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build:dns [2005/12/08 01:06] Cleaned up a tad. (CMB)
build:dns [2015/02/02 15:26]
SLUUG Administration
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== DNS ====== ====== DNS ======
-We are running a caching name server on the server, bound to the loopback interface only.+We are running a caching name server on the server, bound to the loopback interface only. Public nameservers use BuddyNS, for which are using:
-We decided to use bind 9, as it is well supported now. (Note that Debian'​s default is bind 8, if you just say "​bind"​.We also decided to put it into a chroot jail, as it's pretty simple to do and well-documented. This will protect us from most bind and DNS exploits.+<​pre>​ 
 +;; NS (nameserverrecords ​-- we're using BuddyNS as our primary ​DNS provider 
 +@           ​IN ​ NS 
 +@           ​IN ​ NS 
 +@           ​IN ​ NS 
 +@           ​IN ​ NS 
-Note that we do not cover in this document the DNS services that maintain the SLUUG.ORG domain name. The domain name is registered with,​ and the DNS server that serves the domain is maintained at files are maintained in: 
 +If a change is made, be sure to update the serial in the zone file, then "​rndc"​ to reload named. 
 +We decided to use BIND 9, as it is well supported now. (Note that the default in Debian 5.0 is BIND 8, if you just say "​bind"​.) We also decided to put it into a chroot jail, as it's pretty simple to do and well-documented. This will protect us from most BIND and DNS exploits. 
 +Note that we do not cover in this document the DNS services that maintain the SLUUG.ORG domain name. The [[domains | domain name info]] ​is documented on a separate page.
 ===== Installation ===== ===== Installation =====
Line 11: Line 25:
 First, install the required packages: First, install the required packages:
 <code rootshell>​ <code rootshell>​
-apt-get install bind9 dnsutils bind9-doc ​libisccc0 libisccfg0+apt-get install ​-y bind9 bind9-host ​dnsutils bind9-doc 
 +Debian automatically starts the daemon, but we're going to change a lot of its config, so we should stop the daemon until we're done: 
 +<code rootshell>​ 
 +/​etc/​init.d/​bind9 stop
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 19: Line 38:
 mkdir -p /​var/​lib/​named/​etc /​var/​lib/​named/​dev mkdir -p /​var/​lib/​named/​etc /​var/​lib/​named/​dev
 mkdir -p /​var/​lib/​named/​var/​run/​bind/​run /​var/​lib/​named/​var/​cache/​bind mkdir -p /​var/​lib/​named/​var/​run/​bind/​run /​var/​lib/​named/​var/​cache/​bind
-chown bind:bind /​var/​lib/​named/​var/​run/​bind/​run 
 chown -R bind:bind /​var/​lib/​named/​var/​* chown -R bind:bind /​var/​lib/​named/​var/​*
 mknod /​var/​lib/​named/​dev/​random c 1 8 mknod /​var/​lib/​named/​dev/​random c 1 8
 mknod /​var/​lib/​named/​dev/​null c 1 3 mknod /​var/​lib/​named/​dev/​null c 1 3
 chmod 666 /​var/​lib/​named/​dev/​null /​var/​lib/​named/​dev/​random chmod 666 /​var/​lib/​named/​dev/​null /​var/​lib/​named/​dev/​random
-ln -/​var/​lib/​named/​var/​run/​bind /var/run/ +ln -sf /​var/​lib/​named/​var/​run/​bind /var/run/bind 
-ln -/​var/​lib/​named/​var/​cache/​bind /var/cache/+ln -sf /​var/​lib/​named/​var/​cache/​bind /var/cache/bind
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 34: Line 52:
 mv /etc/bind /​etc/​bind.dist mv /etc/bind /​etc/​bind.dist
 cp -a /​etc/​bind.dist /​var/​lib/​named/​etc/​bind cp -a /​etc/​bind.dist /​var/​lib/​named/​etc/​bind
-ln -s /​var/​lib/​named/​etc/​bind /etc/+ln -s /​var/​lib/​named/​etc/​bind /etc/bind
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 Next edit /​etc/​default/​bind9 to tell it to start up chrooted to /​var/​lib/​named:​ Next edit /​etc/​default/​bind9 to tell it to start up chrooted to /​var/​lib/​named:​
-<​code>​ +<​code ​rootshell
-OPTIONS="​-u bind -t /​var/​lib/​named"​ +sed -i -e '​s:​OPTIONS="​-u bind":OPTIONS="​-u bind -t /​var/​lib/​named"​:' ​/etc/default/bind9
-</​code>​ +
- +
-Edit /​var/​lib/​named/etc/bind/named.conf.options and tell it which interfaces to listen on, and who to forward requests  +
-to if we don't know the answer: +
-<​code>​ +
-listen-on {;​};​ +
-forwarders {;​;​};​+
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-TODO: Our forwarders will need to change ​to whoever our upstream ISP isThese settings are for Omnitec'​s ​DNS servers.+Edit ''/​var/​lib/​named/​etc/​bind/​named.conf.options''​ and tell it which interfaces ​to listen on, and who to forward requests to if we don't have the answer cachedWe also include a few backup forwarders commented out, in case we decide to use them at a later date. 
 +options { 
 + directory "/​var/​cache/​bind";​ 
 + listen-on {;​};​ # only act as a DNS cache for localhost 
 + forwarders {;​;​};​ #,​ 
 + #​forwarders {;;;;;;}; # Verizon public ​DNS servers 
 + #​forwarders {;;​};​ # OpenDNS public DNS servers 
 + auth-nxdomain no; # conform to RFC1035 
 ===== Logging ===== ===== Logging =====
-To get logging out of the chroot jail, we need to set up a socket within the jail, and have the syslog daemon listen to it. We configure syslog by specifying the name of the socket in a '​-a'​ option. This is set in the SYSLOGD parameter in the /​etc/​init.d/​sysklogd file: +To get logging out of the chroot jail, we need to set up a socket within the jail, and have the syslog daemon listen to it. We configure syslog by specifying the name of the socket in a '​-a'​ option. This is set in the SYSLOGD parameter in the ''​/​etc/​init.d/​sysklogd'' ​file: 
-<​code>​ +<​code ​rootshell
-SYSLOGD="​-a /​var/​lib/​named/​dev/​log"​+sed -i -e '​s:​^SYSLOGD=""​$:​SYSLOGD="​-a /​var/​lib/​named/​dev/​log"​:' /​etc/​default/​syslogd
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 69: Line 90:
 /​etc/​init.d/​bind9 start /​etc/​init.d/​bind9 start
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +If startup fails, tail the ''/​var/​log/​syslog''​ file to look for errors. The most likely error is forgetting a semi-colon somewhere in the config file.
 ===== Client Configuration ===== ===== Client Configuration =====
-Edit /​etc/​resolv.conf to tell clients to use localhost to resolve DNS names: +Edit ''​/​etc/​resolv.conf'' ​to tell clients to use localhost to resolve DNS names. Again, we include a few other servers just as documentation. 
 nameserver nameserver
 +#nameserver #
 +#nameserver #
 +#nameserver # OpenDNS public DNS server
 +#nameserver 208.67.222 .222 # OpenDNS public DNS server
 +We also need to delete any dns-* lines from ''/​etc/​network/​interfaces'',​ as they cause ''/​etc/​resolv.conf''​ to be updated when the interface comes up.
 +<code rootshell>​
 +sed -i -e '​s/​^.*dns-.*//'​ /​etc/​network/​interfaces
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 ===== Testing ===== ===== Testing =====
-Run nslookup and/or dig to resolve some DNS names. Make sure you get answers back from ''​nslookup'' ​and/​or ​''​dig'' ​to resolve some DNS names. Make sure you get answers back from
 Run some client programs to make sure they are resolving host names properly. Run some client programs to make sure they are resolving host names properly.
-Check /​var/​log/​daemon.log and /​var/​log/​syslog for startup/​shutdown info from the bind9 daemon.+Check ''​/​var/​log/​daemon.log'' ​and ''​/​var/​log/​syslog'' ​for startup/​shutdown info from the bind9 daemon.
-Run 'rndc status'​ to check the status of the server.+Run ''rndc status'' to check the status of the server.
-Run 'rndc stats' and then read /​var/​lib/​named/​var/​cache/​bind/​named.stats to get server stats, including number of successful and failed DNS lookups.+Run ''rndc stats'' and then read ''​/​var/​lib/​named/​var/​cache/​bind/​named.stats'' ​to get server stats, including number of successful and failed DNS lookups.
-===== TODO =====+===== Notes =====
-Change the domain ​to when appropriatein the /etc/resolv.conf file.+These settings are for our hosting at Primary Networks. Our forwarders will need to be changed if we change hosting/​ISPs. 
 +The OpenDNS servers are publicly available for anyone to use. It probably doesn'​t make sense to use them on a server thoughbecause they send unknown addresses to their own servers. Their servers contain search pages for web access; I'm not sure what happens with other services. 
 +The 4.2.2.x addresses are supposedly Verizon'​s publicly-available DNS server that anyone can use. 
 +===== TODO =====
-When we move, change forwarders in /​var/​lib/​named/​etc/​bind/​named.conf.options to upstream ISP's DNS servers.+If we move the serverswe need to change ​the forwarders in ''​/​var/​lib/​named/​etc/​bind/​named.conf.options'' ​to the upstream ISP'​s ​DNS servers, or use some of the public ​DNS servers.
 ===== Credits ===== ===== Credits =====
build/dns.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/27 01:08 by SLUUG Administration