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We are moving production services from bud, at Primary, to amber, 'in the cloud'. This page is an attempt to list out everything that needs to run on amber, notes on moving our applications from debian to CentOS, and notes for testing before turning amber live.

Currently running services


MySQL supports a members DB, roundcube, a click-through monitor, and wordpress. Possibly the safest way to migrate mysql is to make bud replicate to amber. Then when we're ready to go live with amber, we can turn off bud's services, and the database on amber will be up to date. This procedure is documented at We should review our application configurations to make sure that they will be able to use amber's mysql installation when we copy them over.


This includes postgrey, postfix, spamassassin, courier, mailscanner, and mailman.

CentOS doesn't have courier RPMs available via yum. However, RPMs can be built from the courier source packages, which is documented at


CentOS uses user and group 'apache' instead of 'www' and 'www-data', like Debian. We'll need to set the file and directory ownerships under /home/www/ aproppriately. Then we should be able to copy the contents of /etc/apache2 from bud to /etc/httpd/ on amber, change the user and group statements in httpd.conf to 'apache', and have it start.

To test our websites, it is probably best to include entries for,, etc. pointing to amber's IP address in /etc/hosts on a remote machine.

migration.1279226969.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/07/15 15:49 by SLUUG Administration