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steercom:2016-07 [2016/07/05 19:48]
SLUUG Administration [Special Printing]
steercom:2016-07 [2016/07/31 21:52]
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-====== SLUUG Steering Committee Agenda - 5 July ====== 
-NOTE: Minutes posted on the wiki are always unofficial. 
-Schedules for upcoming presentations are always tentative. 
-(Some more tentative than others!) 
-====== Location ====== 
-  Saint Louis Bread Company, 
-  (at Old Olive and Olive), 
-  10550 Old Olive Street Road, 
-  Creve Coeur, MO 63141 
-====== Date and Time ====== 
-     July 2016      ​ 
-Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 
-                1  2 
- ​3 ​ 4  5  6  7  8  9 
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-17 18 19 20 21 22 23 
-24 25 26 27 28 29 30 
-  * Monday, July 5, 2016 
-  * 6:30 PM -  
-====== Attendees ====== 
-   * David Forrest 
-   * Andrew Latham ​ 
-   * Gary Meyer 
-   * Stan Reichardt 
-   * Steve S 
-   * Don W 
-   * Lee Lammert 
-====== Agenda Changes ====== 
-  * Are there any other additions, deletions, or changes to sequence of items in the prepared agenda? 
-  * Verify LUG availability of location 
-  ​ 
-====== Validate Election ====== 
-  * Counted ballots **before** usual meeting 
-  * Ballots separated from envelopes and counted 
-  * SLUUG Board of Governors meeting not held 29 February 
-    * No quorum for Board meeting 
-    * Board to consider results of the ballots at a later date 
-  * SLUUG Board of Governors meeting held 
-  * Current SLUUG Board of Governors: 
-    * Don Ellis *, Valerie Bacon *, Don Weiman, Jeff Muse, Stan Reichardt 
-    * The asterisk (*) indicates expiring term.  
-  * Absent members can verbally vote by proxie or mobile phone 
-  * Board member attendees: 
-:?: * Stan Reichardt Vote Early 
-:?: * Stan Reichardt Vote Often 
-:?: * Quorum for Board meeting ~ YES/NO 
-    * Board could modify or accept the results of the ballots 
-    * Final Results: 
-      * Board Member - Don Ellis 
-      * Board Member - Gary Meyer 
-      * President - Gary Meyer 
-      * Vice President -  Stan Reichardt 
-      * Secretary - ?? 
-      * Treasurer - Lee Lammert 
-      * Chair of STLLUG - ?? 
-:?: * Board meeting held ~ YES/NO 
-====== Secretary Report ====== 
-  * Don has accepted the appointment as secretary 
-====== Treasurer Report ====== 
-^ Balance as of June 1 | $2,090.50 | 
-^ Dotster - Domains | -17.49 | 
-^ Xfer from Reserves | 500.00 | 
-^ Balance as of June 30 | $2,573.01 | 
-**Lee had asked about names for the State registration of the corportaion. ​  ??? 
-Lee said due "this month" last week but todo list shows Aug?** 
-**Thanks to Lee for filling in on some secretary duties!!!** 
-**Was BuddyDNS paid ???** 
-====== Attendance Report ====== 
-  * Initial mail list subscriptions are prompted by attendance sheets. 
-  * Group leaders are responsible for taking attendance at meetings. 
-  * Blank attendance sheets are [[http://​​resources/​attendance/​|available here]] 
-  * Attendance numbers, as of end of June 2016: 
-| Meeting ​ ^ Jun ^ Jul ^ Aug ^ Sep ^ Oct ^ Nov ^ Dec ^ Jan ^ Feb ^ Mar ^ Apr ^ May ^ Jun ^ Jul ^ Aug ^ Sep ^ Oct ^ Nov ^ Dec ^ Jan ^ Feb ^ Mar ^ Apr ^ May ^ Jun ^ 
-^ Steercom |   9 |   5 |   6 |   4 |   9 |   9 |   7 |   6 |   8 |   9 |   7 |   8 |   8 |   4 |   5 |   3 |   5 |   5 |   ? |   6 |   5 |   6 |   5 |   7 ^   5 ^ 
-^ SLACC    |   9 |   ? |   8 |   7 |   7 |   5 |   9 |  12 |   9 |   8 |   9 |  13 |   8 |   9 |   7 |  11 |   9 |   6 |   8 |   8 |  10 |   7 |   7 |  12 ^   8 ^ 
-^ sLUGs    |   - |   - |   - |   - |   - |   - |   - |   9 |  10 |   8 |   8 |   7 |   7 |   5 |   4 |   6 |   6 |   4 |   4 |   5 |   3 |   5 |  (3)|   7 ^   7 ^ 
-^ SLUUG    | (16)|  17 |  15 |  17 |  15 |  16 |  16 |  15 |  18 |  22 |  24 |  18 |  16 |  13 | (21)|  18 |  16 |  13 |  12 |  17 |  14 |  23 |  17 |  17 ^  17 ^ 
-^ SNUG SuSE|  10 |  (8)|   6 |   6 |   8 |  10 |   7 |  12 |   8 |   8 |   8 |  10 |   7 |   7 |  10 |  11 |   8 |  10 |   8 |   4 |   9 |   6 |   7 |   8 ^  xx ^ 
-^ STLLUG ​  ​| ​ 11 |  15 |  14 |  15 |  14 |(14) |  10 |  12 |  17 |  15 |(16) |(16) |  18 |  19 |  16 |  10 |  16 |  10 |  11 |  12 |  16 |  16 |  16 |  15 ^  11 ^ 
-^ HZWLUG ​  ​| ​ 13 |  10 |  12 |  11 |  10 |  12 |   9 |   9 |  12 |  12 |  12 |  13 |  10 |   7 |   5 |   6 |  15 |   5 |   6 |   8 |   8 |  10 |  12 |   6 ^   8 ^ 
-  * () - Number in parentheses is head count. 
-  * xx - attendance was taken, numbers not yet recorded. 
-  * ?  - Question mark indicates attendance not taken or sheet missing. 
-  * -  - sLUGs is new STL Linux Users Group for Seniors initial meeting 8 January 2015 
-  * -  - dash indicates no meeting. 
-====== Calendar Report ====== 
-  * [[http://​​resources/​calendar|SLUUG Calendar]] is a Google Calendar available on our web site. 
-  * This is a calendar of technical events in the Greater St. Louis area and surrounding regions. ​ 
-  * Not all events are official/​sponsored SLUUG events. ​ 
-  * Items have been added and corrected by Stan R, Gary Meyer and Don Ellis. 
-  * Items listed on this calendar feed the ANNOUNCE weekly mailing. 
-  * Events on HIATUS are NOT counted! ​ Historical items are NOT counted! ​ Only face to face meetings are counted! 
-  * Count of number of events listed, each month, as of end of June 2016: 
-| Year ^ Jan ^ Feb ^ Mar ^ Apr ^ May ^ Jun ^ Jul ^ Aug ^ Sep ^ Oct ^ Nov ^ Dec ^ Year ^  
-^ 2011 |   ? |   ? | 105 | 108 | 103 | 117 | 105 | 105 | 105 | 113 | 103 |  96 ^ 2011 ^ 
-^ 2012 | 110 | 104 | 122 | 123 | 138 | 111 |  99 | 124 | 122 | 133 | 114 | 111 ^ 2012 ^ 
-^ 2013 | 123 | 128 | 136 | 147 | 144 | 146 | 139 | 119 | 145 | 167 | 153 | 140 ^ 2013 ^ 
-^ 2014 | 143 | 159 | 174 | 165 | 188 | 165 | 132 | 136 | 173 | 165 | 141 | 107 ^ 2014 ^ 
-^ 2015 | 171 | 179 | 177 | 183 | 176 | 168 | 162 | 176 | 206 | 294 | 236 | 197 ^ 2015 ^ 
-^ 2016 | 260 | 277 | 314 | 359 | 183 ^ 191 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? ^ 2016 ^ 
-  * xxx - numbers not yet recorded. 
-  * ??? - Future Numbers. 
-  * Corrected the April 2016 count after 2 May meeting. 
-  * Stopped counting general StL County Library events in May 2016. 
-====== Mailing List Report ====== 
-  * Subscriber numbers (approximate) as of end of June 2016: 
-| List     ^ Jun ^ Jul ^ Aug ^ Sep ^ Oct ^ Nov ^ Dec ^ Jan ^ Feb ^ Mar ^ Apr ^ May ^ Jun ^ Jul ^ Aug ^ Sep ^ Oct ^ Nov ^ Dec ^ Jan ^ Feb ^ Mar ^ Apr ^ May ^ Jun ^ 
-^ ANNOUNCE | 626 | 621 | 618 | 618 | 624 | 621 | 622 | 620 | 622 | 617 | 617 | 616 | 616 | 611 | 613 | 613 | 608 | 607 | 607 | 608 | 603 | 608 | 608 | 607 ^ 606 ^ 
-^ DISCUSS ​ | 224 | 224 | 225 | 224 | 225 | 226 | 224 | 224 | 221 | 222 | 208 | 207 | 208 | 204 | 205 | 212 | 213 | 204 | 204 | 206 | 208 | 206 | 204 | 201 ^ 201 ^ 
-^ STEERCOM |  34 |  34 |  34 |  34 |  34 |  34 |  34 |  34 |  34 |  35 |  35 |  35 |  34 |  34 |  34 |  34 |  34 |  34 |  34 |  37 |  37 |  39 |  39 |  39 ^  39 ^ 
-^ SYSADMIN |  19 |  19 |  19 |  19 |  19 |  19 |  19 |  19 |  19 |  19 |  19 |  21 |  21 |  19 |  19 |  20 |  20 |  20 |  20 |  21 |  20 |  22 |  21 |  21 ^  21 ^ 
-  * Numbers as end of each month. 
-  * Blocking of mailing list attachments not completely configured yet. This will be much easier to do on Amber. 
-  * ANNOUNCE mailing list. 
-    * Still no volunteer editor to do a quarterly or monthly newsletter. 
-  * Command used to generate these (as root on Bud): 
-    * /​usr/​local/​mailman/​bin/​list_members **list_name** | wc -l 
-  * xxx - numbers not yet recorded. 
-  * -  - dash indicates list did not previously exist. 
-====== Meeting Review and Comments ====== 
-===== June 2016  ===== 
-     June 2016      ​ 
-Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 
-          1  2  3  4 
- ​5 ​ 6  7  8  9 10 11 
-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 
-19 20 21 22 23 24 25 
-26 27 28 29 30 
-==== SLACC - June 2 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|SLACC]] usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation 
-==== SLUUG - June 8 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|SLUUG General Meeting]] 
-    * BASE: Quick intro journald - David Forrest 
-            * very interesting. ​   resistance to something new. 
-    * MAIN: RAT Tools Bryce Meyers 
-            * interesting. ​   ​ 
-==== sLUGs - June 10 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|sLUGs]] is our daytime STL Linux Users Group for Seniors 
-    * Topics are expected to be determined by attendees. ​ We expect to cover more than one topic. 
-    * Web site lists a number of topics to provide general directions from which to take off 
-    * ** *NOTE LOCATION* ** 
-    * Meeting location change due to Library schedule conflicts 
-    * VENUE St. Louis County Library Bridgeton Trails Br 
-    * 3455 McKelvey Rd. Bridgeton, MO 63044-2500 
-==== SNUG - June 15 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|SNUG]] is the St. Louis Novell Users Group lunch time meeting. 
-    * TOPIC: Redid the wiring of the TVs to eliminate the Microsoft device. ​     The guy from Linux Foundation was a no-show but we aren't sure the "​handlers"​ at Wash U ever got him organized. 
-==== STLLUG - June 16 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|STLLUG]] is the St. Louis Linux Users Group. 
-    * TOPIC: Implementing DNS - Andrew Latham 
-             ​Showed how easy it was to cycle thru configs. ​ Demoed the "human foibles"​. 
-             Dave Forrest had the GPS coords set CORRECTLY for the DNS...but it was at his house. ​ Long discussion about how those coords were defined. ​ Brought up the RFCs.  Got nerdy w it. 
-==== Hazelwood - June 28 ==== 
-  * [[http://​ |HZWLUG]] topics are usually determined by attendees. ​ We usually cover more than one topic. 
-    * Web site lists a number of topics to provide general directions from which to take off 
-    * ** *NOTE LOCATION* ** 
-    * Meeting location change due to Library schedule conflicts 
-    * VENUE St. Louis County Library Bridgeton Trails Br 
-    * 3455 McKelvey Rd. Bridgeton, MO 63044-2500 
-          Wendell came for the first time in 4 months ​     BCP.   ​KeyPassX. ​   RFC1818 ​   Andrew showed how to UNinstall the stupid extension. 
-====== Schedule ====== 
-===== July 2016  ===== 
-     July 2016      ​ 
-Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 
-                1  2 
- ​3 ​ 4  5  6  7  8  9 
-10 11 12 13 14 15 16 
-17 18 19 20 21 22 23 
-24 25 26 27 28 29 30 
-==== INDEPENDENCE DAY - July 4 ==== 
-==== STEERCOM - Steering Committee - July 5 ==== 
-  * Link to [[/​steercom/​minutes|past minutes and agenda]]. 
-  * Link to [[/​steercom/​potential]] tutorials, topics and speakers. 
-  * NOTE: Tuesday of week (8 days) prior to General Meeting. 
-==== SLACC - July 7 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|SLACC]] usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation 
-==== sLUGs - July 8 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|sLUGs]] is our daytime STL Linux Users Group for Seniors 
-    * ** *HIATUS ~ No more meetings until further notice as we have not been able to reserve an acceptable location on our regular meeting dates. ​ * ** 
-==== SLUUG - July 13 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|SLUUG General Meeting]] 
-    * BASE: Hardware inspection using common tools - Stan R maybe   ​(Primary backup/​runner up) 
-            * -OR- A Security Tool Demo by TonyZ 
-            * Search engines for open or default set-web-camera by Steve Stegmann. ​  (Best chance) 
-    * MAIN:  
-          *  APFS, the Apple Unified File System by Greg Ray **(Confirmed)** 
-                  * In its current pre-beta form, it is only mountable by the MacOS Sierra beta. But the developer notes leave open the possibility that the filesystem format will be open-sourced,​ or at least have compatible tools released to enable other platforms to use. Since it’s not due for release until at least late 2017, this is an uncharacteristically early preview by Apple. 
-            * -&/OR- Win 10 deadline by Greg Ray 
-      Pending for future: 
- * need to reach out to 
-      * UMSL New Comp Sci Prof on Security (thru contact Prof. Sanjiv Bhatia) 
-      * Yi Yang (Security professor at Fontbonne) 
-        * Security issues, Key management 
-          * Gary going to share contact info 
-==== SNUG - July 20 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|SNUG]] is the St. Louis Novell Users Group lunch time meeting. 
-    * TOPIC: new releases of  Filr and iPrint by the Micro Focus division 
-==== STLLUG - July 21 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|STLLUG]] is the St. Louis Linux Users Group. 
-    * TOPIC: Video Editing in Blender - Andrew Latham 
-      * Location change to Nick and Elena'​s 
-==== Hazelwood - July 26 ==== 
-  * [[http://​ |HZWLUG]] topics are usually determined by attendees. ​ We usually cover more than one topic. 
-    * Web site lists a number of topics to provide general directions from which to take off 
-    * ** *NOTE LOCATION CHANGE* ** 
-    * Meeting location change due to Library schedule conflicts 
-    * VENUE St. Louis County Library Thornhill Br 
-    *  
-===== August 2016  ===== 
-    August 2016      
-Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 
-    1  2  3  4  5  6 
- ​7 ​ 8  9 10 11 12 13 
-14 15 16 17 18 19 20 
-21 22 23 24 25 26 27 
-28 29 30 31 
-==== STEERCOM - Steering Committee - August 1 ==== 
-  * Link to [[/​steercom/​minutes|past minutes and agenda]]. 
-  * Link to [[/​steercom/​potential]] tutorials, topics and speakers. 
-  * NOTE: Monday of week (9 days) prior to General Meeting. 
-==== SLACC - August 4 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|SLACC]] usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation 
-==== SLUUG - August 10 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|SLUUG General Meeting]] 
-    * BASE: Some VIM topic (possibly the Async announcement from Feb) by Bill Odom (Confirmed) 
-    * MAIN: To Be Determined (TBD) 
-==== SNUG - August 17 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|SNUG]] is the St. Louis Novell Users Group lunch time meeting. 
-    * TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD) 
-==== STLLUG - August 18 ==== 
-  * [[http://​​|STLLUG]] is the St. Louis Linux Users Group. 
-    * TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD) Craig Buchek agreed to give a talk if I pick a topic for him. 
-              * Craig doesn'​t want to know until 48 hrs prior. 
-      * Location change because the host of meeting space out townish 
-      * Probable Graybar. ​  Ask Chuck. ​  nick and elena'​s is booked! 
-==== Hazelwood - August 23 ==== 
-  * [[http://​ |HZWLUG]] topics are usually determined by attendees. ​ We usually cover more than one topic. 
-    * Web site lists a number of topics to provide general directions from which to take off 
-    * ** *NOTE LOCATION CHANGE* ** 
-    * Meeting location change due to Library schedule conflicts 
-    * VENUE St. Louis County Library Rock Road Br 
-    *  
-====== Old Business ====== 
-===== Server Admin ===== 
-  * Andrew has been applying updates 
-    * Ignoring Postfix until he understands our configuration. 
-  * 2015-02-02 
-    * Need to apply patches for recent vulnerabilities (Glibc, PHP) 
-  * 2015-03-02 
-    * Need to perform restart to enable kernel updates 
-    * Need to discuss update to more recent supported OS 
-    * Andrew proposes a weekend event to update & document the system 
-    * Perhaps migrate away from a legacy platform 
-    * Investigate Linode as new/​additional location 
-    * These concepts will be pursued in an email thread on sysadmin list 
-  * 2015-03-30 
-    * New server VM has been deployed at Contegix 
-      * Named "​nick",​ after owner of Nick & Elena'​s who passed away 
-      * Will migrate functionality of Amber to it 
-      * CentOS 6 
-    * Craig suggested looking at Digital Ocean as new/​additional location 
-      * Cheap ($5 month) 
-      * Really nice APIs 
-  * 2015-05-05 
-    * Mike and Andrew were discussing a newer OS, perhaps CentOS 7 
-      * Not clear about console access to our VMs 
-    * Ken volunteered to help 
-      * Andrew added him to SYSADMIN mailing list 
-  * 2015-06-01 
-    * Ken is set up on both servers, but no other movement. 
-  * 2015-06-29 
-  * 2015-08-03 
-    * Mike Knight is doing a great job. 
-  * 2015-08-31 
-    * Steve S volunteered to be indoctrinated in SLUUG Server Lore 
-  * 2015-11-30 
-  * 2016-01-04 
-  * 2016-02-01 
-  * 2016-02-29 
-    * BUD ntp issues. ​  ​Exploit danger. ​ Lee shut it off.   ​Andrew gave him the patches and Lee applied. 
-  * 2016-04-04 
-     * **We should get "Lets Encrypt certs" for all our servers.** 
-  * 2016-05-02 
-  * 2016-05-31 
-  * 2016-07-05 
-    * Don has automated a script. ​ Don needs to document. 
-===== Free SSL Certificates ​ ===== 
-  * 2015-06-01 
-  * We'd like to get SSL certificates. 
-    * StartSSL is free for non-profits. 
-      * But we'd have to prove paperwork. 
-    * Let's Encrypt will be providing certs for free to everyone later this year. 
-  * 2015-06-29 
-    * Let's Encrypt announced to be available during week of 14 September 2015.  
-  * 2015-08-03 
-    * No update. 
-  * 2015-08-31 
-  * 2015-10-05 - no volunteers to do it for us yet. 
-  * 2015-11-30 
-  * 2016-01-04 
-  * 2016-02-01 
-    * Demo site for the lug talk 
-  * 2016-04-04 
-    * Don has the script working but wants to clean stuff up. 
-  * 2016-05-02 
-    * **Don has the script working but wants to clean stuff up.** 
-  * 2016-05-31 
-  * 2016-07-05 
-    *  
-===== Web Site Maintenance ===== 
-  * Stan to update schedule for sLUGs & HZWLUG due to location updates (Library construction moved back to December) 
-  * 2015-02-02 
-    * Stan R. has built a separate web page for STL Linux Users Group for Seniors (sLUGs) 
-    * Lee added DNS entry, and updated our docs. 
-  * 2015-03-02 
-    * Andrew still needs to do things, requests more entertainment of problems to be solved. 
-  * 2015-06-29 
-  * 2015-08-03 
-    * Dave suggests a button to add a link to contextual item viewed to viewers calendar. 
-  * 2015-08-31 
-  * Andrew still needs to finish up some stuff. 
-  * 2015-11-30 
-  * 2016-01-04 
-  * 2016-02-01 
-    * Stan R. has made SLACC, sLUGs, SNUG, and STLLINUX home pages a bit more consistant. 
-  * 2016-04-04 
-  * 2016-05-02 
-  * 2016-05-31 
-  * 2016-07-05 
-    * Stan has updated the webpages for our SIGs that are on hiatus. ​   
-===== Sponsorships ===== 
-  2015/06 
-  * Sponsor logos in the main rotation have been purged of those we have not heard from in three years 
-  * SuSE had been asked multiple times about a local presentation,​ .. no response 
-  Old 
-  * Gary and Lee spoke with folks from SuSE 
-    * At SuSE Linux Expert Days 
-    * Lee got a bunch a schwag to pass out over the next few months 
-    * Might be able to bring some of these guys into town for talks 
-  * Craig had a recruiter offer to sponsor upcoming meetings 
-    * Will follow up 
-  * 2015-06-29 
-    * Stan R. asked Valerie Bacon and John Hodge of Graybar about Gary's never asked question about beer. 
-   * Per John Hodge, Graybar no longer (as they once did) allows beer at meetings. 
-  * 2015-08-03 
-    * Lee purged old sponsors from front page rotation. ​ 
-    * Andrew checking with NEC Electonics contact, requesting sponsorship by way presentations. 
- * Gary suggests rotating banners for other groups. 
- * Lee suggest reserving primary appearence for sponsors that provide us with resources. 
-  * 2015-08-31 
-  * Teksystems - Lee 
-  * look at agenda items for discussion 
-  * 2015-11-30 
-  * 2016-01-04 
-  * 2016-02-01 
-  * 2016-04-04 
-  * 2016-05-02 
-  * 2016-05-31 
-  * 2016-07-05 
-    *  
-===== Uploading Presentations ===== 
-  * Andrew uploaded many presentations and linked them via the sites. 
-    * Much more work needs done. 
-  * Need to figure out how to get the slides published along with video. 
-  * Need to get more old presentations uploaded. 
-  * 2015-06-29 
-    * Andrew showed Don Ellis how to stream sessions directly up to YouTube/​Google+ 
-  * 2015-08-03 
-    * We need an intervention. 
-  * 2015-08-31 
-  * 2015-11-30 
-  * 2016-01-04 
-  * 2016-02-01 
-    * Stan R. uploaded Andrew'​s presentation and linked on STLLINUX ​ page.  
-  * 2016-04-04 
-  * 2016-05-02 
-  * 2016-05-31 
-  * 2016-07-05 
-    *  
-===== Domain Name Tracking ===== 
-  * STLWEBDEV.ORG was renewed in December. 
-  * STLLINUX.ORG renewed in January. 
-  * SLUUG.ORG renewed in July. 
-  * 2015-06-29 
-    * SLUUG.ORG renewed by Dodster thru Gary M. credit card 
-  * 2015-08-03 
-    * Lee believes that all the domanins are off of Gary's credit card.  Replaced with SLUUG credit card.  
-  * 2015-08-31 
-  * Nothing happen in Oct... 
-  * 2015-11-30 
-  * 2016-01-04 
-  * 2016-02-01 
-    * February 2016 - Renewed STLLINUX.ORG domain. 
-  * 2016-04-04 
-  * 2016-05-02 
-  * 2016-05-31 
-  * 2016-07-05 
-  * 
-===== Internet Presence (Social Media) ===== 
-  * Gary and Craig asked to reconsider MEETUP.COM. 
-    * It's a place to find meetings. 
-    * It does cost money ($12 / month). 
-    * It helps attendees of similar groups find our group. 
-    * DECISION: We'll ask for volunteers on DISCUSS to "​own"​ the group. 
-    * Craig - Contact Ed Schneider about MEETUP.COM Group creation and maintenance. 
-    * Possible meetup volunteer - Brian Bilgere 
-  * 2015-03-02 
-    * Meetup site for SLUUG set up by Ken Johnson 
-    * Youtube 
-    * Google+ 
-  * 2015-03-30 
-    * A total of 39 have joined with our Meetup site 
-    * Had 1 person come to SLUUG meeting after seeing it 
-    * Had 1 person come to STLLUG meeting after seeing it 
-    * Had 2 people come to HZWLUG meeting after seeing it 
-  * 2015-05-05 
-    * A total of 59 have joined with our MEETUP.COM site 
-    * A total of 24 people are tracking our YouTube channel 
-  * 2015-06-01 
-    * A total of 61 are following our Google+ page 
-    * A total of 77 have joined with our MEETUP.COM site 
-    * Starting to see cross-promotional references with other groups. 
-  * 2015-06-29 
-    * A total of xx are following our Google+ page 
-    * A total of 92 have joined with our MEETUP.COM site (as of 29 June) 
-    * However, new attendees are still just finding us by way of Google search or the SLUUG Google Calendar (per Stan R.) 
-  * 2015-08-03 
-    * A total of 63 are following our Google+ page 
-    * A total of 1466 views and 29 subscribers are following our YouTube. 
-    * A total of 106 have joined with our MEETUP.COM site (as of 2 Aug) 
- * Gary needs to learn how to post to MEETUP.COM, Stan R. offers to show him. 
- * Lee has resubmitted narrative stuff to STEERCOM mailing list. 
-  * 2015-08-31 
-    * Stan made the calendar color coded so you can sort though the many many events. 
-    * 32 Subscribers on youtube 
-    * **Hmm, there aren't any saint louis unix Meetups near you yet** 
-  * 2016-01-04 
-    * A total of 172 have joined with our MEETUP.COM site (as of 4 Jan) 
-  * 2016-02-01 
-    * A total of 179 have joined with our MEETUP.COM site (as of 31 Jan) 
-    * How many Google+ Youtube subscribers?​ 35 subscribers on Youtube 
-  * 2016-04-04 
-  * 2016-05-02 
-    * Return to doing Youtube recordings 
-    * Acquire camera and set of lavaliere cordless microphones 
-    * Steve volunteered to manage monthly recording process 
-    * Andy sent email to steercom suggesting we research & buy equipment 
-  * 2016-07-05 
-    * * **Gary will ask (again?) on DISCUSS if anyone can help get us VISIBLE on MEETUP.COM as none of our mtngs are almost NEVER offered as "You may also be interested"​... ​   We need help to get this resource utilized.** 
-===== Handouts ===== 
-  * Link to [[http://​​resources/​handouts/​|SLUUG Handouts]] 
-  * Stan R. has continued updating pamphlets. 
-  * Don Weimann has been printing pamphlets when Stan R. asks for them. 
-    * New paper is nicer. 
-  * Stan R. has been working on a pamphlet on VIM. 
-  * 2015-03-02 
-    * Stan has provided information to Graybar representative in response to request for information at last SLUUG meeting. 
-  * 2015-06-01 
-    * Revised **Learn to use the VIM text editor** pamphlet. 
-      * Update includes section on VIM folding. 
-    * Stan updated the **Free Open Source Software (FOSS)** pamphlet. 
-      * Updated application links, statistics, and added link to Senior Linux (sLUGs). 
-    * Don W. printed some more copies. 
-  * 2015-06-29 
-  * 2015-08-03 
-    * No update. 
-  * 2015-08-31 
-  * 2015-10-05 We should request small cards with all the websites and names of groups we care about. 
-  * 2015-11-30 
-  * 2016-01-04 
-  * 2016-02-01 
-  * 2016-04-04 
-  * 2016-05-02 
-  * 2016-05-31 
-  * 2016-07-05 
-    *  
-===== Speaker Honorarium ===== 
-  * Andrew gave Gary a few more small penguins to pass out to guest presenters. 
-  * 2015-03-02 
-    * Andrew has many marching penguins to give out at future meetings 
-  * 2015-06-01 
-    * Stan suggested giving speakers the option of SLUUG mugs or stickers 
-  * 2015-06-29 
-  * 2015-08-03 
-    * No update. 
-  * 2015-08-31 
-  * 2015-11-30 
-  * 2016-01-04 
-  * 2016-02-01 
-  * 2016-05-02 
-    * Suggestion was made for T-shirts with SLUUG Gray Beard slogon 
-    * Has this been posted to DISCUSS mailing list?  
-  * 2016-05-31 
-  * 2016-07-05 
-    *  
-===== New Logo ===== 
-  * See new logo samples; questions for the group: 
-    * St. Louis, SLUUG, <old byline> - any other main points to communicate?​ 
-      * "Unix, BSD, Linux"?​ 
-      * ?? 
-    * First  thought is something more landscape - others? 
-    * Should we also do SIG logos? 
-      * If so, which should be '​Tux'​d?​ 
-      * Any other SIG logos? OpenSuSE? BSDs? 
-    * Is our old byline still usable? ​ 
-  * 2015-08-03 
-    * Lee L. will post reference to STEERCOM mailing list of samples. 
-    * Andrew L. submitting ideas to STEERCOM mailing list on keywords and graphic sequences. 
-    * Gary M. confused about community/​share/​open source references. 
-  * 2015-08-31 
-    * Need to review and get feedback 
-  * 2015-11-30 
-  * 2016-01-04 
-  * 2016-02-01 
-  * 2016-04-04 
-  * 2016-05-02 
-    * Has this been posted to DISCUSS mailing list?  
-    * How about we print coffee mugs with "SLUUG supports IPv6"? 
-  * 2016-05-31 
-  * 2016-07-05 
-    *  
-===== Review Launch-code Calendar ===== 
-  * Review Launch-code Calendar - Gary - Crystal Martin 
-  * Discuss the sponsorship options. What questions might be asked an how can we answer these questions quickly in a repeatable fashion. 
-    * how do I sponsor - food, drinks, money, gear, swag, advertising on website 
-    * what do I sponsor - meetings, speakers, swag, website 
-    * when do I sponsor - annually, monthly, other 
-    * why would I sponsor - visibility, recruitment,​ sales 
-  * Respond to Teksystems 
-  * 2015-11-30 
-  * 2016-01-04 
-  * 2016-02-01 
-  * 2016-04-04 
-  * 2016-05-02 
-  * 2016-05-31 
-    * How about a presentation about what Launch Code is? 
-  * 2016-07-05 
-    *  
-===== Special Printing ===== 
- * If anyone has access to a printer that can do key-stickers,​ 
-    We would like to print a bunch of Tux-key stickers to cover up the "​Windoze"​ keys! 
-  * 2016-01-04 
-  * 2016-02-01 
-  * 2016-05-02 
-    * Has this been posted to DISCUSS mailing list?  
-  * 2016-05-31 
-  * 2016-07-05 
-    * NO PROGRESS ON THIS.    NO GOOD IDEAS FORTH COMING so we are dropping this. 
-===== Library Reservations ===== 
-  * 2016-04-04 
-    * Library renovation shutdowns are not yet scheduled. ​ Their calendar is in flux.   Not much past July.  ​ 
-    * SLACC has dates at Thornhill but MAY lose in Winter. 
-    * Senior lug is NOT done! 
-    * sLUG ...Stan will wait. 
-    * HZWLUG is all scheduled correctly EXCEPT 1 date was unavailable so he moved to Wed nite.  Locations varies. 
-    * If Prarie Commons becomes available in summer....we can centralize there. 
-  * 2016-05-02 
-  * 2016-05-31 
-  * 2016-07-05 
- * Pending late summer opening of Prairie Commons Branch 
-    * StL LUG for Seniors (sLUG) now on HIATUS, no meetings until further notice 
-    * HZWLUG July meeting will be at Thornhill Br 
-    * HZWLUG August meeting will be at Rock Road Br 
-    * HZWLUG Septembre meeting will be at Thornhill Br 
- * Stan R. will continue monitoring library status for changes 
-====== Web Camera and Mic ====== 
-  * Purchase/​decide upon web camera & mic 
-  * 2016-07-05 
-    * **Gary has (hopefully) brought in a voice recorder.** 
-====== New Business ====== 
-  * Anything? 
-===== Anything Else? ===== 
-  * Anything? 
-  * 
-====== Recognize Useful Efforts ====== 
-  * Did anbody do anything? 
-    * by Anybody 
-====== Blue Sky Ideas ====== 
-  * Food for thought 
-====== Recurring Requirements ====== 
-  * May 2016 - **IRS Form 990-N for Tax Exempt Status.** 
-  * June 2016 - **BuddyNS SLUUG account due.** 
-  * July 2016 - **Renew SLUUG.ORG domain with Dotster.** 
-  * August 2016 - Missouri Annual Report for Corporate Legal Status. 
-    *  https://​​BusinessEntity/​BusinessEntityDetail.aspx?​page=beSearch&​ID=681250 
-  * August 2016 - Missouri Annual Report for Corporate Legal Status. 
-  * October 2016 - First Saturday, reserve rooms at St. Louis County Library Branches. 
-  * December 2016 - Renew STLWEBDEV.ORG domain. 
-  * February 2017 - SLUUG annual Board meeting and elections. 
-  * April 2017 - First Saturday, reserve rooms at St. Louis County Library Branches. 
-  * May 2017 - IRS Form 990-N for Tax Exempt Status. ​  ​e-postcard. 
-====== Follow-up and Action Items ====== 
-  * Everyone - Review the STEERCOM minutes, make corrections,​ act! 
-  * Everyone - **Talk to someone about coming to meetings.** 
-  * Everyone - Talk to someone about giving a presentation. 
-  * Unassigned - Strategic Staffing 
-  * Unassigned - Pamphlets or table at 1st Friday at Science Center. 
-  * Lee L. - Check on running joint meeting with WEBDEV folks. 
-  * Ed W. - newsgroups on hold until firmed up. 
-  * Ed W. - Member Access Machines (MAM) in progress (bring up at General Meeting). 
-  * Don Ellis - upload older videos to YouTube [or copy videos to a hard drive]. 
-  * Andrew L. - work on updates to web site. 
-  * Stan R. - Remind Gary M. to bring Penguins to meetings and hand out pamphlets. 
-  * Gary M. - Build spreadsheet to track domain name registrations. http://​​ip/​​_dns 
-  * Gary M. - Follow up with Noel about transferring the SLACC.COM domain to us. 
-  * Gary M. * Need to reach out to 
-      * UMSL New Comp Sci Prof on Security (thru contact Prof. Sanjiv Bhatia) 
-      * Yi Yang (Security professor at Fontbonne) 
-        * Security issues, Key management 
-          * Gary going to share contact info 
steercom/2016-07.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/31 21:52 (external edit)