no projector. * ? [[http://www.stchman.com/ | Bob Nelson]] - [[http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-466368.html | wants to start an Ubuntu LoCo]] * ? Craig to follow up again. * ? EPC would like to hold the meetings. * ? Open 9-2 on weekends, close at 6 on weekdays. * ? Talk to Tony Lavasco and Frank Polston if we need to follow up. * ? Security Group * ? Has not had a meeting in the past 3 months. * ? Clarence has had conflicts. * ? Other leaders have not been responsive. * ? Steering Committee has declared the group "in hiatus". * ? Stan will update web site with the new status. * ? Gary will start a thread on DISCUSS. * ? Asking for location and leadership. * ? Lee suggested we create a Rails app on Bud to manage the group. * ? Member data - payments, expirations, etc. * ? Sponsors - expirations, etc. * ? Attendance * ? STL Ruby Group is writing a similar application. * ? RAMS - Rails Association Management System * ? We should leverage that, and guide it to our needs * ? Scott Nesler has built an app for attendance * ? Stan has plugged data into it for the year * ? Not sure if the app fits any of our other needs * ? Stan suggested that we NOT have Lightning Talks this year. * ? Lack of organizing them ahead of time. * ? Lack of commitment from presenters. * ? Several people skip that meeting because they don't like the idea. * ? We have started recording the audio of our presentations. * ? From Ken's suggestion from last month. * ? Craig spent about $85 on a digital voice recorder. * ? Stan has been posting audio files to the web site. ====== New Business ====== * ====== Blue Sky ====== * ====== Follow-up and Action Items ====== * ? Carl - Cancel credit card processing. * ? Carl - Turn in cash drawer funds to treasurer. * ? Carl - Speak w/ Noel. * ? Jeff - Seek assistance from AIX gurus (Barry, John, Mike, Gary) to see if we want to set up his box. * Barry - Get someone from IBM to talk about POWER6, AIX 6.0, DB2, etc. * Barry - Follow up w/ John Hodge about a presentation in the near future. * Barry, John - Talk to Rich Seibel and Dave Mills about AIX hardware they have. * ? Lee - Follow up drafting reply to Wash U. * Craig - Follow up w/ Ubuntu LoCo person. * Craig - Email Clark Smith @ Red Hat about getting someone to present on RHEL5, and $200 sponsorship. * Craig - Email Jim Leingang @ S3 about $200 sponsorship. * Craig - Submit receipt for voice recorder. * ? Stan - Ask Ajilon about continuing $200 sponsorship. * ? Stan - Add CafePress link to SLUUG web site when we get info. * ? Stan - Link new membership page into SLUUG web site. * ? Gary - Prepare Sun E250 for potential use. * ? Gary - Turn in receipt for domain registration. * ? Server Builders - Meet on January 8 for work day @ Lee's (6:30). * Everyone - Talk to someone about coming to meetings. * Everyone - Talk to someone about sponsorships. * Everyone - Talk to someone about giving a presentation.