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SLUUG Steering Committee Minutes - July 2007

NOTE: Minutes posted on the wiki are always unofficial. Schedules for upcoming presentations are always tentative. (Some more tentative than others!)


Saint Louis Bread Company,
(at Old Olive and Olive),
10550 Old Olive Street Road,
Creve Coeur, MO 63141

Date and Time

  • Rescheduled because of Independence Day HOLIDAY
  • Previously select 9 July, too many couldn't make this date either.
  • Monday, 16 July 2007
  • 6:30 pm -


  • ?? Carl Fitch
  • ?? Stan Reichardt
  • ?? Craig Buchek
  • ?? Lee Lammert
  • ?? Gary Meyer
  • ?? John Hodge
  • ?? Barry Morrison
  • ?? Ted Palmer
  • ?? Jeff Urbanec

Secretary Report

  • ?? Print out previous minutes.

Treasurer Report

  • ?? As of: 4/30/07
  • ?? Bank balance: $ 1275.59
  • ?? Pending deposits: none
  • ?? Pending expenses:
    • ?? Pens - ordered, should be here soon
  • ?? Final bill from Wash U has not been received.
    • ?? Gary provided good address to forward correspondence.
  • ?? Need receipts for expense reimbursements.
    • ?? Gary - domain registration
    • ?? Carl - state registration

Book Sales Report

  • ?? Book sales - none for previous month

Membership Attendance Report

  • ?? Most attendance sheets are available from the web servers.
  • Attendance for June 2007:
    • Jun 5 - 1st LDAP: 6
    • Jun 6 - Steercom: 7
    • Jun 7 - SLACC: 8
    • Jun 13 - SLUUG: 16
    • Jun 21 - STLLUG: 20
    • Jun 19 - Solaris: 6
    • Jun 26 - HZWLUG: * Canceled *
    • Jun 26 - 2nd LDAP: 6
    • Jun 27 - Security: * Canceled *
    • Jun 28 - STCLUG: 8

Mailing List Report

  • Started including name and link to a sponsor in each ANNOUNCE mailing.
    • Doing in reverse alphabetical order.
    • Have done 5 so far, UMSL-micros, Stratigic Staffing and O'Reilly Media, Inc., K&S Pritchard, Inc., Hostirian
    • Next is Graybar, EPC, Computers & Things, then Ajilon.
  • Some current mailing list subscriber numbers (approximate):
Subscriber numbers
List May June July
ANNOUNCE 917 925 900
DISCUSS 184 190 188
STEERCOM 32 32 33
SYSADMIN xx xx 18
  • Mike Knight did some major purging of ANNOUNCE bounces.
  • We can anticipate more reductions when ANNOUNCE is switched to a MAILMAN list.

Presentation Review and Comments

June 2007

SLACC - June 7

  • Linux Configuration Workshop - No presentation.

SLUUG - June 13

  • Base: Public Key Authentication in SSH by Barry Morrison.
  • Main: Building a Bootable USB Drive for Troubleshooting by James Campbell (via Lee).
    • People could follow along if they brought their own laptop and 1 GB USB memory stick.

SOLARIS - June 19

  • TOPIC: Partitioning, Multi-booting, and Solaris by Jeff Logullo.

STLLUG - June 21

  • TOPIC: Physical Computing with Linux on Microcontrollers by Jason Burke.

HZWLUG - June 26

  • Meeting was CANCELED for June.
    • Regular Prairie Commons Branch room was not available on 26th.
    • Tentative meeting date of 19th did not work due to other conflicts.
    • Did not find a suitable alternate location for the regular date.

SECURITY - June 27

  • Meeting was CANCELED for June.
    • Posted to web pages and DISCUSS prior to Noon. Two members still showed up.
    • Scheduled TOPIC was: Continued Examination of Snort and BASE by Chris Byrd, CISSP.
    • Access to UMSL-micro computer center room was not available.

STCLUG - June 28

  • TOPIC: Nothing Planned
    • Old projector not really workable with Carl's laptop.
    • Attendance split into two rambling discussion groups.

Presentation Schedule

July 2007

SLACC - July 5

  • Linux Configuration Workshop - No presentation.

SLUUG - July 11

  • Base: DSH - Distributed Shell by John Hodge.
  • Main: Basic GIMP Usage by Scott Nesler (confirmed, via Craig).

SOLARIS - July 17

  • TOPIC: SMF - Service Management Facility by Bob Netherton

STLLUG - July 19

  • TOPIC: Everything You (N)Ever Wanted to Know About HDTV by Craig Buchek.

HZWLUG - July 24

  • TOPIC: Review updated HZWLUG Information CDROM Disc (Tentative)
  • Plus other unstructured topics requested by Newbie questions

SECURITY - July 25

    • Tentative: Continued Examination of Snort and BASE by Chris Byrd, CISSP.

STCLUG - July 26


August 2007

SLACC - August 2

  • Linux Configuration Workshop - No presentation.

SLUUG - August 8

  • Base: TBD
  • Main: one of the following topics by John Hodge.
    • Micro-Partitioning
    • VIO - virtual I/O - sharing network devices on POWER hardware
    • Storage Virtualization on AIX
    • HACMP - High Availability on AIX

STLLUG - August 16

  • TOPIC: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 (tentative) (via Craig???)

SOLARIS - August 21


STCLUG - August 23


HZWLUG - August 28

  • Plus other unstructured topics requested by Newbie questions

SECURITY - August 29



SLACC - September 6

  • Linux Configuration Workshop - No presentation.

SLUUG - September 12

  • Base: TBD

SOLARIS - September 18


STLLUG - September 20


HZWLUG - September 25

  • Varies (Unstructured Agenda)

SECURITY - September 26


STCLUG - September 27



STLLUG - October 18

  • TOPIC: Lotus Notes (Client and Server) on Linux by Tom Bowman of TeamCentric
  • (confirmed, via Craig).

Potential Future Topics

  • DNA, Genes, Viruses, Bioinformatics by Robert Citek (via Craig)
  • Something by Scott Granneman (via Craig)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL 5) (via Craig)
  • AIX 6 - due out later this year (about November, IBM via John Hodge)
  • Another presentation from Tom Bowman at TeamCentric Technologies (via Craig)


  • No Change from last month
  • Recognition of extended membership levels has not yet been done.
  • Effort should be directed to find new sponsors.
  • No effort means no new sponsors.

System Administration

  • ?? Dark keeps crashing.
    • ?? Waiting for it to not come back up.
    • ?? Work on new servers to replace AIX boxes is moving along rapidly.
  • Dark and Michelob were not reachable over a weekend.
    • Gary tracked down problem with bad LAN switch at WU.
  • ISSUE - Storage space on MICHELOB/DARK /home directory
    • Space use at 95% level causing backups to FAIL.
    • One user taking up way too much space.
  • Security issues
    • Thought we had another account compromised - but it wasn't.
  • Historian (Primary) did Emergency maintanence on short notice.
    • Early 4 AM to 7 AM Monday might have caused intermitent problems.
    • Notice posted to web pages and DISCUSS list.
    • No real problems noticed.

Server Migration Project

  • ??Carl, ??Craig, ??Jeff Muse, and ??Lee were to meet on June 13 to do more work.
    • ?? Make sure Mailman is working.
    • ?? Make sure mailing lists get archived to web.
    • ?? Make offsite backups work.
      • ?? Scheduled deletion of older backups.
    • ?? Move all SSL cert creation to one place in the docs.
    • ?? Apache for
      • ?? Will use this to migrate users from Michelob to Budlight.
    • ?? Install and configure Drupal for multiple web sites.
      • ?? Integrate Drupal module for Mailman.
  • Migration of mailing lists from Michelob to Bud…
    • Craig Buchek and Jeff Muse
    • Using Mailman instead of Majordomo.
      • Mailman now doing Discuss, Steercom and Sysadmin mailing lists.
      • Mail archives not working correctly for June and July.
      • Weekly Announce mailing still using MAjordomo.
      • When will Announce follow?
    • Archives?
    • Problems…
    • Issues…
    • Concerns…

Website Library

  • Stan R. and Ted P.
  • Partial migration from Dark to Bud sufficient to start loading presentations.
  • Migration means that we can start making real progress each month.
  • No routine presentation uploads yet.
  • Each website has skeleton presentation page listing topics given to date.


Domain Renewal

  • The domain was to expire in July.
  • Gary Meyer has put on his credit card.
    • New Whois inquiry shows Expiration Date:10-Jul-2008

Annual Report to State of Missouri

  • Latest annual report (5 June 2007) is now on file
    • It is still showing old registered agent and address.
    • Change of registered agent would get items from state mailed to a valid address.
    • Changing a registered agent requires the enclosure of a written consent.
  • Was there a "registered agent change" filed?

Publicity Handouts

  • Need more copies of Hazelwood and Security brochures.
    • Carl was to print 200 copies of each.
    • Should we ask for volunteer on DISCUSS?

Other Old Business

  • Craig: Write up info on membership levels.
  • Gary: Get Sun Netra T1/105 (1U) boxes from Craig, install Solaris, and install them at Primary.
  • Carl: Let Nole know about SLACC becoming SIG of SLUUG.
  • Gary: Verify that domain has been renewed in Whois.

New Business

  • BBS account renewal cycle for July 2007 to June 2008. Send bills, etc.

Follow-up and Action Items

  • Somebody: Something
steercom/2007-07.1184522027.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/07/15 12:53 by