====== SLUUG Steering Committee Agenda - 6 July 2011 ======
NOTE: Minutes posted on the wiki are always unofficial.
Schedules for upcoming presentations are always tentative.
(Some more tentative than others!)
====== Location ======
Saint Louis Bread Company,
(at Old Olive and Olive),
10550 Old Olive Street Road,
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
====== Date and Time ======
* Wednesday, July 6, 2011
* 6:30 PM - 7:50 PM
====== Attendees ======
* Jerry Stutte
* Don Ellis
* Lee Lammert
* Craig Buchek
* Jeff Muse
* Stan Reichardt
====== Agenda Changes ======
* Are there any additions, deletions, or changes to sequence of items in the prepared agenda?
====== Secretary Report ======
* Nothing to report.
====== Treasurer Report ======
* Bank Balance as of 6/1: $1499.94
* Deposit from membership fee: $ 10.00
* Deposit from NUI: $ 500.00
* Balance as of 7/1: $2009.94
* Officers signed new signature cards for US Bank.
====== Mailing List Report ======
* Subscriber numbers (approximate) as of end of June 2011:
| List ^ Jun ^ Jul ^ Aug ^ Sep ^ Oct ^ Nov ^ Dec ^ Jan ^ Feb ^ Mar ^ Apr ^ May ^ Jun ^
^ ANNOUNCE | 755 | 739 | 736 | 724 | 718 | 717 | 718 | 717 | 717 | 708 | 703 | 704 | 701 |
^ DISCUSS | 224 | 224 | 222 | 223 | 222 | 222 | 221 | 219 | 218 | 218 | 216 | 215 | 215 |
^ STEERCOM | 40 | 39 | 39 | 40 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 37 |
^ SYSADMIN | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 18 | 18 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 17 |
* Numbers as end of each month.
* Blocking of mailing list attachments not completely configured yet. This will be much easier to do on Amber.
* ANNOUNCE mailing list.
* Still no volunteer editor to do a quarterly or monthly newsletter.
* Command used to generate these (as root on Bud):
* /usr/local/mailman/bin/list_members **list_name** | wc -l
====== Attendance Report ======
* Initial mail list subscriptions are prompted by attendance sheets.
* Group leaders are responsible for taking attendance at meetings.
* Blank attendance sheets are [[http://www.sluug.org/resources/attendance/|available here]]
* Attendance numbers, as of end of June 2011:
| Meeting ^ May ^ Jun ^ Jul ^ Aug ^ Sep ^ Oct ^ Nov ^ Dec ^ Jan ^ Feb ^ Mar ^ Apr ^ May ^ Jun ^
^ Steercom | 4 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 7 | 5 | (9) | 5 | 5 | 11 | 5 |
^ SLACC | 5 | (6)| ? | ? | ? | 8 | x | 7 | ? | 5 | ? | (6)| 5 | 8 |
^ SLUUG | ? | 18 | 22? | 29(31) | ? | 29 | ? | 15 | 18 | 15 | 14| 16 | 19 | 21 |
^ SNUG SuSE| 8 | 9 | 4 | 8 | ? | - | 7 | 11(14) | 11 | 15 | - | 7 | ? | 10? |
^ STLLUG | 19 | 9 | 17 | 21 | 17 | 16 | (9) | - | 14 | 13| 15 | 15 | 15 | 14 |
^ STCLUG | 6 | 5 | 12 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 4 | - | 4 | ? | - | 11 | 7 | 7 |
^ HZWLUG | ? | 8 | ? | ? | 6 | 7 | 6 | 9 | 13 | 9 | 7 | 11 | 9 | (7)|
* NA - Not part of SLUUG.
* () - Number in parentheses is head count.
* xx - attendance was taken, numbers not yet recorded.
* ? - Question mark indicates attendance not taken or sheet missing.
* - - dash indicates no meeting.
* NOTE - Corrected STCLUG August and September counts.
* NOTE - February 2011 Steercom was via IRC #SLUUG channel on freenode.
====== Meeting Review and Comments ======
===== June 2011 =====
June 2011
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
==== SLACC - June 2 ====
* [[http://slacc.sluug.org/|SLACC]] usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
==== SLUUG - June 8 ====
* [[http://www.sluug.org/|SLUUG]] usually starts with a tutorial or demo session before a main presentation.
* BASE: systemd by Jerry Stutte
* Not good.
* MAIN: Amazing, Stupendous, Mind-Blowing Apps for iPad2 by Scott Granneman and Jans Carton
* Good.
==== SNUG - June 15 ====
* [[http://snug.sluug.org/|SNUG]] is the St. Louis Novell Users Group.
* TOPIC: Cloud Computing
==== STLLUG - June 16 ====
* [[http://www.stllinux.org/|STLLUG]] is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
* TOPIC: Two Coding Languages for Youngsters
* Scratch by Ryan Brooks
* Looking Glass Presentation by Paul Gross
* Both excellent. Audience was extremely engaged. Great fit with each other.
==== STCLUG - June 23 ====
* [[http://www.stclug.org/|STCLUG]] is the St. Charles Linux Users Group.
* TOPIC: Basics of 3-D Graphics and Animation by Ed Wehner
* The Basics of Animating 3-D Objects (Part 3 of 3)
* Promotional video at http://www.sendspace.com/file/jdspwe
* Very good. Good hands-on.
==== HZWLUG - June 28 ====
* [[http://hzwlug.sluug.org |HZWLUG]] topics are usually determined by attendees. We usually cover more than one.
* One new person.
====== Presentation Schedule ======
===== Potential Presenters and Topics =====
* Link to [[/steercom/potential]] speakers and topics.
===== July 2011 =====
July 2011
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
==== SLACC - July 7 ====
* [[http://slacc.sluug.org/|SLACC]] usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
==== SLUUG - July 13 ====
* [[http://www.sluug.org/|SLUUG]] usually starts with a tutorial or demo session before a main presentation.
* BASE: LastPass by Jay Truesdale (firm commitment) via Stan Reichardt
* MAIN: Artificial Intelligence by Eric Xu via Gary Meyer
==== SNUG - July 20 ====
* [[http://snug.sluug.org/|SNUG]] is the St. Louis Novell Users Group.
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== STLLUG - July 21 ====
* [[http://www.stllinux.org/|STLLUG]] is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
* TOPIC: Split presentation:
* Part I: Yum repositories explored by Jeff Muse
* Part II: Apt package tools by Craig Buchek
==== HZWLUG - July 26 ====
* [[http://hzwlug.sluug.org |HZWLUG]] topics are usually determined by attendees. We usually cover more than one.
==== STCLUG - July 28 ====
* [[http://www.stclug.org/|STCLUG]] is the St. Charles Linux Users Group.
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
===== Aug 2011 =====
August 2011
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
==== SLACC - Aug 4 ====
* [[http://slacc.sluug.org/|SLACC]] usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
==== SLUUG - Aug 10 ====
* [[http://www.sluug.org/|SLUUG]] usually starts with a tutorial or demo session before a main presentation.
* BASE: To Be Determined (TBD)
* MAIN: Migration of SLUUG services to amber by Jeff Muse (tentative pending completion of work)
==== SNUG - Aug 17 ====
* [[http://snug.sluug.org/|SNUG]] is the St. Louis Novell Users Group.
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== STLLUG - Aug 18 ====
* [[http://www.stllinux.org/|STLLUG]] is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
* TOPIC: HIATUS per ITEN request (No meeting this month)
==== HZWLUG - Aug 23 ====
* [[http://hzwlug.sluug.org |HZWLUG]] topics are usually determined by attendees. We usually cover more than one.
==== STCLUG - Aug 25 ====
* [[http://www.stclug.org/|STCLUG]] is the St. Charles Linux Users Group.
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
===== Sep 2011 =====
September 2011
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 21 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
==== SLACC - Sep 1 ====
* [[http://slacc.sluug.org/|SLACC]] usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
==== SLUUG - Sep 14 ====
* [[http://www.sluug.org/|SLUUG]] usually starts with a tutorial or demo session before a main presentation.
* BASE: To Be Determined (TBD)
* MAIN: Internet Security by Joseph J. Papes, former FBI agent, via Jerry Stutte
* BACKUP: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== STLLUG - Sep 15 ====
* [[http://www.stllinux.org/|STLLUG]] is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
* TOPIC: Machine Vision & Facial Recognition by Chris Leighton, confirmed via Lee
* BACKUP: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== SNUG - Sep 21 ====
* [[http://snug.sluug.org/|SNUG]] is the St. Louis Novell Users Group.
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== STCLUG - Sep 22 ====
* [[http://www.stclug.org/|STCLUG]] is the St. Charles Linux Users Group.
* TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
==== HZWLUG - Sep 26 ====
* [[http://hzwlug.sluug.org |HZWLUG]] topics are usually determined by attendees. We usually cover more than one.
====== Old Business ======
===== SNUG =====
* Need a copy of the SNUG by-laws.
* Stan will get with Gary Hollingsworth to see if he can get us a copy.
===== Password Cards =====
* Craig finally handed Mike Knight a copy of the password card.
* Root passwords were changed at work party for Bud, Amber, and Redhook.
* Lee will get Don Ellis a copy of the card.
===== Server Admin =====
* Bud Light offline due to fan failure, is still offline.
* Michelob is dead.
* Not sure anyone is willing to revive it.
* If anyone is willing to spend the time, they are welcome.
* Work party took place May 21 at Lee's place.
* Much progress made on a Budlight replacement.
* Some websites moved over to Amber.
* Mail is working on Amber but need to migrate user accounts.
* This is being held up by old-style DES passwords still in use.
* Jeff is trying to get them changed.
* Amber build is documented at [[:amber_build|Base OS Config]]
* We rebuilt Budlight on DL380 G2.
* 4 x 73 GB disks (old servers have 4 x 18GB)
* 3 GB RAM (old servers have 4 GB)
* Server was built, but not put online yet at this point.
* It is functional, but we need spare parts for whatever hardware we deploy.
* Jay Truesdale is looking for a pair of DL380 G4 servers to use instead.
* Work party scheduled for July 9 at Lee's (9 AM).
* Need to transition mail services to Amber.
* Need to move wiki and www web services to Amber.
* Stan has put a notice on the web page.
* 2009-12 Craig has been adding some packages to his server; would be willing to add them to SLUUG servers.
* fail2ban - temporarily ban IPs that have too many SSH failures (unanimous agreement)
* fcheck - file integrity checker - emails files that changed since last time run
* logcheck - email anomalous log entries
* munin - monitoring of system details
* awstats - web stats
* 2009-12 Carl recommended using one of the Sun Netras as a log server.
* 2010-02 Craig wondered if we could start applying the patches pending for Bud.
* There are a lot of patches pending now, including kernel and security fixes.
* We have some concern with DNS patches, but Craig has applied them on his systems without issues.
* Will follow up on SYSADMIN list.
* 2010-07
* Golden Wheat has been re-installed, and fully functional.
* IBM X325, dual P4 Xeon 2.8 GHz, 2x72 GB.
* 2010-09
* Backups have been disabled, since they were filling the / partition.
* 2011-01 At December Blue Sky session Stan wanted to gather web analytics.
* Craig said that there are 2 ways to accomplish this.
* Way 1 is to analyze Apache logs, such as webalizer.
* Way 2 is to use something like Google Analytics.
* The group decided against using anything external like Google for this.
* Craig and Lee got Webalizer working after the blue sky session.
* Gary and Stan have been looking at the Webalizer reports.
* [[http://www.sluug.org/hitreport/]]
* Lee disabled a disuse account with 280 MB of email.
* Lee tested the PayPal button.
===== Wash U Cleanup =====
* 2009-09 Jerry Stutte, Jeff Muse, and Eric Xu volunteered to cleanup Wash U site.
* 2009-09 Gary Meyer is Captain.
* 2009-10 Captain is AWOL. Carl will be available in November or later.
* 2009-11 Captain was AWOL.
* 2009-12 Captain still AWOL.
* 2010-01 Captain still AWOL.
* 2010-02 Captain Gary Meyer still AWOL. Search party has not reported back.
* 2010-04 Pending until next month at the earliest.
* 2010-05 This project open since September 2009. Gary immediately left meeting.
* 2010-06 Gary not here, nothing resolved.
* 2010-07 Gary not here, nothing resolved.
* 2010-09 Gary will work on this.
* 2010-10 No progress. Stan questioned Gary's usefulness. Suggested that he is merely decorative.
* 2010-11 No progress. See note above about Gary's usefulness.
* 2010-12 No progress. See note above about Gary's usefulness.
* 2011-01 No progress. See note above about Gary's usefulness.
* 2011-02 No progress. See note above about Gary's usefulness.
* 2011-03 No progress. Gary is in Florida. See note above about Gary's usefulness.
* 2011-04 No progress.
* 2011-05 No progress.
* 2011-06 No progress. Unless there is rain Gary won't be attending until September.
* 2011-07 No progress.
===== Recording Meetings =====
* 2010-12
* We have a voice recorder (VC) for recording meeting presentations and have posted some results on web site.
* On 28 Oct Stan R. suggested buying an additional VC so that there wouldn't be a single point of failure.
* We forget who has it.
* We forget to bring it.
* We forget to turn it on.
* We forget fresh batteries.
* We forget how to turn it on.
* We forget to free up space on it.
* There was some STEERCOM list banter but nothing was brought up at 3 November Steering Committee meeting.
* Alternative of video recording suggested, huge size of video files was mentioned.
* Stan R. passed voice recorder to Gary M. on 18 November and doesn't want it back.
* Noah volunteered an old Digital8 recorder.
* 2011-01 Continued discussion, but no consensus.
* 2011-02 Not discussed during IRC meeting.
* 2011-03 Gary M. returned voice recorder to Stan R. before going to Florida.
* Stan needs to pull February 2011 STLLUG recording and post it (on Amber).
* And email it to the speaker (Igor Gueths).
* 2011-04 Stan R. passed on voice recorder to Phil Bunch, who should be at next general meeting.
* 2011-05 Phil B. passed voice recorder back to Stan R.
* 2011-05 Craig suggested getting another voice recorder (or 2), and extra batteries.
* 2011-06 Jeff wanted to move that we use some of the Novell money to buy a second recorder.
* Did not have a quorum.
* Stan suggested getting one that records in ideally OGG, but failing that, MP3.
* Either would be better than the current uncompressed format.
* 2011-07 Group unanimously voted to buy 2 new voice recorders.
* As long as they do not require Windows drivers.
* Preferably record in OGG format, or MP3 at the least.
* Upper limit $100 each.
* Jerry and Lee will research and purchase.
===== Web Site Suggestions =====
* 2011-01 Mike Knight's emails regarding web site.
* Stan changed the copyright dates.
* Good idea to list other Open Source friendly resources.
* On a separate page from our own SIGs.
* Sites like WITS, CVillage, Arch Reactor, 2600.
* Our site layout has not changed for years.
* Would take some effort to re-do it, and seems to be working for most people.
* 2011-02 Stan hasn't gotten around to building new resources page, yet.
* 2011-03 No change.
* 2011-04 No change.
* 2011-05 No change.
* 2011-06 There was brief discussion of implementing a CMS at the work party on 5/21. No decisions made.
* 2011-07 Gary noticed Wayback machine has STOPPED archiving our server as of about May 2009.
* It would be good to get resumption of archiving at Wayback.
* How can we accomplish this?
===== STLLUG Sponsorship Credit =====
* 2010-11 [[http://www.stllinux.org/|STLLUG]] is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
* STLLUG meetings are now hosted at IT Enterprises, which is affiliated with UMSL.
* Typically because of meeting space value we recognize host as sponsor on our web pages.
* Previously, some educational institutions (other than UMSL) did not want to be listed.
* Lee updated the SLUUG web site [[http://www.sluug.org/sponsors/|sponsors list]]
* Also added PayPal button to SLUUG web site [[http://www.sluug.org/members/join/|membership join page.]]
* 2010-12 No status change.
* We should push the PayPal usage.
* 2011-01 Stan suggested putting Hostirian at the bottom of all SIG web sites.
* 2011-02 Stan hasn't gotten around to the pages, yet.
* Noticed .PNG file doesn't show up on old county library browsers. Do we have .JPG file anywhere?
* Not discussed during IRC meeting.
* 2011-03 No change.
* 2011-04 No change.
* 2011-05 No change.
* 2011-06 No change. The spirit is willing but the schedule is weak.
* 2011-07 Stan R. added Historian logo stuff to bottom of home pages of all active Special Interest Groups.
===== LUGs and Attendance =====
* 2011-03 Craig brought up the topic of LUG attendance.
* Why is STLLUG attendance so low?
* Is it the location?
* Was it the change in location?
* Is it because we have too many local meetings?
* Is it the improving job market?
* With low attendance, we cannot bring in bigger names.
* Telling Red Hat they'll have 15 people to speak with won't get them to come here.
* Craig will post a message to DISCUSS.
* Explain why I'm asking.
* Ask why people don't attend.
* Ask what we could do to get people to attend more often.
* Ask if we should combine some of the LUG meetings.
* 2011-04
* Craig has created a survey -- http://stllug.org/2011-member-survey
* Need to have STEERCOM members look at it first, to make suggestions.
* Craig will send out the URL to DISCUSS and ANNOUNCE once we're happy with it.
* 2011-07 - Craig WILL send out the survey to STEERCOM, then DISCUSS and ANNOUNCE.
===== PR =====
* Jerry recommended we create a Facebook group and page.
* Jerry recommended we post meeting notices on college campus bulletin boards.
* Jerry will send out an email to Sanjiv.
* 2011-05
* Several people were opposed to this idea. (CLARIFICATION 6/1: The opposition was specifically to facebook)
* 2011-07 Gary Meyer volunteered to do PR for the group to get younger members involved.
====== New Business ======
* None.
====== Annual Requirements ======
* July 2011 - Renew SLUUG.ORG domain.
* Gary Meyer is aware and will resolve.
* October 2011 - Reserve rooms at St. Louis County Library Branches.
* October 2011 - St. Louis Business Expo
* December 2011 - Renew STCLUG.ORG domain.
* February 2012 - Renew STLLINUX.ORG domain.
* February 2012 - SLUUG annual Board meeting and elections.
* March 2012 - St. Louis Business Expo
* April 2012 - Reserve rooms at St. Louis County Library Branches.
* May 2012 - IRS Form 990-N for Tax Exempt Status.
* July 2012 - Renew SLUUG.ORG domain.
* August 2012 - Missouri Annual Report for Corporate Legal Status (every 2 years).
* May 2012 - IRS Form 990-N for Tax Exempt Status.
====== Blue Sky ======
* None.
====== Recognize Useful Efforts ======
* Recognize completed action items, and other useful actions.
* Who did what?
* Stan updated web sites.
====== Follow-up and Action Items ======
* Everyone - Talk to someone about coming to meetings.
* Everyone - Talk to someone about sponsorships.
* Everyone - Talk to someone about giving a presentation.
* Craig - talk to Splunk reps about presenting.
* Craig - follow up on potential presentations.
* Kyle Cordes - ffmpeg or other
* GStreamer
* Jerry - find someone to talk to us about Android.
* Talk to Joshua Frank and Bill Zimmerly.
* Talk to Rich Siebel to see if Andrew Prunicki of OCI can talk to us.
* See Announce list from February 2009 for speakers from Java SIG presentations.
* Noah - work on Amber build.
* Gary - follow up with Noel about transferring the SLACC.COM domain to us.
* Gary - get Wash U site cleaned up.