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muttrc is the primary configuration file for mutt. This is an example of a .mutt/muttrc file that has been tested on SLUUG systems.

#                                                                              *
# muttrc is the primary configuration file for mutt.                           *
#                                                                              *

# Locations
source               ~/.mutt/mail_aliases
set       alias_file=~/.mutt/mail_aliases
set certificate_file=~/.mutt/mutt_certificates
set     mailcap_path=~/.mutt/mailcap
set           folder=~/mail
#set     header_cache=~/.mutt/header_cache   # Directory of database for each folder
set             mbox=+mbox
set        postponed=+postponed
set           record=+sentmail.log
mailboxes +high_spam +caught_spam

# Identity
#set alternates="^$USER@([[:alpha:]]+\.)?$"  # Before 1.5.6
     alternates "^$USER@([[:alpha:]]+\.)?$"  # 1.5.6 and after
set from=$

# Reading
set keep_flagged=yes
set move=no                    # Don't move read messages to $mbox mailbox
#set delete=yes
set index_format ="%2C %Z %[%m/%d %H%M] %-20.20a%5l %s"
set folder_format="%2C %t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f"
set sort=mailbox-order         # Sort messages in the index by:  unsorted
set wrap_search=no
set pager_stop=yes             # Don't jump to next message from bottom of current
set menu_scroll=yes            # Scroll menus one line when you hit screen boundary
set auto_tag=yes               # Apply functions to all tagged messages in the index
set reverse_alias=yes          # In index, display name from aliases if available
set confirmappend=no           # Don't prompt when appending to an existing mailbox

# Headers when reading a message
ignore *
#unignore from date subject to cc X-SLUUG-MailScanner-SpamCheck
unignore  "From " X-SLUUG-MailScanner-SpamCheck: Date: Sender: Reply-To: From: To: Cc: Subject:
hdr_order "From " X-SLUUG-MailScanner-SpamCheck: Date: Sender: Reply-To: From: To: Cc: Subject:

# Sending
set envelope_from=yes
set reverse_name=yes           # From: on reply matches machine it was received on
set sort_alias=unsorted        # In the order received
my_hdr   Bcc:   $USER          # Add blind CC to self by default
set attribution="On %[%b %d, %Y at %H:%M:%S], %n wrote:\n"  # Default: "On %d, %n wrote:"
set indent_string=">"          # Default: "> "
set include=yes                # Always quote original message when replying

# Hooks
save-hook    '~e ^owner-sysadmin@'    +bbs    # Mailing list to special mailbox
save-hook    '~e ^owner-steercom@'    +sluug  # Mailing list to special mailbox

#alternative_order text/html text/plain text

# Misc
set history=50                 # For command recall
set quit=ask-yes               # Only during testing?
#set wait_key=no                # Don't ask to press a key after external commands

# Color of all screens
# Usage: color object foreground background [ regexp ]
# Usage: color index foreground background pattern
# Usage: uncolor index pattern [ pattern ...  ]
# Foreground and background can be one of the following:
#     white black green magenta blue cyan yellow red default colorx 
color header     brightgreen    black    .
color header           green    black    ^X-SLUUG-MailScanner-SpamCheck:
color header           magenta  black    ^From 
color header     brightred      black    ^Subject:
color header           yellow   black    ^Date:
color hdrdefault       black    magenta
color body             black    white    .
color body             blue     white    "((ftp|http|https)://|(file|news):|www\\.)[-a-z0-9_.:]*[a-z0-9](/[^][{} \t\n\r\"<>()]*[^][{} \t\n\r\"<>().,:!])?/?"
color search           black    yellow
color error            white    red
color status           white    blue
color message          yellow   blue
color index            magenta  white    ~N  # Color for  new      messages
color index            red      white    ~O  # Color for  unopened messages
color index            cyan     white    ~D  # Color for  deleted  messages
mono  error            standout
mono  status           reverse
mono  message          none
mono  hdrdefault       bold

# Usage: bind map key function
#    key is the key (or key sequence) you wish to bind. To specify a control
#    character, use the sequence \Cx, where x is the letter of the control
#    character (for example, to specify control-A use ``\Ca''). Note that the
#    case of x as well as \C is ignored, so that \CA, \Ca, \cA and \ca are all
#    equivalent. An alternative form is to specify the key as a three digit
#    octal number prefixed with a ``\'' (for example \177 is equivalent to \c?).
# Can bind multiple keys to a function by using multiple bind commands.

## ========================
## Generic bindings for most menus if not overridden
## ========================
bind  generic \Cu         half-up
bind  generic \Cd         half-down
bind  generic b           previous-page
bind  generic \Cb         previous-page
bind  generic <F7>        previous-page       # Like ISPF
bind  generic \Cf         next-page
bind  generic <F8>        next-page           # Like ISPF
bind  generic 1G          first-entry
bind  generic 1g          first-entry
bind  generic <Home>      first-entry
bind  generic \Ca         first-entry
bind  generic G           last-entry
bind  generic <End>       last-entry
bind  generic \Ce         last-entry

## ========================
## Bindings for attach menu
## ========================
bind  attach  ' '         select-entry
bind  attach  \Cg         exit

## ========================
## Bindings for editor
## ========================
# Make some the same as lynx
bind  editor  \Cb         kill-word      # delete the word in front of the cursor
bind  editor  \Cf         kill-eow       # delete the cursor to the end of the word
bind  editor  \Cp         backward-word  # move the cursor to the beginning of the word
bind  editor  \Cn         forward-word   # move the cursor to the end of the word
bind  editor  \Cx         delete-char    # delete the char under the cursor
bind  editor  <delete>    delete-char    # delete the char under the cursor
#bind editor  \C?         backspace

## ======================
## Bindings for index
## ======================
# index bindings - vi (editor) style
bind  index   G           last-entry
bind  index   \Ce         last-entry
bind  index   j           next-entry
bind  index   k           previous-entry

bind  index   \Cf         next-page           # \Cf was 'f'orget-passphrase
bind  index   pagedown    next-page
bind  index   pageup      previous-page
bind  index   \Cb         previous-page
bind  index   b           previous-page

bind  index   <Right>     display-message
#bind index   <Left>      buffy-list       # list mailboxes with new mail
bind  index   <Left>      parent-message   # jump to parent message in thread
bind  index   L           current-bottom # overrides 'L'ist-reply
bind  index   \eD         delete-thread    # ^U and ^D were changed, so redefine
bind  index   \eU         undelete-thread  # ^U and ^D were changed, so redefine

## ===========================
## Bindings for pager
## ===========================
# pager bindings - vi style bindings plus lynx
bind  pager   \Cm         next-line
bind  pager   \Ce         next-line
bind  pager   +           next-line
bind  pager   j           next-line
bind  pager   8           next-line
bind  pager   <Down>      next-line
bind  pager   \Cy         previous-line
bind  pager   k           previous-line
bind  pager   2           previous-line
bind  pager   -           previous-line
bind  pager   backspace   previous-line
bind  pager   <Up>        previous-line
bind  pager   \Cd         half-down
bind  pager   \Cn         half-down
bind  pager   )           half-down
bind  pager   \Cu         half-up
bind  pager   \Cp         half-up
bind  pager   (           half-up
bind  pager   ' '         next-page
bind  pager   \Cf         next-page
bind  pager   \Cn         next-page
bind  pager   f           next-page
bind  pager   3           next-page
bind  pager   <F8>        next-page           # Like ISPF
bind  pager   -           previous-page
bind  pager   \Cb         previous-page       # was "browse-url"
bind  pager   b           previous-page
bind  pager   9           previous-page
bind  pager   <F7>        previous-page       # Like ISPF
bind  pager   \Ca         top
bind  pager   <Home>      top
bind  pager   1G          top
bind  pager   1g          top
bind  pager   t           top
bind  pager   7           top
bind  pager   \Ce         bottom
bind  pager   <End>       bottom
bind  pager   G           bottom
#bind  pager   1           bottom  # Can't use if also using "1G"

bind  pager   <Insert>    previous-undeleted
bind  pager   <Delete>    next-undeleted
bind  pager   \eD         delete-thread    # ^U and ^D were changed, so redefine
bind  pager   \eU         undelete-thread  # ^U and ^D were changed, so redefine
bind  pager   /           search           # search for a regular expression
bind  pager   N           search-opposite  # search for next match in opposite direction
bind  pager   L           list-reply
bind  pager   B           bounce-message
bind  pager   q           exit

bind  pager   4           noop
bind  pager   5           noop
bind  pager   6           noop
bind  pager   0           noop

## ===========================
## Misc
## ===========================
# Show documentation when pressing F1
# Might be needed because of location changes, or using HTML instead of text.
#macro generic,pager <f1> "!lynx file:///usr/share/doc/mutt-1.4i/html/manual.html\n" "Show Mutt documentation"
bind  generic,pager <f13> help

bind  generic <F3>        exit                # Like ISPF
bind  index   <F3>        quit                # Like ISPF
bind  pager   <F3>        exit                # Like ISPF

# Mimic a trash can
macro index d "s=deleted<enter>"
macro pager d "s=deleted<enter>"
muttrc.1192030990.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/10/10 10:43 by