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SLUUG Steering Committee Agenda - 2 January 2018

NOTE: Minutes posted on the Wiki are always unofficial. Schedules for upcoming presentations are always tentative. (Some more tentative than others!)


Saint Louis Bread Company,
(at Old Olive and Olive),
10550 Old Olive Street Road,
Creve Coeur, MO 63141

Date and Time

    January 2018    
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  • Tuesday, January 2, 2018
  • 6:30 PM -


* David Forrest

* Gary Meyer

* Steve Stegman

* Ken Johnson

* Lee Lammert

* Stan Reichardt

* Steve Stegmann

Agenda Changes

  • Are there any other additions, deletions, or changes to sequence of items in the prepared agenda?

Secretary Report

  • Don Ellis

Treasurer Report

Balance as of 1 Oct $,287.42
Dotster -$17.49
Balance as of 31 Oct $2,579.93

Attendance Report

  • Initial mail list subscriptions are prompted by attendance sheets.
  • Group leaders are responsible for taking attendance at meetings.
  • Blank attendance sheets are available here
  • Attendance numbers, as of end of November 2017:
Year 2015 2016 2017 xxx Year
Meeting Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Meeting
Steercom 5 ? 6 5 6 5 7 5 7 7 6 5 7 7 8 6 8 6 7 7 5 6 6 4 6 xx Steercom
SLACC 6 8 8 10 7 7 12 8 9 10 11 7 7 13 7 12 10 5 7 (10) 6 7 8 11 ?? xx SLACC
sLUGs 4 4 5 3 5 (3) 7 7 - - - 5 (3) 7 9 6 10 4 3 3 4 4 3 - - xx sLUGs
SNUG SuSE 10 8 4 9 6 7 8 ? 6 6 6 6 9 - 12 9 9 7 6 8 5 8 8 6 8 xx SNUG SuSe
SLUUG 13 12 17 14 23 17 17 17 13 21 (?) 15 13 14 20 17 24 17 10 13 7 13 12 21 14 16 SLUUG
STLLUG 16 10 11 12 16 16 16 15 11 15 18 13 13 18 14 15 18 14 15 14 18 16 16 12 (27) xxSTLLUG
HZWLUG 5 6 8 8 10 12 6 8 10 7 10 8 - 8 9 10 ? 7 7 8 7 5 8 5 7 9 HZWLUG
  • () - Number in parentheses is head count.
  • xx - attendance was taken, numbers not yet recorded.
  • ?? - Question marks indicate attendance not taken or sheet missing.
  • * - sLUGs was STL Linux Users Group for Seniors with initial meeting 8 February 2015. Discontinued October 2017.
  • * - SNUG SuSe was STL Novell Users Group with lunch meeting. Discontinued December 2017.
  • - - dash indicates no meeting.

Calendar Report

  • SLUUG Calendar is a Google Calendar available on our web site.
  • This is a calendar of technical events in the Greater St. Louis area and surrounding regions.
  • Not all events are official/sponsored SLUUG events.
  • Items have been added and corrected by Stan R, Gary Meyer and Don Ellis.
  • Items listed on this calendar feed the ANNOUNCE weekly mailing.
  • Events on HIATUS are NOT counted! Historical items are NOT counted! Only face to face meetings are counted!
  • Count of number of events listed, each month, as of end of November 2017:
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
2011 ? ? 105 108 103 117 105 105 105 113 103 96 2011
2012 110 104 122 123 138 111 99 124 122 133 114 111 2012
2013 123 128 136 147 144 146 139 119 145 167 153 140 2013
2014 143 159 174 165 188 165 132 136 173 165 141 107 2014
2015 171 179 177 183 176 168 162 176 206 294 236 197 2015
2016 260 277 314 231 183 191 157 166 222 224 212 157 2016
2017 133 141 177 168 137 143 124 158 173 163 168 xxx 2017
  • ??? - numbers not yet recorded.
  • xxx - Future Numbers.
  • Stopped counting general StL County Library events in May 2016.
  • Re-counted April 2016 without library events.

Mailing List Report

  • Subscriber numbers (approximate) as of end of November 2017:
Year 2015 2016 2017 Year
List Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov List
ANNOUNCE 607 607 608 603 608 608 607 606 607 596 596 591 588 585 582 580 575 570 569 569 569 568 566 562 562 559 ANNOUNCE
DISCUSS 204 204 206 208 206 204 201 201 201 203 202 202 200 199 197 196 193 190 191 192 191 192 191 189 188 189 DISCUSS
STEERCOM 34 34 37 37 39 39 39 39 39 38 38 38 37 37 36 36 35 34 34 34 34 34 33 33 33 33 STEERCOM
SYSADMIN 20 20 21 20 22 21 21 21 21 21 22 21 21 21 20 20 20 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 SYSADMIN
  • Numbers as end of each month.
  • Blocking of mailing list attachments not completely configured yet. This will be much easier to do on Amber.
  • ANNOUNCE mailing list.
    • Still no volunteer editor to do a quarterly or monthly newsletter.
  • Command used to generate these (as root on Bud):
    • /usr/local/mailman/bin/list_members list_name | wc -l
  • xxx - numbers not yet recorded.
  • - - dash indicates list did not previously exist.

Other Kinda Stuff Report

Year 2015 2016 2017 Year
Other Mar Apr May Jun Nov Dec Jan Apr Jul Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Other
MEETUP 39 59 77 92 xxx 172 179 xxx xxx xxx 259 xxx 273 285 291 299 301 302 304 315 319 325 336 340 MEETUP
YOUTUBE ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? YOUTUBE
  • xxx - numbers not recorded.
  • ??? - don't know where or how to get a count for this.
  • - - dash indicates list did not previously exist.

We do NOT know how/what to count in YouTube! Nor do we know how to metric videos.

Meeting Review and Comments

December 2017

   December 2017    
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  • Gary will phone confirm with Dr. Bill Lemon wrt if we come back in Jan
    • Venue will be ok February thru May, after which we return to current status (homeless).
    • Steering Committee may want to consider Nick & Elena's for LUG meetings. Hostess said they'd be able to fit us in now & let bands find other nights.
      • Gary & Lee have volunteered to follow up on this item.

1. Good for backup/alternate location if we loose Graybar. 2. Bad to have to switch locations AGAIN in June! 3. We will ask Elaina to book us Feb THRU Dec of 2018. On 3rd Thurs for StL LUG. Lee will call her.

STEERCOM - Steering Committee - December 4

SLACC - December 7

  • SLACC usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
    • *NOTE LOCATION FOR December 7 2017*
    • VENUE St. Louis County Library Indian Trails Branch

SLUUG - December 13

Lots of comments that it was good. Good realization that this was a script calling rsync. It was good to talk thru the # of past versions of your backup files.

  • MAIN (Enterprise Computing):
    • Greg Ray on SSL Certs (confirmed per Gary) He can rework the talk he did at WordPress in Oct.

Red Hat Quarterly - December 14

  • Achieving True Agility Through Microservices, Containerization, and APIs
    • Details
    • Join Red Hat for a no-cost, 1-day, hands-on technical workshop. Take a journey to agile integration by taking back more control of your applications.
  • 8:30-5 Marriott St. Louis West, 660 Maryville Centre
  • The company has a event at Marriot.
  • Our members will want to know/go. We WANT our members to be VISABLE to RH!
  • Do WE want to ask RH if we can officially BE THERE? Handouts? Have a table? What do we want?
  • If we get a table…do we have volunteers to staff it?
  • This is the day-before SLUUG general mtng…is there any way to tie in???
    • Can we get one of them to speak the nite before?

Lee got to build some Eclipse IDE stuff! Fun! Lee talked to a techie and has his contact info.

  Ken got an e-mail response.   It seemed to die.    Lee will share the contact info and we will watch the RH MeetUp grip and contact them about the March mango.

Technical Bowling Party - December 18

  • Take note and post on DISCUSS list before the date, perhaps the Saturday before.

Gary has a couple names for contacts that may be future presenters/sponsors.

Hazelwood - December 19

  • HZWLUG topics are usually determined by attendees. We usually cover more than one topic.
    • Web site lists a number of topics to provide general directions from which to take off
    • *NOTE HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Date and Location for December 19 2017*
    • VENUE St. Louis County Library Indian Trails Branch

SNUG - December 20

  • SNUG is the St. Louis Novell Users Group lunch time meeting.
    • TOPIC:December - Using DevOps to get from Problems to Solutions - Including War stories
    • Transformation, despite all the hype, is difficult. People can be stubborn, processes inflexible and technology deeply embedded. In this webinar, Rob Healy, a Principal Consultant at SUSE Partner - Ammeon, will discuss some short real-world DevOps war stories. You will gain tips and techniques on how you and your teams can overcome wicked problems to deliver faster, cheaper and better.
    • Two new attendees after no new ones in a long time. 1) PhD student from school in LA, 2) headhunter. Be sure and keep contact info for both of them.
    • Final meeting.

STLLUG - December 21

  • STLLUG is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
    • TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
      • :?: Dave Dickerson on "Persistence/stateless Containers, Kubernetties, & VMs."
        • Gary saw him do it at PostgreSQL in early Oct/late Sept.
        • Dave will get final OK tomorrow, i.e. Tue 5 Dec. …so we still may need a replacement!
        • Dell/EMC is on Jan 10 (our mtng day!!!!) so this advance mtng may give Dave some serendipity w his mngnt at Dell.
        • Ken: Interesting & worthwhile. Dave knows his stuff & had it all lined up.

Christmas Day - HOLIDAY - December 25

  • Federal Observed


January 2018

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New Years Day - HOLIDAY - January 1

  • Federal Observed

STEERCOM - Steering Committee - January 2

  • When do we want to meet?
    • Tuesday 2 January instead of Monday 1 January?
    • YES or NO ~ We will meet on ???
  • Yes! Meet on Jan 2!

SLACC - January 4

  • SLACC usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
    • *NOTE LOCATION FOR January 4 2018*
    • VENUE St. Louis County Library Rock Road Branch

SLUUG - January 10

    • BASE (Personal Computing):
      • Don Ellis on "How to find and view the Video recordings of our mtngs."
    • MAIN (Enterprise Computing):
      • To Be Determined (TBD)
      • Tentative: Steve Lembark, "How to build your own AWS server"
        • You're new at this and want an AWS server. What do you do?
    • Notice today is the same day as the StL Dell/EMC Forum all-day event.
      • Ask Dave to get some OUT-OF-TOWN speaker from Dell/EMC who is in town for the day to speak at Graybar that nite???? !!!!!
      • Gary has asked Dave if one of his colleagues can present. Management is non-communicative about committing to meeting.

Dell/EMC World/StL - January 10

  • The company has a show at Marriot Grand Hotel on Washington downtown. 9am-5pm:
  • Our members will want to know/go.
  • Do WE want to ask Dell if we can officially BE THERE? Handouts? Have a table? What do we want?
  • If we get a table…do we have volunteers to staff it?
  • This is same day as general mtng…is the any way to tie in???

MLK Day - HOLIDAY - January 15

  • Federal Observed

SNUG - January 17

  • SNUG is the St. Louis Novell Users Group lunch time meeting.
    • Note: Not going to happen this month unless someone wants to step in.
    • January – Fibre Channel Fundamentals
    • If you’re not familiar with Fibre Channel and want to learn more, or if you are interested in learning about how Fibre Channel is purpose-built for storage and future proofed for next-gen NVMe storage arrays, join us at this live event. Our experts will be available to answer your specific questions on the spot.

STLLUG - January 18

  • STLLUG is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
  • Jan 2018 - Will stlLUG return to UMSL ITE???
    • No. For February will probably be back to ITE.
  • VENUE Graybar? Yes.
  • TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
    • :?:
    • POSSIBLY Brian Bilgere - VMs on BSD (or BSD in a VM?). Alternate presenters: Lee or Don

Hazelwood - January 23

  • HZWLUG topics are usually determined by attendees. We usually cover more than one topic.
    • Web site lists a number of topics to provide general directions from which to take off
    • *NOTE LOCATION FOR January 23 2018*
    • VENUE St. Louis County Library Bridgeton Trails Branch

February 2018

   February 2018      
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SLACC - February 1

  • SLACC usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
    • *NOTE LOCATION FOR February 1 2018*
    • VENUE St. Louis County Library Rock Road Branch

STEERCOM - Steering Committee - February 5

Valentines Day - February 14

  • Historically this cuts into our attendance!!

SLUUG - February 14

  • February 2018 - SLUUG annual Board meeting and elections.
    • BASE (Personal Computing):
      • To Be Determined (TBD)
    • MAIN (Enterprise Computing):
      • To Be Determined (TBD)
        • POSSIBLY Brian Bilgere - VMs on BSD
        • Gary is in contact with guy from Reuters on ROS talk.

STLLUG - February 15

  • STLLUG is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
    • VENUE: ITE or Nick & Elena's (tentative)
      • Lee has contacted & will follow up
      • Need to notify Bill Lehman we won't show if N&E contact is successful
    • TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
      • :?:

Presidents Day - HOLIDAY - February 19

  • Federal Observed

SNUG - February 21

  • SNUG is the St. Louis Novell Users Group lunch time meeting.
    • TOPIC: February - NVMe, NVMe over Fabrics and Beyond
    • NVMe is an industry standard protocol designed specifically for memory-based storage like flash drives. It unleashes flash arrays from the chains of SCSI that hold it back. Learn what NVMe and NVMe over Fabrics are, what the advantage of NVMe is over traditional SCSI protocols and how to go beyond the NVMe basics to fully tap into the potential of memory-based storage.

Hazelwood - February 27

  • HZWLUG topics are usually determined by attendees. We usually cover more than one topic.
    • Web site lists a number of topics to provide general directions from which to take off
    • *NOTE LOCATION FOR February 27 2018*
    • VENUE St. Louis County Library Bridgeton Trails Branch

March 2018

     March 2018     
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STEERCOM - Steering Committee - March 5

  • Count ballots and announce results

SLUUG - March 14

  • Announce SLUUG annual election results.
    • BASE (Personal Computing):
      • To Be Determined (TBD)
    • MAIN (Enterprise Computing):
      • To Be Determined (TBD)
        • POSSIBLY Brian Bilgere - VMs on BSD
    • :?:

STLLUG - March 15

  • STLLUG is the St. Louis Linux Users Group.
    • VENUE: ITE or Nick & Elena's
    • TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)
      • :?:

SLACC - March 22

  • SLACC usually holds a Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
    • *NOTE DATE FOR March is 22nd March 2018*
    • VENUE St. Louis County Library Rock Road Branch

Hazelwood - March 27

  • HZWLUG topics are usually determined by attendees. We usually cover more than one topic.
    • Web site lists a number of topics to provide general directions from which to take off
    • *NOTE LOCATION FOR March 27 2018*
    • VENUE St. Louis County Library Bridgeton Trails Branch

Old Business

Server Admin

  • 2017-01-02
    • Andrew Latham did more updates
  • 2017-01-30
  • 2017-02-27 For MARCH
    • Lee & Earnest visited Hostirian and recovered KVM hotkeys
    • Lee, Earnest, & Mike Knight are working on Bud login delays
    • Lee worked with Jeff M. on recovering MailMan PWs. New site PW in config.html
    • All SLUUG core info is on Amber in /home/SLUUG, accessible to anyone with admin access
  • 2017-04-03 for APRIL
    • Lee visited Hostirian (Bock, Bud) wrt requirement to participate in Hostirian's revenue stream.
      • Need to decide:
        • Offer DR (Disaster Recovery) service to members
        • Find revenue source to justify presence
        • Blurb special offer to members
        • Abandon Hostirian presence
      • Hard decision required by end of May 2017
    • Lee discussed with Matthew Porter (who is leaving Contegix management role)
      • What revenue is being generated for Contegix (Amber, Nick)?
      • If he's leaving active management, we might lose VM presence, including (Amber)
    • Need to inventory all servers and document status WRT EOL.
      • Earnest has offered to help with this effort
  • 2017-06-26 for JULY
  • 2017-07-31 for AUGUST
  • 2017-08-28 for SEPTEMBER
  • 2017-10-02
    • Contegix wants $150 to upgrade from 6 to 7 CentOS on Nick. Lee is still considering. They will NOT let us do it ourself.
  • 2017-10-30 for NOVEMBER
  • 2017-12-04
  • If anyone wants anything from Bud, contact Lee by December 31
  • 2018-01-02
    • :?:

Free SSL Certificates

  • 2017-01-30 for FEBRUARY
    • Proposed to test at one site; can do implementation during a meeting as a presentation/group exercise. Will test 4 months before switching to another site. Directive to redirect will have to wait until very end.
  • 2017-06-05 for JUNE
    • LetsEncrypt certs
      • Amber is too old – CentOS 5 is too old for basic installation. VM; no access to console. VM is running on Contegix system. Upgrading OS is hard to do; will instead move to new machine (Nick)
      • LetsEncrypt could be set up on Bud
  • 2017-06-26 for JULY
  • 2017-07-31 for AUGUST
  • 2017-08-28 for SEPTEMBER
  • 2017-10-02
  • 2017-10-30 for NOVEMBER
  • 2017-12-04
  • 2018-01-02
    • :?:

Web Site Maintenance

  • 2017-01-02
  • 2017-01-30 For FEB
    • Andrew suggests content management system on Linux website.
  • 2017-02-27 For MARCH
    • Stan R: No progress
  • 2017-04-03 For APRIL
    • Gary M: No progress
  • 2017-06-05 for JUNE
  • 2017-06-26 for JULY
  • 2017-07-31 for AUGUST
  • 2017-08-28 for SEPTEMBER
  • 2017-10-02
    • Stan's the magician
  • 2017-10-30 for NOVEMBER
    • Stan R deletd home page access to old volunteering page. It may have had an archaic e-mail address as we never received anything from it.
    • Stan R made some edits on Special Interest Group (SIG) drop down. The sLUGs SIG web page indicates end of meetings, much like other discontinued SIGs.
    • Stan R & Don E will coordinate addition of video links to home page and/or G+ page by December Steercom meeting.
  • 2017-12-04
    • STLWEBDEV.ORG domain was automaticly renewed
    • Stan's asking why we're supporting the domain other than for their mailing list. He receives email, but has never been able to post on the list. Not sure how to sign up for the list.
    • Gary saw on a group name that sounds dedicated to the same topic. Will this one continue, or be absorbed into the Meetup?
  • 2018-01-02
    • :?:

Internet Presence (Social Media)

  • 2017-01-30
    • A total of 273 have joined with our MEETUP.COM site (as of 29 Jan)
    • Note that some people RSVP on Meetup and don't show up. Inflates their LinkedIn stats.
  • 2017-02-27 For MARCH
    • A total of 285 have joined with our MEETUP.COM site (as of 27 Feb)
    • Ken has offered to put out a call for help for volunteers to work with us setting up our social media presence.
  • 2017-06-26 for JULY
  • 2017-07-31 for AUGUST
  • 2017-08-28 for SEPTEMBER
  • 2017-10-02
  • 2017-10-30 for NOVEMBER
    • A total of 325 have joined with our MEETUP.COM site (as of 30 Oct)
  • 2017-12-04
    • A total of 336 have joined with our MEETUP.COM site (as of 30 Nov)
    • There is a new interface structure to MEETUP.COM maintance, making changes difficult.
    • Example: Deleting duplicate information for SLACC meetings was hard to do and MIGHT have inadvertantly sent cancellation messages.
    • We continue to need someone to help utilize MEETUP.COM resource.
    • Maintance to MEETUP.COM is not scriptable. It is user interface intensive. ~ stanr
    • (Stan) – Hate the world. Except for chocolate. Should we be on FB or Slack for social media interaction?
  • 2018-01-02
    • (Stan) – Meetup is a PITA and he ends up missing things.

Uploading Presentations

  • 2017-01-02
    • Uploaded some presentations at request - Andrew Latham
  • 2017-02-27 For MARCH
  • 2017-06-05 for JUNE
  • 2017-06-26 for JULY
  • 2017-07-31 for AUGUST
  • 2017-08-28 for SEPTEMBER
  • 2017-10-02
  • 2017-10-30 for NOVEMBER
  • 2017-12-04
    • (Don) – need to practice posting videos on G+
  • 2018-01-02
    • :?: Don is presenting on this on Wed Jan 10

Web Camera and Mic

  • 2017-06-05 for JUNE
    • Don is using iPhone and iPhone with external cardioid mic for recordings
    • Not streaming; videos are uploaded and shared
  • 2017-06-26 for JULY
  • 2017-07-31 for AUGUST
  • 2017-08-28 for SEPTEMBER
  • 2017-10-02
  • 2017-10-30 for NOVEMBER
    • Don E will be procuring an external microphone for use with iPhone recorder, coordinating with Lee
  • 2017-12-04
    • (Don) – Lee suggested I contact Guitar Center for suggestions on microphones.
  • 2018-01-02
    • :?:


  • 2017-01-30
    • Andrew & Lee: need to find a way to tell sponsors how they can donate.
    • Stan: We need to set up a page to accept donations. He will change Volunteer page to a link to accept donations (Square)
  • 2017-02-27 For MARCH
    • Cupcakes & doughnuts for LUG meeting. Were brought for PHP and passed some on to us.
  • 2017-06-26 for JULY
  • 2017-07-31 for AUGUST
  • 2017-08-28 for SEPTEMBER
  • 2017-10-02
  • 2017-10-30 for NOVEMBER
    • Lee has spoken with Elizabeth Laspe; maybe she can help with Nick & Elena's meeting?
  • 2018-01-02
    • :?:

Library Room Reservations

  • 2017-12-04
    • Next time we need to make Library reservations will be 7 April 2018 - First Saturday, reserve rooms at St. Louis County Library Branches. ~ stanr
  • 2018-01-02
    • :?:


  • 2017-02-27 For MARCH
    • Need someone to work with Stan preparing handouts for SUSE Expert days
    • Raspberry Pi day at Science Center 3/11
    • First Friday at Science Center
  • 2017-06-26 for JULY
  • 2017-07-31 for AUGUST
  • 2017-08-28 for SEPTEMBER
  • 2017-10-02
  • 2017-10-30 for NOVEMBER
  • 2017-12-04
  • 2018-01-02
    • :?:

We Need Help

  • Need new members who want to do stuff. Same as every month.
  • 2017-01-02
  • 2017-02-27 For MARCH
  • 2017-05-01 For MAY
    • Gary asked Rich Seibel to volunteer a couple of his students to help us with social media
    • Bob asked: How do people find out about this group? Answer: I wish we knew
  • 2017-06-26 for JULY
  • 2017-07-31 for AUGUST
  • 2017-08-28 for SEPTEMBER
  • 2017-10-02
  • 2017-10-30 for NOVEMBER
  • 2017-12-04
  • 2018-01-02
    • Lee has clipboard; has to give it to Don for entry into minutes
    • Stan has been snowed under & would like help updating list of previous presentations

Location for St. Louis Linux Users Group

  • 2017-05-01 For MAY
    • We had to find different VENUE. Our sponsoring host, Dr. Lemon UMSL-ITEC, has new commitments.
    • UMSL ITE meeting site will not be available after it rains.
    • Need new location for StL LUG – sponsor will be working on Robotics Competition.
  • 2017-06-05 for JUNE
    • Will keep meeting at Graybar until further notice.
  • 2017-06-26 for JULY
  • 2017-07-31 for AUGUST
  • 2017-08-28 for SEPTEMBER
    • Graybar good for remainder of 2017
  • 2017-10-02
  • 2017-10-30 for NOVEMBER
    • We need to start talking to Chuck Doolittle of Graybar, Dr. Lemmon UMSL-ITEC, and any others about stlLUG location.
  • 2017-12-04
    • Nick & Elaina's as mtng location!!!!
    • Lee made contact w Nick & Elaina's.
    • Gary, Chuck, Lee… asked them for the room. Did we only ask about Wed? NOT Thurs???
  • 2018-01-02
    • Will stlLUG return to UMSL ITE???
    • :?:

What The Hell Is This All About?

  • 2017-12-04
    • Was listed under New Business
    • Gary went to 2600 Grp mtg LAST Fri. Met KAMIKAZI Joe. Yes, he is getting Don's requests. He has just been TOO busy to answer.
    • He did NOT say he would NOT redo his presentation for us, so there is still hope. We'll need to contact him again.
    • I.e. ANSWER:
    • This is an update. I had asked Don to email Kamikaze Joe and ask him to do his existing presentation on HomeMade CloudServer (Not the correct title) at either our general or LUG. He had never responded to Don. I went to a 2600 mtng and spoke to him face-to-face. He said he has been TOO BUSY to respond but will eventually respond.
    • The mtng also revealed that he and another 2600 guy had gone to the Annual Nashville PHREAKic hacker LUG and I was thinking one or the other of them might be able to relate stories at either our general or LUG mtng. I do NOT have contact info on the 2nd guy. I think I have his name.

New Business

Any New Business

  • 2018-01-02
    • :?:

Recognize Useful Efforts

  • When somebody does something to help!
  • 2017-12-04
    • Don made good efforts to reach 2600 Grp's Kamikaze Joe for talk on _
  • 2018-01-02
    • Lee has name of new contact guy from SNUG meeting

Blue Sky Ideas

  • Food for thought ~ Off the record idea!
  • 2018-01-02
    • :?:

Recurring Requirements

  • January 2018 - STLLINUX.ORG domain automatic renewal.
  • Jan 2018 - Will stlLUG return to UMSL ITE???
  • February 2018 - SLUUG annual Board meeting and elections.
  • April 2018 - First Saturday, reserve rooms at St. Louis County Library Branches.
  • May 2018 - IRS Form 990-N for Tax Exempt Status. e-postcard.
  • June 2018 - BuddyNS SLUUG account due
  • July 2018 - SLUUG.ORG domain is domain automatic renewal? Is it with Dotster?
  • August 2018 - Missouri Annual Report for Corporate Legal Status due.
  • October 2018 - First Saturday, reserve rooms at St. Louis County Library Branches.
  • December 2018 - STLWEBDEV.ORG is domain automatic renewal?

Follow-up and Action Items

  • Everyone - Review the STEERCOM minutes, make corrections, act!
  • Everyone - Talk to someone about coming to meetings.
  • Everyone - Talk to someone about giving a presentation.
  • Don Ellis - upload older videos to Google Photos and/or Google Docs & publish links
  • Lee Lammert - Check on running joint meeting with WEBDEV folks.
  • Gary Meyer - Build spreadsheet to track domain name registrations.
  • Gary Meyer - Did not follow up with Noel about transferring the SLACC.COM domain to us.
    • SLACC.COM is now in use by someone else.
    • SLACC.ORG could be registered. SLACC.ORG available for sale ~ only $499
  • Lee Lammert - Reminder: If anyone needs SLUUG critical info, it's stored on Amber /home/admin
  • Stan R. - Remind Gary M. to bring Penguins to meetings and hand out pamphlets.
  • Stan & Gary should get together and discuss how announce is done
  • Gary & Stan will volunteer run the nomination committee for elections
steercom/2018-01.1514944474.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/02 19:54 by SLUUG Administration