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OpenNebula Install Notes

work in progress - 04JUN12

  • Debian wheezy, install xen hypervisor, openvswitch
  # aptitude install xen-hypervisor

  # aptitude install openvswitch-brcompat openvswitch-datapath-source
  • Manually build/install openvswitch-datapath for your kernel
# m-a a-i openvswitch-datapath

Various dependencies ( openvswitch-brcompat openvswitch-common{a} openvswitch-switch{a} uuid-runtime{a} )

  • Reboot
  • This will install all of the opennebula packages on one server
# aptitude install opennebula-{node,sunstone,tools} opennebula
  • Once installed edit /etc/one/oned.conf

You will need to comment out the KVM drivers, and uncomment the Xen drivers:

    IM_MAD = [
        name       = "im_xen",
        executable = "one_im_ssh",
        arguments  = "xen" ]

    VM_MAD = [
        name       = "vmm_xen",
        executable = "one_vmm_exec",
        arguments  = "xen",
        default    = "vmm_exec/vmm_exec_xen.conf",
        type       = "xen" ]
  • Edit /etc/sudoers.d/opennebula-node to insure oneadmin can run ovs-vsctl
  # visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/opennebula-node 

add line

  %cloud    ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl * 
  • You will need to su to oneadmin and edit the ssh authorized_keys
  # su - oneadmin
  # cat .ssh/ > authorized_keys
  # ssh localhost
  • Make sure you can login with no password.

Once logged in do the following

  ~$ onevm list
    ID USER     GROUP    NAME         STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME

  ~$ exit

If you do not get the above blank list, then verify /var/log/one/oned.log and see where the issue is.


opennebula_install.1338857445.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/06/04 19:50 (external edit)