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steercom:potential [2020/02/02 20:17]
SLUUG Administration
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-====== SLUUG Steering Committee - Potential Tutorials, Topics and Speakers ====== 
-NOTE: Items posted on the wiki are always unofficial. 
-Schedules for upcoming tutorials and presentations are always tentative. 
-(Some more tentative than others!) 
-These lists are used during Steering Committee meetings, when planning presentations. 
-A version of these lists was posted to our DISCUSS mailing list on 25 May 2009, asking for volunteers. 
-====== Potential Tutorial Ideas ====== 
-A short period (30 to 45 minutes) prior to each main presentation at the SLUUG general meetings is 
-dedicated to basic subjects. ​ These tutorial sessions often are more hands on and less formal in nature. 
-They are mostly targeted at newbies, although everyone attending usually learns something. ​ 
-Sometimes the focus can be on a single unique command, application feature, concept or technique. 
-Live demonstrations of new hardware or specific application software are welcomed. 
-In general, the tutorial subject should differ from the theme of the main presentation topic. 
-We can repeat these tutorials every few years, as not too much changes with the basics. 
-  * DNS 
-  * DNS setup 
-  * Division of OSS projects, the rise and fall of projects as largely political topics divide groups. 
-  * Source Code Control Systems Git / Subversion / etc... 
-  * Kallithea 
-  * shellshock (Bash bug) 
-  * OpenSSL (CSRs, certificates,​ s_client) 
-  * Chkconfig, init.d, etc. 
-  * Chrome / Chromium 
-  * Homebrew (install CLI packages on Mac OS X) 
-  * File permissions 
-  * Boot process 
-  * Regular expressions 
-  * Grep, sed, awk, etc. 
-  * Dia (drawing software) 
-  * Drawing network diagrams using Dia or OpenOffice Draw 
-  * IRC 
-    * How to use IRC with a couple different clients. 
-  * Processes 
-    * How to tell what's running on a machine 
-  * Audio processing software 
-  * Video processing software 
-  * Knoppix karaoke (various users sit in front of Knoppix system) 
-  * regedit - edit Windows registry from Linux 
-  * SplashTop - a quick booting distro. 
-  * PGP/GPG use in Email 
-    * Thunderbird Enigmail 
-    * KMail 
-  * WHOIS, Domain Registration Process, Registrars, Cyber-squatters,​ and Name Servers 
-  * mutt email client 
-  * nginx 
-  * Installing OS-signing keys in UEFI 
-====== Potential Topic Ideas ====== 
-These are some topics that we've had requested, or brainstormed,​ but for which we need to find speakers. 
-They would likely require more time than the basic tutorial sessions. 
-  * GPU processing 
-  * Diversity in Tech 
-  * Recent NSA and Security Updates 
-  * VPN 
-  * pfSense 
-  * Ansible (more in-depth, hands-on) 
-  * 3D Printing 
-  * Gaming on Linux 
-    * Steam 
-  * Gnome 3 (getting past the hate) 
-  * Geo-separation of data centers 
-  * Recovering from disaster 
-  * Munin 
-  * Setting up an Email server 
-  * Current tools for web development - Aptana/​Eclipse,​ Rubymine, RadRails 
-  * AIX current release, features, future 
-    * Someone from IBM corporate? 
-  * Apple current release, features, future 
-    * Someone from Apple corporate? 
-  * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7) or Fedora recent releases 
-    * Still looking for volunteer; tried Clark Smith at Red Hat 
-  * SuSE or OpenSUSE recent releases 
-    * Someone from Novell corporate? 
-    * Gary Hollingsworth?​ 
-  * Solaris or OpenSolaris current release, features, future 
-    * Someone from Sun corporate? 
-  * HP-UX current release, features, future 
-    * Someone from HP corporate corporate? 
-    * Dave Mills? 
-  * iSCSI 
-  * CPUs 
-    * Features of modern Intel/AMD CPUs 
-    * x86-64 
-    * x86, x86-64, IA64, Sparc, PowerPC, ARM, POWER 
-  * iPhone 
-    * Developing for (web, native) 
-  * GUI builders (GLADE, KDevelop) 
-  * Hostirian/​Primary.NET 
-    * Tour of their data center 
-    * What it takes to run a hosting data center 
-  * Wehrenberg Theaters (via Gary) 
-    * TOUR/DEMO: Digital cinema projectors 
-  * coreboot (previously known as LinuxBIOS) 
-    * See [[http://​​2007/​FOSDEM2007-LinuxBios.ogg|Ron Minnich FOSDEM2007 video]]. 
-    * See [[http://​​watch?​v=X72LgcMpM9k|GoogleTalk:​ coreboot (aka LinuxBIOS): The Free/​Open-Source x86 Firmware - Oct 2008]]. 
-    * See [[https://​​magazine/​coreboot-your-service|Linux Journal Oct 2009 article]]. 
-  * NoSQL 
-  * MAC OSX server 
-  * Fedora Security Lab (distro w/ security tools) 
-  * R statistics package 
-  * Fedora Design Suite (distro w/ graphical tools) 
-<​del> ​ * Scratch (via Jerry)</​del>​ 
-  * SASL 
-  * OpenID/​OAuth 
-  * [[http://​​rsstory/​71399.html|Mind-Mapping Apps: Lightweight Labyrinth, Quick-Witted VYM and Simple Semantik]] 
-  * Bitcoin 
-<​del> ​ * Guacamole http://​​ Guacamole is an HTML5 remote desktop gateway</​del>​ 
-  * Emacs (Deech) 
-<​del> ​ * Google+ live broadcasting</​del>​ 
-  * Desktop Environment roundup 
-  * Desktop Distro roundup 
-  * USB (how it works, hardware and software) 
-  * PHP or generic programming language 
-  * <​del>​Maybe a</​del>​ PHP hello world talk with the PHP group 
-<​del> ​ * Maybe some brief hello as the PHP group meets next door?</​del>​ 
-====== Potential Speakers ====== 
-These are some people we know can present, and possible topics they can speak about. 
-  * Bryce Meyer 
-    * (ask Gary) 
-  * Ken Johnson 
-    * OpenBSD for Linux users 
-    * Mint (or other) distro 
-    * Discussion of Technical Books That Had an Impact 
-  * David Forrest 
-    * IPv6 Talk about multi homed networks ​ 
-  * Joe "​Zonker"​ Brockmeier (Red Hat) 
-    * Cloud topics 
-    * Red Hat topics 
-    * community topics 
-  * Andrew Latham 
-    * GPXE (booting over the network) 
-    * Comparison of VM stacks 
-  * Alan Griggs (via Jerry Stutte) 
-  * Phil Cryer 
-    * Security topics 
-  * David Klein 
-    * Author of *'​Grails*:​ A Quick-Start Guide' has moved to St. Louis per note from Time Dreste May 2010 
-  * Scott Granneman 
-    * iPhone 
-  * Kyle Cordes 
-    * "Swiss Army Knife" of ffmpeg 
-    * Flying Boxes 
-  * Sammie from IBM 
-    * Live Demo of IBM Virtualization (previously scheduled but canceled) 
-  * Mark Volkmann 
-    * Android 
-    * Developing for Mobile Platforms 
-  * Sanjiv Bhatia (or someone from UMSL, via Lee) 
-    * TOPIC: AIX 6 
-    * TOPIC: Open Grid Computing 
-  * David Letscher (Prof of CS at SLU) (via Gary) 
-    * TOPIC: TBD 
-  * Jeff Logullo (formerly of Sun) 
-    * TOPIC: MySQL - now a Sun product 
-    * TOPIC: Project Indiana, a new package management system a la apt/dpkg 
-    * TOPIC: Versioning filenames (snapshots?​) in ZFS 
-    * TOPIC: New release of ZFS 
-    * TOPIC: Belenix & other live CD's based on Open Solaris 
-  * Scott Nesler 
-    * TOPIC: GIMP (follow-up from previous presentation) 
-    * TOPIC: PGP and GPG 
-  * Jeff Muse 
-    * Mailman 
-    * Various other Solaris topics 
-  * Stan Reichardt 
-    * Using Scribus 
-    * Adding iCAL from SLUUG calendars to Thunderbird Lightning calendar 
-  * Tim Dreste (via Stan R) 
-    * TOPIC: Untangle Gateway Platform 
-    * TOPIC: CentOS Linux 
-  * Don Ellis 
-    * Mac OS X Mountain Lion 
-  * Craig Buchek 
-    * Everything You (N)Ever Wanted to Know About The Web 
-      * HTTP 
-      * HTML 
-      * Web Servers 
-      * Web Browsers 
-    * CoffeeScript,​ HAML, and SASS 
-    * wget and curl 
-    * Mac OS X topics 
-    * Ruby on Rails 
-    * Test-Driven Development (or get Brian Button, if possible) 
-    * logcheck, fcheck 
-    * fail2ban 
-  * Tony Lovasco 
-    * TBD 
-  * Mike Wilkerson 
-    * Round-Table on Joe Linux User (moderator) 
-  * Jerry Stutte 
-    * TBD 
-  * Jim Roe 
-    * TDB 
-  * Matt Skipton (via Carl) 
-    * VMware 
-  * Rick Clark (Ubuntu) 
-    * TOPIC: TBD 
-    * Might be able to talk to STCLUG and STLLUG 
-  * Yi Yang (Security professor at Fontbonne) 
-    * Security issues 
-    * Key management 
-  * Kevin Scannell (professor at SLU) 
-    * Natural Language Processing 
-  * Stephen Lembark 
-    * Perl 
-    * others 
steercom/potential.1580696263.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/02/02 20:17 by SLUUG Administration