====== SLUUG Steering Committee Minutes - 2 December 2009 ======
NOTE: Minutes posted on the wiki are always unofficial.
Schedules for upcoming presentations are always tentative.
(Some more tentative than others!)
====== Location ======
Saint Louis Bread Company,
(at Old Olive and Olive),
10550 Old Olive Street Road,
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
====== Date and Time ======
* Wednesday, December 2, 2009
* 6:30 PM - 8:35 PM
====== Attendees ======
* Carl Fitch
* Lee Lammert
* Jeff Muse
* Stan Reichardt
* Craig Buchek
* Gary Meyer
====== Secretary Report ======
* Secretary has not printed minutes since June.
====== Treasurer Report ======
* Balance: $1379.59 as of 10/31/2009
* 2009-10 income:
* Jim Roe $70 dues
* You Xu $100 dues
* Mike Knight $10 dues
* 2009-11 donated expenditures
* Jeff Muse $100 for disk drives
* Collected $26 from attendance at November library meetings. (Stan has it.)
* Old bank (Bank of America) was to start charging for checking account after end of year.
* Will switch to Regions Bank in December.
* Need to do signature cards for new checking account.
====== Mailing List Report ======
* Subscriber numbers (approximate) as of end of November 2009:
| List ^ Nov ^ Dec ^ Jan ^ Feb ^ Mar ^ Apr ^ May ^ Jun ^ Jul ^ Aug ^ Sep ^ Oct ^ Nov ^
^ ANNOUNCE | 802 | 791 | 790 | 786 | 785 | 783 | 782 | 771 | 769 | 772 | 767 | 770 | 773 |
^ DISCUSS | 194 | 196 | 201 | 206 | 212 | 215 | 214 | 214 | 215 | 217 | 220 | 220 | 227 |
^ STEERCOM | 34 | 34 | 34 | 34 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 34 | 34 | 35 |
^ SYSADMIN | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 17 |
* Numbers are as end of each month.
* Blocking of mailing list attachments not completely configured yet.
* ANNOUNCE mailing list.
* Still no volunteer editor to do a quarterly or monthly newsletter.
====== Attendance Report ======
* Attendance numbers, as of end of November 2009:
| Meeting ^ Nov ^ Dec ^ Jan ^ Feb ^ Mar ^ Apr ^ May ^ Jun ^ Jul ^ Aug ^ Sep ^ Oct ^ Nov ^
^ Steercom | 5 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
^ SLACC | 4 | 4 | - | 6 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 9 |
^ SLUUG | 20 | 27 | 24 | 23 | 18 | 32 | 21 | 15 | 22 | 19 | 17 | 36 | 30 |
^ STLOSUG | 10 | 7 | 6 | ? | 8 | 13 | - | (7)| 15 | 6 | 4 | 6 | 9 |
^ SNUG SuSE| 5? | - | 7 | ? | - |2(172)| (6) | 10 | ? | 6 | 6 | - | (4) |
^ STLLUG | 11 | 10 | 19 | 32 |18(21)| 20 | 21 | 14(15) | 24 | 19 | 22 | 25 | 22 |
^ STCLUG | - | 6 | 11? | 12 | 9 | 10 | 8 | 11 | 11 | 8 | 6 | (9) | - |
^ HZWLUG | 11 | 9 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 7 | 11 | 10 | 12 | 10 | 11 | 11 | 11 |
* NA - Not part of SLUUG.
* () - Number in parentheses is head count.
* xx - attendance was taken, numbers not yet recorded.
* ? - Question mark indicates attendance not taken or sheet missing.
* - - dash indicates no meeting.
====== Meeting Review and Comments ======
===== November 2009 =====
November 2009
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
==== SLACC - November 5 ====
* Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
==== SLUUG - November 11 ====
* BASE: Grub2 on Ubuntu by Gary McKee
* Good. Could have used more detail.
* Gary was nervous, didn't feel he was doing well, but he did fine.
* MAIN: CSS by Bill Edney
* Last minute change to this topic at this level.
* Very good.
==== STLOSUG (Solaris) - November 17 ====
* TOPIC: Implementing CIFS services in OpenSolaris by Jeff Logullo
* Extensive discussion on differences with SMB (and Samba)
* Very informative - answered lots of hard questions.
==== SNUG - November 18 ====
* TOPIC: Open discussion.
* Technical problems (aircard failure) caused scheduled presentation to be aborted
* 2010 Launch Overview by Gary Hollingsworth
==== STLLUG - November 19 ====
* Some last minute confusion on what the topic was for this month.
* TOPIC: Discussion of Recent GNU/Linux Distros by various members.
* Carl Fitch - Covered OpenSuSE 11.2 on his new laptop.
* Craig Buchek - Ubuntu 9.10 installation did not finish due to problems.
* Josh Weaver - Ubuntu 9.10 features shown.
* Really good presentation, especially for going up unprepared.
* Would like to invite him to give a presentation again.
* Library projector again missing video cable.
* Cough drops and candy passed out.
* Coffee cup door prize awarded to Mark Sims.
==== HZWLUG - November 24 ====
* Topics are usually determined by attendees. We sometimes cover more than one.
* TOPIC: Linux Package Management by Stan Reichardt
* TOPIC: Wajig by Carl Fitch
* First presentation led into second quite well. Lots of participation.
==== Thanksgiving Day - November 26 ====
==== STCLUG - November 26 ====
* HIATUS - No Meeting During November or December 2009 due to conflicts and holidays.
====== Presentation Schedule ======
===== Potential Presenters and Topics =====
* Link to [[/steercom/potential]] speakers and topics.
===== December 2009 =====
December 2009
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
==== SLACC - December 3 ====
* Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
==== SLUUG - December 9 ====
* BASE: Selling Free Software by Jim Roes (confirmed, via Carl)
* MAIN: LaTeX by Eric Xu (confirmed, via Jerry Stutte)
==== STLOSUG - December 15 ====
* TOPIC: Xen on OpenSolaris by Jeff Muse (tentative)
* TOPIC: Basic OpenSolaris discussion lead by Jeff Muse (alternate)
==== SNUG - December 16 ====
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== STLLUG - December 17 ====
* TOPIC: Linux From Scratch by Robert Hansen (confirmed via Carl)
==== HZWLUG - December 22 ====
* Topics are usually determined by attendees. We sometimes cover more than one.
==== STCLUG - December 24 ====
* HIATUS - No Meeting During November or December 2009 due to conflicts and holidays.
==== HOLIDAY: Christmas Day - December 25 ====
===== January 2010 =====
January 2010
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
==== HOLIDAY: New Years Day - January 1 ====
==== SLACC - January 7 ====
* Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
* Meetings will be in smaller room.
==== SLUUG - January 13 ====
* BASE: Hands-On Updating the SLUUG Google Calendar by Stan Reichardt
* MAIN: Mac OS X Snow Leopard by Scott Granneman (tentative)
==== HOLIDAY: Martin Luther King Day - January 18 ====
==== STLOSUG (Solaris) - January 19 ====
* TOPIC: To Be Determined by Jeff Muse (TBD)
==== SNUG - January 20 ====
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== STLLUG - January 21 ====
* TOPIC: Using Linux with Digital Radio by Bill Zimmerly (via Jerry Stutte)
* Note that January issue of Linux Journal cover story is on Amateur Radio and Linux.
==== HZWLUG - January 26 ====
* Topics are usually determined by attendees. We sometimes cover more than one.
==== STCLUG - January 28 ====
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
* Could be VM stuff or redmine or whatever
===== February 2010 =====
February 2010
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
==== SLACC - February 4 ====
* Balloting for SLUUG officers.
* Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
* Meetings will be in smaller room.
==== Super Bowl Sunday - February 7 ====
==== SLUUG - February 10 ====
* Balloting for SLUUG officers.
* BASE: To Be Determined (TBD)
* MAIN: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== Valentine's Day - February 14 ====
==== HOLIDAY: Presidents Day - February 15 ====
==== STLOSUG (Solaris) - February 16 ====
* Balloting for SLUUG officers.
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== SNUG - February 17 ====
* Balloting for SLUUG officers.
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== STLLUG - February 18 ====
* Balloting for SLUUG officers.
* TOPIC: OpenGL - Part Two by Jerry Stutte (tentative)
==== HZWLUG - February 23 ====
* Balloting for SLUUG officers.
* Topics are usually determined by attendees. We sometimes cover more than one.
==== STCLUG - February 25 ====
* Balloting for SLUUG officers.
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
* Could be VMstuff or redmine or whatever
===== March 2010 =====
March 2010
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
==== SLACC - March 4 ====
* Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
* Meetings will be in smaller room.
==== SLUUG - March 10 ====
* BASE: To Be Determined (TBD)
* MAIN: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== STLOSUG (Solaris) - March 16 ====
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== SNUG - March 17 ====
* St. Patrick's Day
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== STLLUG - March 18 ====
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== HZWLUG - March 23 ====
* Topics are usually determined by attendees. We sometimes cover more than one.
==== STCLUG - March 25 ====
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
===== Potential Presenters and Topics =====
* Link to [[/steercom/potential]] speakers and topics.
====== Domains ======
* Gary will add Craig as 3rd contact for SLUUG.ORG domain.
* Carl and Gary - follow up with Noel about transferring the SLACC.COM domain to us.
* Noel asked that we allow current email users to keep their SLACC.COM email addresses.
* Craig will renew STLLINUX.ORG and update to show 3 names in WHOIS data.
* Gary will renew the STCLUG.ORG domain - it will expire December 17.
====== Server Admin ======
* Stan has created [[/steercom/resources]] to keep track of our systems and what's running on them.
* Bud Light is currently offline, due to fan failure. (Failure was actually in Bud, but moved.)
* Found that fans are actually standard 3-wire 12volt 92x92x25mm 62cfm fans, fairly common.
* Carl will buy some from Gateway tomorrow.
* Otherwise Carl will order them online from Craig's research, posted to STEERCOM.
* Jeff has purchased 20 x 72GB FC replacement drives on Ebay and put them in Bud Light RAID 5 array.
* Jeff has built script to do service checks, ping tests, etc.
* In /usr/local/bin/service_test.sh -- just troubleshooting scripts, particular to each machine's setup.
* Work left to do:
* Make sure docs are up to date.
* 2008-01 Add documentation telling users how to configure mail clients to use Bud.
* 2008-01 Started documenting client email configurations, to help users migrate.
* 2008-01 See [[../users]] and [[../mail_setup]] pages.
* Craig - Work on finishing server builds.
* 2008-01 Document changes to PAM to correct MAIL variable. (Craig)
* 2008-03 More security, for SSH and otherwise.
* 2008-01 Get offsite backups working. (Mike Knight)
* 2008-01 Publish SSH host keys on web page.
* 2008-03 Standardize/regularize user accounts (IDs, password expirations). (Mike Knight)
* Other work to do:
* 2008-08 Document useradd process.
* 2008-03 Better web site management tools
* 2008-08 Develop standardized 'Membership List' & use same UIDs across all production machines.
====== Annual Report to State of Missouri ======
* Annual Report for 2009 is on file.
* Filed documents available [[http://www.sos.mo.gov/BusinessEntity/soskb/Corp.asp?681250 | here]].
* $15.00 If filed on or before 8/31
* $20.00 If filed after 8/31
* Corporation will be administratively dissolved if report is not filed by November 30th.
* We still need to change the registered agent for surface mail delivery.
* Craig is a registered agent, per Missouri state, and volunteered to serve as our group's agent.
* Someone just needs to file the right paperwork.
* We thought we had filled out the paperwork; apparently it's been lost or misplaced.
====== Membership (and Shell Accounts) ======
* Jerry Stutte has written an app to manage membership.
* Working with Lee Lammert.
* Need to deploy to bud.
* Lists membership levels and names.
* Will be able to show expiration dates of memberships and send out emails.
* Need to add timestamps for changes
* Searchable renewal method
* Drop down list for State
* Auto ID number generation
* Membership application now running on BUD. When more mature Jerry will do a tutorial or presentation.
* During October:
* At SLUUG meeting we explained St. Louis County Library (SLCL) policy change on room payments.
* Stan R. handed out all available Annual Supporting Membership forms during SLUUG meeting.
* Sales pitch for Supporting Memberships was to not throw form away, take it home, look at it.
* Need more membership forms printed.
* Stan will send another message to STEERCOM asking for people to print out copies.
====== SLCL Room Reservations ======
* Reservations of St. Louis County Library (SLCL) rooms for calendar year 2010 made on 3 October.
* Reserved Indian Trails - Phil Bunch
* Reserved Prairie Commons - Stan Reichardt
* Reserved Thornhill - Carl Fitch
* Process has changed. Limited to 6 months. Next round may be first Saturday in April.
* Reserving a meeting room now done on line - http://www.slcl.org/services/reserve.htm
* Payment required within 14 days, or we lose reservation.
* We can still collect donations for future meetings.
* Completed in October:
* Paid Indian Trails - Carl Fitch
* Paid Prairie Commons - Carl Fitch and Stan Reichardt
* Paid Thornhill - Phil Bunch
* Come April or May we will have to again schedule and pay withing 14 days to reserve rooms for next six months.
* To avoid problems, payments need to be made separately to each SLCL Branch.
====== Wash U Cleanup ======
* Jerry Stute, Jeff Muse, and Eric Xu volunteered to cleanup Wash U site.
* Gary Meyer is Captain.
* Captain Gary Meyer still AWOL.
====== IRC Channel ======
* Charles Sharp created an IRC channel on irc.freenode.net.
* Channel is named #sluug.
* Typically 7 people on at times.
* Would like to have someone give a tutorial on using IRC, and show off our channel.
* Craig suggested that we include the IRC channel in Steering Committee meetings.
* Will be hard to figure out the best way to get the online folks to participate.
* Stan will put the IRC channel info up on the web site.
* Stan will put the IRC channel info on ANNOUNCE messages.
====== Purge SYSADMIN mailing list ======
* Stan would like us to clean up the SYSADMIN mailing list, to eliminate people who have not been active for the past year.
* We decided to send a message out to the list, asking who wants to stay on the list. Then we can remove folks that are not staying active.
====== New Business ======
* Stan suggested we think about we need to do for the new year.
* Stan needs to make new attendance sheets.
* We need to change root passwords.
* Craig has been adding some packages to his server; would be willing to add them to SLUUG servers.
* fail2ban - temporarily ban IPs that have too many SSH failures (unanimous agreement)
* fcheck - file integrity checker - emails files that changed since last time run
* logcheck - email anomalous log entries
* munin - monitoring of system details
* awstats - web stats
* Carl recommended using one of the Sun Netras as a log server.
====== Blue Sky ======
* Speculate on events, plans, policy, procedures, projects.
====== Recognize Useful Effort ======
* Recognize completed action items, and other useful actions.
* Jeff - upgraded kernels on our Linux systems, broke system fan in the process
* Jerry - lots of work on membership display program
====== Follow-up and Action Items ======
* Everyone - Talk to someone about coming to meetings.
* Everyone - Talk to someone about sponsorships.
* Everyone - Talk to someone about giving a presentation.
* Gary - add Craig as 3rd contact for SLUUG.ORG domain.
* Gary - renew the STCLUG.ORG domain - it will expire December 17.
* Carl and Gary - follow up with Noel about transferring the SLACC.COM domain to us.
* Carl - send thank-you note to Hostirian for hosting our site.
* Craig - contact Kyle Cordes about presenting on Puppet.
* Craig - renew STLLINUX.ORG, and update to show 3 names in WHOIS data.
* Craig - print out minutes from June-December.
* Craig - change root passwords; make sure Mike Knight has a copy of the password card.