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steercom:2008-06 [2008/06/04 19:25]
steercom:2008-06 [2008/06/04 19:57]
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 ==== SLUUG - August 13  ==== ==== SLUUG - August 13  ====
   * BASE:    * BASE: 
-  * MAIN: +  * MAIN: Linksys NAS NSLU2 by Jeff Logullo & OpenWRT by Jeff Muse
 ==== Solaris - August 19 ==== ==== Solaris - August 19 ====
-  * TOPIC: ​Linksys NAS NSLU2 by Jeff Logullo+  * TOPIC: ​TBD
 ==== STLLUG - August 21 ==== ==== STLLUG - August 21 ====
Line 243: Line 243:
   * Building a modern kernel by Ed Howland   * Building a modern kernel by Ed Howland
   * Using git%   * Using git%
 +====== Sponsorships ======
 +  * Have the current paying sponsors been asked to renew (with payment)?
 +    * Gary - Ask Ajilon about continuing $200 sponsorship.
 +    * Craig - Ask S3 - Strategic Staffing Solutions (follow up)
 +  * Potential sponsors
 +    * Sun - Jeff Logullo
 +    * IBM - (John Hodge may have a contact)
 +    * Red Hat - Clark Smith (Craig to follow up)
 +    * Canonical/​Ubuntu (Craig to follow up)
 +    * VMware - Matt Skipton
 +    * We should review them once or twice annually and establish an end date on recognition.
 +  * Need sign about sponsoring our group for booth/table display at meetings and trade shows.
 +  * More effort should be directed to find new sponsors.
 +    * No effort means no more new sponsors.
 +====== Server Admin ======
 +  * Carl rebuilt OpenSSH and checked all keys for vulnerability
 +  * Need to break into the Sun machines again and reset passwords so they do not expire!
 +  * Need to setup our own DNS on Bud/​Budlight & switch over
 +====== Server Migration Project ======
 +  * Work left to do:
 +    * Make sure docs are up to date.
 +      * Add documentation telling users how to configure mail clients to use Bud.
 +      * Started documenting client email configurations,​ to help users migrate.
 +      * See [[../​users]] and [[../​mail_setup]] pages.
 +    * Craig - Work on finishing server builds.
 +      * Document changes to PAM to correct MAIL variable. (Craig)
 +      * More security, for SSH and otherwise.
 +      * Get offsite backups working. (Mike)
 +      * Publish SSH host keys on web page.
 +      * Standardize/​regularize user accounts (IDs, password expirations). (Mike)
 +  * Other work to do:
 +    * Better web site management tools
 +  * Craig will get together with Mike and/or Carl to work on tasks in next coming weeks.
 +====== Website Libraries ======
 +  * Stan R. and Ted P.
 +  * Stan uploaded several presentations.
 +    - SLUUG  MAY 2008 MythTV by Jason Clark
 +    - STLLUG MAY 2008 MythTV by Jason Clark
 +  * Have not received materials from recent presenters:
 +    - SLUUG  APR 2008 MacOS X Leopard by Don Benne 
 +    - SLUUG  MAR 2008 The Skills Nerds Need to Know - Send 2nd Request to Scott Granneman
 +====== SLACC as a SIG ======
 +  * Noel asked that we allow current email users to keep their email addresses.
 +  * The registration is paid up until 2009.
 +  * Carl - follow up with Noel about transferring the domain to us.
 +====== Membership (and Shell Accounts) ======
 +  * Membership drive
 +    * Need to print out name tags.
 +      * Omnitec will print them out and bring to SLUUG meeting.
 +  * Cafe Press merchandise
 +    * Carl & SLUUG need to reconcile demo merchandise
 +===== An Ubuntu Group =====
 +  * [[http://​​ | Bob Nelson]] - [[http://​​archive/​index.php/​t-466368.html | wants to start an Ubuntu LoCo]]
 +    * Craig to follow up again.
 +    * EPC would like to hold the meetings.
 +      * Open 9-2 on weekends, close at 6 on weekdays.
 +      * Talk to Tony Lavasco and Frank Polston if we need to follow up.
 +===== Manage The Group =====
 +  * Lee suggested we create a Rails app on Bud to manage the group.
 +    * Member data - payments, expirations,​ etc.
 +    * Sponsors - expirations,​ etc.
 +    * Attendance
 +    * STL Ruby Group is writing a similar application.
 +      * RAMS - Rails Association Management System
 +      * We should leverage that, and guide it to our needs
 +    * Scott Nesler has built an app for attendance
 +      * Stan has plugged data into it for the year
 +      * Not sure if the app fits any of our other needs
 +====== Other Old Business ======
 +  * LDAP group
 +    * Need to restart this fall
 +    * Suggested session(s) to "​recap"​ (by Rich S?)
 +    * Needed to get LDAP implemented on servers
 +  * Structure/​timing/​flow of the meetings
 +    * Need to leave enough time for "​off-line interaction"​.
 +    * Plan on tutorials being planned for ~20 mins.
 +    * Main presentations should plan for ~1 hour (1.5 hours at STLLUG)
 +  * Geek lunches.
 +    * Only 2 people showed up at downtown meeting
 +    * Lots of people at the Olive meeting, but location was too noisy
 +    * Possible confusion with having 2 meetings at the same time
 +    * Should these meetings count as official SLUUG meetings?
 +      * For the moment, no -- keep them informal.
 +      * We should support them, announce them, etc.
 +  * Terminal servers were removed last month.
 +    * Gary was not unable to recover all of the equipment.
 +====== New Business ======
 +  * Gary H. & NUI
 +====== Follow-up and Action Items ======
 +  * Lee - Need to print out name tags for paying members.
 +  * Barry - Follow up w/ John Hodge about a presentation in the near future.
 +  * Lee, Barry - Get someone from IBM to talk about POWER6, AIX 6.0, etc.
 +  * Craig - Follow up w/ Ubuntu LoCo person.
 +  * Craig - Email Clark Smith @ Red Hat about getting someone to present on RHEL5, and $200 sponsorship.
 +  * Craig - Email Jim Leingang @ S3 about $200 sponsorship.
 +  * Everyone - Talk to someone about coming to meetings.
 +  * Everyone - Talk to someone about sponsorships.
 +  * Everyone - Talk to someone about giving a presentation.
steercom/2008-06.txt ยท Last modified: 2008/06/05 08:57 by