This is an old revision of the document!
SUMMARY: Upgrade Bock from Debian 10 (Buster) to Debian 11 (Bullseye)
SUMMARY: As work is preformed, record here
Step 1 - Create Bock Clone
During our recent discussions on the SysAdmin Mailing List, the decision was made to upgrade
from Debian 10 (Buster) to Debian 11 (Bullseye). Both of these Debian versions support Mailman 2.x.
Upgrading from Mailman 2 to Mailman 3 is out of scope for this task. Debian 11 (Bullseye) still supports Mailman 2.x. We can proceed with the upgrade to Debian 11 without making any major changes to mailman.
Once we are successfully migrated to Debian 11, a separate effort will be made to upgrade from Mailmain 2 to Mailman 3 (or switch to a different list manager altogether).
Edited extracts from output of iptables -L (As of 12 Oct 2023) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chain IN_public_allow (1 references) pkts bytes target prot source destination 122K 6462K ACCEPT tcp tcp dpt:80 ctstate NEW,UNTRACKED 1741K 103M ACCEPT tcp tcp dpt:443 ctstate NEW,UNTRACKED 48901 2757K ACCEPT tcp tcp dpt:25 ctstate NEW,UNTRACKED 24000 1503K ACCEPT tcp tcp dpt:993 ctstate NEW,UNTRACKED 23071 1226K ACCEPT tcp tcp dpt:995 ctstate NEW,UNTRACKED 61544 3294K ACCEPT tcp tcp dpt:465 ctstate NEW,UNTRACKED 1279 66272 ACCEPT tcp tcp dpt:53 ctstate NEW,UNTRACKED 7645 483K ACCEPT udp udp dpt:53 ctstate NEW,UNTRACKED 925 54940 ACCEPT tcp tcp dpt:2206 ctstate NEW,UNTRACKED
These are the important services that are running on Bock. The upgrade will not be considered successful until these services are fully operational on Debian 11.
This section describes issues raised on the mailing lists that may need to be researched or addressed prior to execution of the Plan.
This section will only list complications that are specific to Bock. The Upgrading from Debian 10 documentation describes many "general" steps to prepare the system for an upgrade. Things listed in the official documentation will not be duplicated here.
Way back in 2023, there was an attempt to use "ufw" to change ports, but it didn't seem to affect things. Probably because ports were previously configured with "firewalld". Also blocking some incoming connections with "fail2ban", which is unrelated to the ufw problem.
firewalld = dynamically managed firewall with support for network zones ufw = program for managing a Netfilter firewall fail2ban = ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors
Will we be forced to change iptables to netfilter/nftables?
Currently installed on bock 2, but not exactly matched in Debian 11 | |
Currently installed | Replacement in Debian 11 |
cpp-6, cpp-8 | cpp-10 |
g++-8 | g++-10 |
gcc-6, gcc-8 | gcc-10 |
gcc-6-base, gcc-7-base, gcc-8-base | gcc-10-base |
geoip-database-extra | Direct replacement not found. |
libapache2-mod-php7.0, libapache2-mod-php7.3 | libapache2-mod-php7.4 |
libapt-inst2.0 | Direct replacement not found. |
libapt-pkg5.0 | libapt-pkg6.0 |
libasan3 | libasan5 - Already installed |
libboost-iostreams1.67.0 | libboost-iostreams1.74.0 |
libboost-system1.67.0 | libboost-system1.74.0 |
libcilkrts5 | Direct replacement not found. |
libcryptsetup4 | libcryptsetup12 - Already installed |
libcwidget3v5 | libcwidget4 |
libdns-export162 | ? |
libdns-export1104 | libdns-export1110 |
libdns1104 | libdns1110 |
libevent-2.1-6 | libevent-2.1-7 |
libffi6 | libffi7 |
libgc1c2 | libgc1 |
libgcc-6-dev, libgcc-8-dev | libgcc-10-dev |
libgdbm3 | libgdbm6 - Already installed |
libhogweed4 | libhogweed6 |
libicu63 | libicu67 |
libip4tc0 | libip4tc2 |
libip6tc0 | libip6tc2 |
libipset11 | libipset13 |
libisc-export1100 | libisc-export1105 |
libisc-export160 | libisccc-export161 - Not exact name! |
libisc1100 | libisc1105 |
libisl15, libisl19 | libisl23 |
libjson-c3 | libjson-c5 |
liblinear3 | liblinear4 |
libllvm7 | libllvm9, libllvm11, libllvm13 |
liblogging-stdlog0 - This is a 9 package, not in 10 | Direct replacement not found. |
libmailutils5 | libmailutils7 |
libmpdec2 | libmpcdec6 |
libmpfr4 | libmpfr6 - Already installed |
libmpx2 | Direct replacement not found. |
libnettle6 | libnettle8 |
libnftables0 | libnftables1 |
libparse-debianchangelog-perl | Direct replacement not found. |
libperl5.28 | libperl5.32 |
libpolkit-backend-1-0 | Direct replacement not found. |
libpoppler82 | libpoppler102 |
libprocps6, libprocps7 | libprocps8 |
libpython-dev | libpython3-dev |
libpython-stdlib, libpython3.7-stdlib | libpython3.9-stdlib |
libreadline5, libreadline7 | libreadline8 |
libruby2.5 | libruby2.7 |
libsensors4 | libsensors5 - Already installed |
libssl1.0.2 | libssl1.1 - Already installed |
libstdc++-8-dev | libstdc++-10-dev |
libubsan0 | libubsan1-amd64-cross ???? |
libunistring0 | libunistring2 |
linux-compiler-gcc-8-x86 | linux-compiler-gcc-10-x86 |
linux-headers-4.19.0-??-amd64 | linux-headers-5.10.0-??-amd64 |
linux-headers-4.19.0-??-common | linux-headers-5.10.0-??-common |
linux-image-4.9.0-??-amd64, linux-image-4.19.0-??-amd64 | linux-image-5.10.0-??-amd64 |
linux-kbuild-4.19 | linux-kbuild-5.10 |
lynx-cur | lynx - Already installed |
mailman | mailman3 - Available for Debain 10 |
mariadb-client-10.1, mariadb-client-10.3 | mariadb-client-10.5 |
mariadb-server-10.1, mariadb-server-10.3 | mariadb-server-10.5 |
multiarch-support | Direct replacement not found. |
ncpa - Not a Debian package? | Direct replacement not found. |
perl-modules-5.24, perl-modules-5.28 | perl-modules-5.32 |
php7.0-cli, php7.3-cli | php7.4-cli |
php7.0-common, php7.3-common | php7.4-common |
php7.0-imap, php7.3-imap | php7.4-imap |
php7.0-json, php7.3-json | php7.4-json |
php7.0-mbstring, php7.3-mbstring | php7.4-mbstring |
php7.0-mysql, php7.3-mysql | php7.4-mysql |
php7.0-opcache, php7.3-opcache | php7.4-opcache |
php7.0-readline, php7.3-readline | php7.4-readline |
postfixadmin | Direct replacement not found. |
python-backports.functools-lru-cache | Direct replacement not found. |
python-bs4 | python3-bs4 |
python-certbot-apache | python3-certbot-apache - Already inst |
python-chardet | python3-chardet - Already installed |
python-dnspython | python3-dnspython - Already installed |
python-html5lib | python3-html5lib |
python-lxml | python3-lxml |
python-minimal | python3-minimal - Already installed |
python-pbr | python3-pbr - Already installed |
python3.7 | python3.9 |
python3.5-minimal, python3.7-minimal | python3.9-minimal |
ruby2.5 | ruby2.7 |
webalizer | Direct replacement not found. |
This section describes our plan to upgrade Bock to Debian 11.
This section will contain all actions that need to be performed to execute the Plan.
This section will contain all the actions that need to be performed to ensure the important services are fully operational after the upgrade.
This section describes our plan for restoring Bock to a working Debian 10 state, if the upgrade goes poorly and needs to be reverted.
Update / Upgrade prior to changing sources list
apt-mark update && apt upgrade -y
sudo apt full-upgrade
apt autoremove
Modify the sources.list
vim /etc/apt/sources.list
When finished editing the file should look like the contents below:
deb bullseye main deb-src bullseye main deb bullseye-security main deb-src bullseye-security main deb bullseye-updates main deb-src bullseye-updates main
Update with new sources
apt update
During the upgrade process you will be prompted:
1. Services to restart: cron atd
Choose Ok
2. apparmor question: 'N'
Debian 10 ( Buster ) Long Term Support ( LTS ) End of Life is 30 June 2024:
Debian 10 (Buster) * [[|Mailman Version in Package Archive