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SLUUG Steering Committee Agenda - 2 November 2011

NOTE: Minutes posted on the wiki are always unofficial. Schedules for upcoming presentations are always tentative. (Some more tentative than others!)


Saint Louis Bread Company,
(at Old Olive and Olive),
10550 Old Olive Street Road,
Creve Coeur, MO 63141

Date and Time

   November 2011    
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  • Wednesday, November 2, 2011
  • 6:30 PM -


:?: * Craig Buchek

:?: * Don Ellis

:?: * Lee Lammert

:?: * Gary Meyer

:?: * Jeff Muse

:?: * Stan Reichardt

:?: * Jerry Stutte

Agenda Changes

  • Are there any additions, deletions, or changes to sequence of items in the prepared agenda?

Secretary Report

  • Nothing to report.

Treasurer Report

  • Balance as of 10/1: $2009.94
  • Balance as of 10/31: $2354.45
  • Deposit from NUI: $ 500.00 +
  • SBE Booth Electric: $ 95.49 -
  • County Library - SLACC $ 60.00 -

Mailing List Report

  • Subscriber numbers (approximate) as of end of October 2011:
List Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
ANNOUNCE 718 717 718 717 717 708 703 704 701 704 704 700 695
DISCUSS 222 222 221 219 218 218 216 215 215 215 211 211 208
STEERCOM 38 38 38 38 38 39 38 37 37 37 35 35 35
SYSADMIN 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16
  • Numbers as end of each month.
  • Blocking of mailing list attachments not completely configured yet. This will be much easier to do on Amber.
  • ANNOUNCE mailing list.
    • Still no volunteer editor to do a quarterly or monthly newsletter.
  • Command used to generate these (as root on Bud):
    • /usr/local/mailman/bin/list_members list_name | wc -l

Attendance Report

  • Initial mail list subscriptions are prompted by attendance sheets.
  • Group leaders are responsible for taking attendance at meetings.
  • Blank attendance sheets are available here
  • Attendance numbers, as of end of October 2011:
Meeting Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
Steercom 6 5 7 5 (9) 5 5 11 5 6 (5) 3 5
SLACC 8 ? 7 ? 5 ? (6) 5 8 5 ? (4) (7)
SLUUG 29 ? 15 18 15 14 16 19 21 18 12 26 14
SNUG SuSE - 7 11(14) 11 15 - 7 ? 8 7 (8) 11 9
STLLUG 16 (9) - 14 13 15 15 15 14 15 - 18 9
STCLUG 6 4 - 4 ? - 11 7 7 1 4 6 -
HZWLUG 7 6 9 13 9 7 11 9 (7) 8 ? 7 8
  • NA - Not part of SLUUG. Jeff asked why this option is still listed.
  • () - Number in parentheses is head count.
  • xx - attendance was taken, numbers not yet recorded.
  • ? - Question mark indicates attendance not taken or sheet missing.
  • - - dash indicates no meeting.
  • NOTE - Corrected STCLUG August 2010 and September 2010 counts.
  • NOTE - February 2011 Steercom was via IRC #SLUUG channel on freenode.

Meeting Review and Comments

Oct 2011

    October 2011    
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
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30 31

SLACC - Oct 6

* SLACC usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation

  • Confirmed some room reservations re-instated.

SLUUG - Oct 12

* SLUUG usually starts with a tutorial or demo session before a main presentation.

  • BASE: Vim: Wrangling Registers & Mangling Macros by Bill Odom
    • Lots of participation.
  • MAIN: AlienVault by Jerry Stutte
    • Good overview of features.

St. Louis Business Expo (SBE) - Oct 18

  • Info posted to SLUUG home page on 7 October, announced at SLUUG General Meeting on 12 October.
  • ANNOUNCE and DISCUSS posting got out late.
  • Booth was manned entirely by Lee Lammert, Stan Reichard and Gary McKee.
  • Impressions of the EXPO (as compared to Spring SBE):
    • Attendees more upbeat, some remembered us from the Spring SBE.
    • More exibitors, also seemed to be fewer small businesses (somewhat larger businesses).

SNUG - Oct 19

  • SNUG is the St. Louis Novell Users Group.
  • TOPIC: Installation of SuSE on laptop - Don Ellis and Jerry Stutte

STLLUG - Oct 20

  • STLLUG is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
  • OPTION1: Installation of SuSE on laptop - Don Ellis and Jerry Stutte
  • OPTION2: Sustaining Link to Machine Behind a Firewall
  • * Reverse SSH maintenance and start up script - Donn Ellis and Jerry Stutte.
  • OPTION3 Android suggested by Gary Meyer.
  • BACKUP: To Be Determined (TBD)

HZWLUG - Oct 25

  • HZWLUG topics are usually determined by attendees. We usually cover more than one.

STCLUG - Oct 27

  • STCLUG is the St. Charles Linux Users Group.
  • HIATUS: No more meetings until January 2012. Lack of interesting material combined with recent
    • disappointing attendance were cited by those attending as reason to not have meeting in October.
    • Plus, the upcoming holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas conflict with usual November and December dates.

Presentation Schedule

Potential Presenters and Topics

Nov 2011

   November 2011    
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SLUUG - Nov 9

* SLUUG usually starts with a tutorial or demo session before a main presentation.

  • BASE: Markdown (editor) by Scott Granneman
  • MAIN: Markdown tool in VIM by Bill Odom
  • BACKUP: To Be Determined (TBD). Ideas: Gary to investigate possibility of OpenIndiana.

SLACC - Nov 10

* SLACC usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation

  • Usual room and week of the month could NOT be re-instated, because of reservations foul-up.
  • Meeting date has to be one week later than usual.
  • Different Week of Month, Time and Location.

* Meeting will be held at 7:30 PM, in Room 2, at the Bridgeton Trails Branch Library.

  * At 3455 McKelvey Rd., Bridgeton, MO 63044 
  * SLACC home web page has been posted.

SNUG - Nov 16

  • SNUG is the St. Louis Novell Users Group.
  • TOPIC: Brainshare review per Gary Hollingsworth

STLLUG - Nov 17

  • STLLUG is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
  • TOPIC: Android stuff Android Unix, and the emerging age of Ubiquitous Computing by Ryan Withers via Gary Meyer
  • BACKUP: To Be Determined (TBD)

* STLLUG home web page has been posted.

HZWLUG - Nov 22

  • HZWLUG topics are usually determined by attendees. We usually cover more than one.
  • Prairie Commons Library Branch room fee paid, Stan R. will be in Atlanta.

Thanksgiving Day - Nov 24

STCLUG - Nov 24

  • STCLUG is the St. Charles Linux Users Group.
  • HIATUS: Because of Thanksgiving Day

Dec 2011

   December 2011    
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SLACC - Dec 1

* SLACC usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation

  • Usual room and week of the month could NOT be re-instated, because of reservations foul-up.
  • Different Time and Location.

* Meeting will be held at 7:30 PM, in Room 2, at the Bridgeton Trails Branch Library.

  * At 3455 McKelvey Rd., Bridgeton, MO 63044 
  * SLACC home web page has been posted.

SLUUG - Dec 14

* SLUUG usually starts with a tutorial or demo session before a main presentation.

  • BASE: TrueCrypt by Stan Reichardt
  • MAIN: Android and X86 Platform by Alan Griggs via Jerry Stutte
  • BACKUP: To Be Determined (TBD). Ideas: Gary to investigate possibility of OpenIndiana.

STLLUG - Dec 15

  • STLLUG is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
  • TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD). Idea: Jeff and Jerry to investigate IPv6.
  • BACKUP: To Be Determined (TBD)

SNUG - Dec 21

  • SNUG is the St. Louis Novell Users Group.
  • HIATUS: Consenus of October attendees, because of holiday season.

STCLUG - Dec 22

  • STCLUG is the St. Charles Linux Users Group.
  • December 2011 - Must renew STCLUG.ORG domain.
  • HIATUS: Because of Christmas Season

Christmas Day - Dec 25

HZWLUG - Dec 27

  • HZWLUG topics are usually determined by attendees. We usually cover more than one.
  • Prairie Commons Library Branch room fee paid, Stan R. will be in Nevada.

Jan 2012

    January 2012    
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SLACC - Jan 5

* SLACC usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation

  • Return to Usual Location.

* SLACC home web page has been posted.

SLUUG - Jan 11

* SLUUG usually starts with a tutorial or demo session before a main presentation.

  • BASE: To Be Determined (TBD)
  • MAIN: To Be Determined (TBD)
  • BACKUP: To Be Determined (TBD)

SNUG - Jan 18

  • SNUG is the St. Louis Novell Users Group.
  • TOPIC: Domain Services for Windows per Gary Hollingsworth

STLLUG - Jan 19

  • STLLUG is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
  • TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
  • BACKUP: To Be Determined (TBD)

STCLUG - Jan 26

  • STCLUG is the St. Charles Linux Users Group.
  • Stan R. volunteered to be Point-Of-Contact for reservations with restaurant.
  • December 2011 - Renew STCLUG.ORG domain.
  • Meetings to Resume - If we can get leadership and topics.

HZWLUG - Jan 24

  • HZWLUG topics are usually determined by attendees. We usually cover more than one.

Old Business


  • SNUG is the St. Louis Novell Users Group.
  • Need a copy of the SNUG by-laws.
    • Stan will get with Gary Hollingsworth to see if he can get us a copy.
  • 2011-10 Not likely that we will find anything, consider moot.

Password Cards

  • Craig finally handed Mike Knight a copy of the password card.
  • Root passwords were changed at work party for Bud, Amber, and Redhook.
  • Lee will get Don Ellis a copy of the card.
  • 2011-10 Lee send PDF to Don, he needs to print a copy.

Server Admin

  • Bud Light offline due to fan failure, is still offline.
  • Michelob is dead.
    • Not sure anyone is willing to revive it.
    • If anyone is willing to spend the time, they are welcome.
  • Work party took place May 21 at Lee's place.
    • Much progress made on a Budlight replacement.
    • Some websites moved over to Amber.
    • Mail is working on Amber but need to migrate user accounts.
      • This is being held up by old-style DES passwords still in use.
      • Jeff is trying to get them changed.
    • Amber build is documented at Base OS Config
    • We rebuilt Budlight on DL380 G2.
      • 4 x 73 GB disks (old servers have 4 x 18GB)
      • 3 GB RAM (old servers have 4 GB)
      • Server was built, but not put online yet at this point.
      • It is functional, but we need spare parts for whatever hardware we deploy.
      • Jay Truesdale is looking for a pair of DL380 G4 servers to use instead.
  • Work party scheduled for July 9 at Lee's (9 AM).
    • Need to transition mail services to Amber.
    • Need to move wiki and www web services to Amber.
    • Stan has put a notice on the web page.
  • 2010-07 - Renewed SLUUG.ORG domain during 9 July migration work party.
  • 2011-08 - EveryDNS migration to DynDNS caught us unprepared. Craig moved us to buddyns.
    • Lee has made copies of zone files and we have BIND on amber now as an authoritative server.
  • We should probably make sure buddyns has up-to-date contact info.
  • 2011-10 Large number updates (~200) are pending. Need to apply.

Wash U Cleanup

  • 2009-09 Jerry Stutte, Jeff Muse, and Eric Xu volunteered to cleanup Wash U site.
  • 2009-09 Gary Meyer is Captain.
  • 2009-10 Captain is AWOL. Carl will be available in November or later.
  • 2009-11 Captain was AWOL.
  • 2009-12 Captain still AWOL.
  • 2010-01 Captain still AWOL.
  • 2010-02 Captain Gary Meyer still AWOL. Search party has not reported back.
  • 2010-04 Pending until next month at the earliest.
  • 2010-05 This project open since September 2009. Gary immediately left meeting.
  • 2010-06 Gary not here, nothing resolved.
  • 2010-07 Gary not here, nothing resolved.
  • 2010-09 Gary will work on this.
  • 2010-10 No progress. Stan questioned Gary's usefulness. Suggested that he is merely decorative.
  • 2010-11 No progress. See note above about Gary's usefulness.
  • 2010-12 No progress. See note above about Gary's usefulness.
  • 2011-01 No progress. See note above about Gary's usefulness.
  • 2011-02 No progress. See note above about Gary's usefulness.
  • 2011-03 No progress. Gary is in Florida. See note above about Gary's usefulness.
  • 2011-04 No progress.
  • 2011-05 No progress.
  • 2011-06 No progress. Unless there is rain Gary won't be attending until September.
  • 2011-07 No progress.
  • 2011-08 No progress
  • 2011-09 Gary did a site survey and said "Someday….."
  • 2011-10 Gary says to repeat above response, ie "Someday….."

Recording Meetings

  • 2010-12
    • We have a voice recorder (VC) for recording meeting presentations and have posted some results on web site.
    • On 28 Oct Stan R. suggested buying an additional VC so that there wouldn't be a single point of failure.
      • We forget who has it.
      • We forget to bring it.
      • We forget to turn it on.
      • We forget fresh batteries.
      • We forget how to turn it on.
      • We forget to free up space on it.
    • There was some STEERCOM list banter but nothing was brought up at 3 November Steering Committee meeting.
    • Alternative of video recording suggested, huge size of video files was mentioned.
    • Stan R. passed voice recorder to Gary M. on 18 November and doesn't want it back.
    • Noah volunteered an old Digital8 recorder.
  • 2011-01 Continued discussion, but no consensus.
  • 2011-02 Not discussed during IRC meeting.
  • 2011-03 Gary M. returned voice recorder to Stan R. before going to Florida.
    • Stan needs to pull February 2011 STLLUG recording and post it (on Amber).
      • And email it to the speaker (Igor Gueths).
  • 2011-04 Stan R. passed on voice recorder to Phil Bunch, who should be at next general meeting.
  • 2011-05 Phil B. passed voice recorder back to Stan R.
  • 2011-05 Craig suggested getting another voice recorder (or 2), and extra batteries.
  • 2011-06 Jeff wanted to move that we use some of the Novell money to buy a second recorder.
    • Did not have a quorum.
    • Stan suggested getting one that records in ideally OGG, but failing that, MP3.
      • Either would be better than the current uncompressed format.
  • 2011-07 Group unanimously voted to buy 2 new voice recorders.
    • As long as they do not require Windows drivers.
    • Preferably record in OGG format, or MP3 at the least.
    • Upper limit $100 each.
    • Jerry and Lee will research and purchase.
  • 2011-08 No progress
  • 2011-09 Jerry has sent pricing information to Lee
  • 2011-10 No action on voice recorders.
    • Much discussion about projectors. Jerry S. will research available units.

Web Site Suggestions

  • 2011-01 Mike Knight's emails regarding web site.
    • Stan changed the copyright dates.
    • Good idea to list other Open Source friendly resources.
      • On a separate page from our own SIGs.
      • Sites like WITS, CVillage, Arch Reactor, 2600.
    • Our site layout has not changed for years.
      • Would take some effort to re-do it, and seems to be working for most people.
  • 2011-02 Stan hasn't gotten around to building new resources page, yet.
  • 2011-03 No change.
  • 2011-04 No change.
  • 2011-05 No change.
  • 2011-06 There was brief discussion of implementing a CMS at the work party on 5/21. No decisions made.
  • 2011-07 Gary noticed Wayback machine has STOPPED archiving our server as of about May 2009.
    • It would be good to get resumption of archiving at Wayback.
      • How can we accomplish this? We don't know; so, we appointed Gary M. to find a way.
  • 2011-08 No progress.
  • 2011-09 No progress.
  • 2011-10 No progress.

STLLUG Sponsorship Credit

  • 2010-11 STLLUG is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
  • STLLUG meetings are now hosted at IT Enterprises, which is affiliated with UMSL.
  • Typically because of meeting space value we recognize host as sponsor on our web pages.
  • Previously, some educational institutions (other than UMSL) did not want to be listed.
  • Lee updated the SLUUG web site sponsors list
  • 2010-12 No status change.
  • We should push the PayPal usage.
  • 2011-01 Stan suggested putting Hostirian at the bottom of all SIG web sites.
  • 2011-02 Stan hasn't gotten around to the pages, yet.
    • Noticed .PNG file doesn't show up on old county library browsers. Do we have .JPG file anywhere?
    • Not discussed during IRC meeting.
  • 2011-03 No change.
  • 2011-04 No change.
  • 2011-05 No change.
  • 2011-06 No change. The spirit is willing but the schedule is weak.
  • 2011-07 Stan R. added Historian logo stuff to bottom of home pages of all active Special Interest Groups.
  • 2011-08 No progress.
  • 2011-09 No progress.
  • 2011-10 No progress.

LUGs and Attendance

  • 2011-03 Craig brought up the topic of LUG attendance.
  • Why is STLLUG attendance so low?
    • Is it the location?
    • Was it the change in location?
    • Is it because we have too many local meetings?
    • Is it the improving job market?
  • With low attendance, we cannot bring in bigger names.
    • Telling Red Hat they'll have 15 people to speak with won't get them to come here.
  • Craig will post a message to DISCUSS.
    • Explain why I'm asking.
    • Ask why people don't attend.
    • Ask what we could do to get people to attend more often.
    • Ask if we should combine some of the LUG meetings.
  • 2011-04
    • Craig has created a survey –
    • Need to have STEERCOM members look at it first, to make suggestions.
    • Craig will send out the URL to DISCUSS and ANNOUNCE once we're happy with it.
  • 2011-07 - Craig WILL send out the survey to STEERCOM, then DISCUSS and ANNOUNCE.
  • 2011-08 - No progress.
  • 2011-09 - Jeff thinks the greater availability and ease-of-use is impacting us, and that fragmentation is
    • leading people who would otherwise have come to the LUG to go to Android/mobile/embedded/robotics groups.
  • 2011-10 - No progress.


  • Jerry recommended we create a Facebook group and page.
  • Jerry recommended we post meeting notices on college campus bulletin boards.
    • Jerry will send out an email to Sanjiv.
  • 2011-05
    • Several people were opposed to this idea. (CLARIFICATION 6/1: The opposition was specifically to facebook)
  • 2011-07 Gary Meyer volunteered to do PR for the group to get younger members involved.
  • 2011-08 - No progress.
  • 2011-09 - No progress.
  • 2011-10 - No progress.

SLACC Library Reservations

  • 2011-07 SLACC usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
    • St. Louis County Library Thornhill Branch indicated room fee was not paid
    • All reservations had been canceled. Had to pay cash for meeting.
  • Review of minutes indicated that check was hand carried to library.
  • Don Ellis said he had receipt.
  • Lee provided image of cancelled check to Stan R.
  • Stan R. talked to Thornhill staff (Nick),
    • Confirmed room reservations re-instated, except for November and December conflicts.
  • 2011-08 - No report
  • 2011-09 - No report
  • 2011-10 - November and December reservations for SLACC were moved to Bridgeton Trails Branch.
    • SLACC reservations at Thornhill Branch CY 2012 thru June were made, check hand carried by Stan R.
    • SLACC web site updated.

HZWLUG Library Reservations

  • 2011-10 - Hazelwood Linux Users Group reservations at Prairie Commons Branch for CY 2012 thru June.
    • Stan R. paid room fees.
    • HZWLUG web site updated.

New Business

  • None.

Other New Business

  • None.

Annual Requirements

  • 13 December 2011 - Renew SLUUG.INFO domain.
  • 17 December 2011 - Renew STCLUG.ORG domain.
  • 09 February 2012 - Renew STLLINUX.ORG domain.
  • February 2012 - SLUUG annual Board meeting and elections.
  • March/April 2012 - St. Louis Business Expo
  • April 2012 - First Saturday, reserve rooms at St. Louis County Library Branches.
  • May 2012 - IRS Form 990-N for Tax Exempt Status.
  • 10 July 2012 - Renew SLUUG.ORG domain.
  • August 2012 - Missouri Annual Report for Corporate Legal Status (now every 2 years).
  • October 2012 - First Saturday, reserve rooms at St. Louis County Library Branches.
  • October 2012 - St. Louis Business Expo

Blue Sky

  • None.

Recognize Useful Efforts

  • Recognize completed action items, and other useful actions.
  • Who did what?
    • Stan R. updated web sites, created agenda.
    • Gary M. sent ANNOUNCE mailings.

Follow-up and Action Items

  • Everyone - Talk to someone about coming to meetings.
  • Everyone - Talk to someone about sponsorships.
  • Everyone - Talk to someone about giving a presentation.
  • Craig - talk to Splunk reps about presenting.
  • Craig - follow up on potential presentations.
    • Kyle Cordes - ffmpeg or other
    • GStreamer
  • Jerry - find someone to talk to us about Android.
    • Talk to Joshua Frank and Bill Zimmerly.
    • Talk to Rich Siebel to see if Andrew Prunicki of OCI can talk to us.
    • See Announce list from February 2009 for speakers from Java SIG presentations.
  • Noah - work on Amber build.
  • Gary - follow up with Noel about transferring the SLACC.COM domain to us.
  • Gary - get Wash U site cleaned up.
steercom/2011-11.1320276986.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/11/02 18:36 by SLUUG Administration