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migration [2010/07/15 16:16]
SLUUG Administration
migration [2010/07/15 16:29] (current)
SLUUG Administration
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   *CentOS doesn'​t have courier RPMs available via yum. However, RPMs can be built from the courier source packages, which is documented at http://​​rpm.html.  ​   *CentOS doesn'​t have courier RPMs available via yum. However, RPMs can be built from the courier source packages, which is documented at http://​​rpm.html.  ​
   *When we moved mail from michelob to bud, we used forwards to make sure that mail continued to go to michelob even though it was received on bud. Then when users confirmed they were able to fetch mail from bud, we turned off the forward. We might want to do the same thing again.   *When we moved mail from michelob to bud, we used forwards to make sure that mail continued to go to michelob even though it was received on bud. Then when users confirmed they were able to fetch mail from bud, we turned off the forward. We might want to do the same thing again.
 +  *Craig had a patch to a couple of files in the mailman source to correct a problem with date formatting. We need to find those patches, or their descriptions in the sysadmin list archives.
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 Just run 'yum install ntp' and edit /​etc/​ntp.conf to use servers. Just run 'yum install ntp' and edit /​etc/​ntp.conf to use servers.
 +== User accounts ==
 +Go through /etc/passwd on bud and make sure that user and application accounts are created. We'll need to be careful to avoid conflicts with UIDs/GIDs reserved by CentOS. ​
migration.1279228569.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2010/07/15 16:16 by SLUUG Administration