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build:webmin [2009/06/04 07:41]
build:webmin [2009/06/04 07:42] (current)
Line 23: Line 23:
   * In webmin select //Webmin Users// then //Create a new Webmin User//   * In webmin select //Webmin Users// then //Create a new Webmin User//
-  * Username -- Same as system login name. +  * Username -- rajk 
-  * Password -- select Unix authintication in first box+  * Password -- 123
   * Next select the servers that this user will need to access   * Next select the servers that this user will need to access
   * Save is at bottom left of screen   * Save is at bottom left of screen
build/webmin.1244119285.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/06/04 07:41 by