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email [2018/06/07 10:22]
SLUUG Administration created
email [2024/07/27 18:40] (current)
SLUUG Administration Add link to postfix_admin
Line 1: Line 1:
-Webmail- Squirrelmail vs Roundcube+==== Postfix ====
-(Courier for IMAP and POP)---> Dovecot+=== Completed 2018-06-27 ===
-Mailman config Newlist mailman ?can copy current config? +  * Finished mysql configuration of postfix 
-  ​mailing list v.2.1.23 (vs v3+  ​* Connected smtp & smtpd to wildcard cert 
-              ​archive conversion +  * Disabled postgrey 
-              or just collect new mail in separate lists+  * All other filters already disabled 
 +  * Verify postfixadmin before cutoverSee the [[postfix admin|Postfix Admin page]]. 
 +  * PLAIN login method changed to TLS 
 +    * (requires TLS connection before sending password
 +=== Email system testing successful 2018-06-28 ===
-Postfix Amvid: +=== ToDo ===
-admin needed? +
 +  * Configure maildir for new users in postfixadmin
 +  * Setup and enable SpamAssassin or rspamd
 +  * Setup and enable clamav
 +  * Setup and enable Amavisd?
 +  * Setup and configure Webalizer
 +===== postgrey =====
 +==== Configuration ====
 +Create new "/​etc/​postgrey/​whitelist_recipients.local"​.
 +Edit it to add the one added "​"​ line from
 +"/​etc/​postfix/​postgrey_whitelist_recipients"​ copied from amber.
 +Delete "/​etc/​postfix/​postgrey_whitelist_recipients"​ copied from amber.
 +Use /​etc/​postgrey/​whitelist_recipients installed by default, don't change.
 +Use "/​etc/​postgrey/​whitelist_clients"​ installed by default, don't change.
 +Delete "/​etc/​postfix/​postgrey_whitelist_clients"​ copied from amber
 +which was not changed from default on amber.
 +Rename "/​etc/​postfix/​postgrey_whitelist_clients.local"​ copied from amber
 +to "/​etc/​postgrey/​whitelist_clients.local"​.
 +Edit this to delete or comment all SLUUG servers no longer operating.
 +Edit /​etc/​default/​postgrey to add to the POSTGREY_OPTS variable:
 +    --inet=​10023 ​          ​Replaces --inet=10023
 +    --delay=240
 +    --auto-whitelist-clients=4
 +    --max-age=95
 +Restart the postgrey daemon:
 +systemctl stop   ​postgrey
 +systemctl status postgrey
 +systemctl start  postgrey
 +systemctl status postgrey
 +Check logs "/​var/​log/​daemon.log"​ and "/​var/​log/​"​.
 +netstat --all --numeric --numeric-ports | egrep '​Address|10023'​
 +ps -ef | egrep '​PID|postgrey'​
 +Edit "/​etc/​postfix/​"​.
 +Check port in should now be port 10023 and not 60000.
 +The test to be added to "​smtpd_recipient_restrictions"​ is
 +"​check_policy_service inet:​​10023,"​.
 +An example is:
 +    smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
 +        permit_mynetworks,​
 +        reject_unauth_destination,​
 +        check_policy_service inet:​​10023
 +Reload the postfix daemon:
 +systemctl reload postgrey
 +systemctl status postgrey
 +Check log "/​var/​log/​"​.
 +Test sending mail from an external system.
 +Continue to monitor "/​var/​log/​"​.
 +==== Additional information ====
 +Files and directories of interest:
 +  */​etc/​init.d/​postgrey ​  - Startup script
 +  */​etc/​default/​postgrey ​ - Startup options
 +  */​etc/​postgrey/ ​        - All config files except startup options
 +  */​var/​lib/​postgrey/ ​    - Database files
 +Search finds comments that postgrey doesn'​t support systemd, and systemd
 +is using "a shim" to just run the init script.
 +When stopping, expect to see errors logged about
 +Couldn'​t unlink "/​var/​run/​"​.
 +However, it is properly created when started and deleted when stopped.
email.1528384941.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/07 10:22 by SLUUG Administration