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SLUUG Steering Committee Minutes - January 2006

Minutes posted on the wiki are always unofficial. Schedules for upcoming presentations are always tentative. (Some more tentative than others!)


Saint Louis Bread Company,
10550 Old Olive Street Road,
Creve Coeur, MO 63141 (at Old Olive and Olive)

Date / Time

January 4, 2006  
6:30 pm - 8:?? pm


  • Leeland Lammert
  • Carl Fitch
  • Barry Morrison
  • Craig Buchek
  • Stan Reichardt

Secretary Report

  • Switching to SLUUG Wiki for this month's minutes, and all following.
  • Plan to migrate the old Wiki data to the new Wiki.
  • Need to print previous 2 months' minutes for inclusion in Secretary folder.

Treasurer Report

  • Still working on pulling books into QuickBooks. Has to do it manually. Up to 2004 so far. (That's a year more than last month.)

Book Sales

  • Sold 10 books at SLUUG meeting for $183.91.
  • Sold 2 books at EPC sale.

Previous Meetings


 7 Dec STEERC  -  6
14 Dec SLUUG   - 17
15 Dec STLLUG  - 19 (21)
22 Dec STCLUG  -  8
27 Dec HZWLUG  - 10
28 Dec SECURE  -  * NO MEETING - UMSL MicroComputer Center was closed

Comments on Presentations

December 2005 (Holiday Schedules)
14 - UNIX
     Base: Brochures with Scribus by Stan Reichardt
           Note: Did not do GRAMPS (Geneology)
     Main: Multiple Subject Discussions - NOTEABLE: Response to System Crack by Ed Holland
15 - STL LUG
     Main: QEMU Virtual Machine - Carl Fitch
22 - STC LUG
     Main: Boot Managers - Carl Fitch
27 - HZW LUG
           Brief look at GRAMPS (Geneology)
           Brief look at OpenOffice 2.0 Database
28 - Security  ** NO MEETING ** UMSL MicroComputer Center was closed

Presentation Schedule

January 2006

11 - UNIX
     Base: Boot managers - Carl Fitch
     Main: (TENTATIVE) GeeXboX? (bootable Linux for multi-media) by Mark Bergman
     Main: (TENTATIVE) WiFi? - Mark Balbes (via Gary)
19 - STL LUG
     Base: TBD
     Main: TBD
24 - HZW LUG
25 - Security
26 - STC LUG

February 2006

 8 - UNIX (balloting)
     Base: Lightning Talks
     Main: Lightning Talks
16 - STL LUG (balloting)
     Base: TBD
     Main: TBD
22 - Security (balloting)
23 - STC LUG (balloting)
28 - HZW LUG (balloting)

March 2006

 8 - UNIX
     Base: TBD
     Main: TBD
16 - STL LUG (balloting)
     Base: TBD
     Main: TBD
22 - Security
23 - STC LUG
28 - HZW LUG

Potential Presentations

  Ruby on Rails - Curt Hibbs (via Craig)
  WiFi - Mark Balbes (via Gary)
  Secure Email - Dustin Anders/Paul? Vinson (via Craig)
  Scribus - Stan Reichardt Database - Stan Reichardt

Old Business

Missouri Exempt status - (Carl Fitch and Lee Lammert, with help from Fred Smith's wife)
  Carl has the forms. Needs to get them filled out. Will hand them off to Lee.

Election Committee

Suggestion to have Diebold run our elections was unanimously rejected.
Carl suggested handing out some nomination ballots at this months' meetings to see 
who people would like to have as officers. People could anonymously nominate 
themselves or anyone else. Agreement was unanimous.
Open positions:
  2 Board seats (Lee's and Stan's - 3 year terms)
  Vice President
  STLLUG Chair
  STCLUG Chair
  Sponsorship Manager
  Public Relations
  Presentation Manager

Weekly Announcements

Status quo.

PROJECT: New servers

Lee got a contract from Primary Networks to have them provide us with a half-rack at their hosting facility.
Server build progressing slowly. 
Wiki is now up at and fully functional.
Need to move DNS for SLUUG.ORG over to EveryDNS?. 
Craig to do this, by setting secondary NS records on Dotster to point to EveryDNS?. 
Then flip them to all EveryDNS? once syas things look OK.


Stan received an email from Angela Trotter from Unidev, wanting to sponsor our group and post job listings.
Craig to follow up.

Website Librarian:

Stan Reichardt's has modified drop down menus and set up skeleton area for presentations.
Topics for 2005 have been listed, Stan will be listing prior year's data in the near
Stan to work with Ted Palmer to get presentations put up.


Account deletions - have been done. Hip-Hip HURRAY!
Recording of root passwords. Still need to be changed. Need to have passwords stored with President and Secretary.
BBS line reduction - Lee says that we're still paying for 6 phone lines
Majordomo admin access

New Business

Where is list of sponsors? Lee wants to follow up with our previous sponsors.
Lightning Talks. We want to do it again. Need to solicit talks. Gary will organize.
EPC is having their annual sale this Saturday.
We'd like to have some folks there to show off Linux.
Carl has coordinated with Frank @ EPC.
They will be selling systems with Linux installed. We will be doing the installs.
There will be a projector showing off how easy Linux is to use.
We will be burning CDs as people ask for them.
Phil, Stan, and Barry to do presentations.
Stan working on SLUUG brochures and Linux For Beginners brochures to hand out.

Follow-up and Action Items:

  • Craig - Print previous 2 months' minutes for inclusion in Secretary folder.
Carl - Ask Mark Bergman to give presentation on December 14.
Carl - Hand out nomination ballots at next meetings.
Carl - Complete tax-exempt status paperwork.
Carl - Look into O'Reilly bringing someone in to speak to our group(s).
Craig - DNS move to EveryDNS? (in stages).
Craig - Follow up with Angela Trotter @ Unidev regarding sponsorship.
Craig - Ask for presentations from Curt Hibbs and Dustin Anders/Paul? Vinson.
Craig - Continue working on new servers.
Gary - Ask for presentation from Mark Balbes for January general meeting.
Gary - Coordinate password changes. Have passwords stored with President and Secretary.
Gary - Follow up on Wash U regarding phone line bills.
Gary - Get Dave Mills together with Lee to find info regarding sponsors.
Gary - Organize Lightning Talks. Respond to Robert on DISCUSS.
Stan - Count attendance (to get official membership list) and print up ballots.
Stan - Update STLLINUX.ORG for Carl's presentation.
steercom/2006-01.1136423262.txt.gz · Last modified: 2006/01/04 19:33 (external edit)