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steercom:2023-02 [2023/01/30 18:23]
SLUUG Administration [Treasurer Report]
steercom:2023-02 [2023/02/27 18:23] (current)
SLUUG Administration [Treasurer Report]
Line 29: Line 29:
   * Are there any additions, deletions, sequence, or other changes to sequence of items in the prepared agenda?   * Are there any additions, deletions, sequence, or other changes to sequence of items in the prepared agenda?
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
-    * :?:+    * None
 <​code>​ <​code>​
Line 52: Line 52:
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
     * **QUESTION:​** Have the recorders been started before call to order?     * **QUESTION:​** Have the recorders been started before call to order?
-    * TIME: :?:+    * TIME: 7:01pm
Line 59: Line 59:
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
     * **QUESTION:​** When was STEERCOM meeting called to order? ​     * **QUESTION:​** When was STEERCOM meeting called to order? ​
-    * TIME: :?:+    * TIME: 7:01pm 
 ====== Attendees ====== ​ ====== Attendees ====== ​
 Listed alphabetically by last name: Listed alphabetically by last name:
-:?: * James Conroy ​+* James Conroy ​
 :?: * Jonathan Drews :?: * Jonathan Drews
Line 74: Line 75:
 :?: * Ken Johnson :?: * Ken Johnson
-:?: * Lee Lammert+* Lee Lammert
-:?: * Gary Meyer +* Gary Meyer 
-:?: * Stan Reichardt ​+* Stan Reichardt ​
-:?: * Steve Stegmann ​+* Steve Stegmann ​
 :?: * Sean Twiehaus :?: * Sean Twiehaus
Line 105: Line 106:
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: Stan R acting only as recording secretary. ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: Stan R acting only as recording secretary. ​
   * 2023-01-30 Comments:   * 2023-01-30 Comments:
-    * :?:+    * Stan R acting only as recording secretary.  
 +    * Gary nominated Stan R for an Academy Award
 ====== Treasurer Report ====== ====== Treasurer Report ======
Line 112: Line 114:
 ^ Dotster ​              | |  | -$ 19.99 | ^ Dotster ​              | |  | -$ 19.99 |
 ^ USPS - PO Box         | |  | -$232.00 | | ^ USPS - PO Box         | |  | -$232.00 | |
-^ Balance as of 31 January ​ | | ||$2,653.26 |+^ Balance as of 31 January ​ | | ||$2,653.27 |
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
-    * :?:+    * We re-newed Post Office box before new rate increase.
 ====== Calendar Report ====== ====== Calendar Report ======
Line 302: Line 304:
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
-    * :?:+    * Gary noticed St Louis IBM Meetup group went out of existence over last two months time. 
 +    * Last thing they did was presentation for SLUUG on replacing Centose in Fall of 2021. 
 ====== Attendance Report ====== ====== Attendance Report ======
Line 439: Line 443:
     * During session members provided work-around to a printer issue that had not been resolved when newcomer posted problem to DISCUSS list.     * During session members provided work-around to a printer issue that had not been resolved when newcomer posted problem to DISCUSS list.
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
-    * :?:+    * Lots of grey beards.
 ==== STEERCOM - January 9th, 2023 ==== ==== STEERCOM - January 9th, 2023 ====
Line 447: Line 451:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: None   * 2022-12-05 Comments: None
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: Gary forgot to suggested to move to some later date when it would have been a good idea   * 2023-01-09 Comments: Gary forgot to suggested to move to some later date when it would have been a good idea
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​Hardly anybody showed up last meeting.
-    * :?:+
 ==== SLUUG - January 11th, 2023 ==== ==== SLUUG - January 11th, 2023 ====
Line 469: Line 472:
     * So, able to finish planned revisions for this coming Wednesday'​s showing. Has 27 slides.     * So, able to finish planned revisions for this coming Wednesday'​s showing. Has 27 slides.
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
-    * Stan R made significant verbal blunder giving wrong web site URL near end of talk. Added correction to notes and slides. +    * Stan R made significant verbal blunder giving wrong web site URL near end of talk. 
-    * :?:+    * Added correction to notes and slides. 
 +    * Seemed to be good. Timing was great, did in about 29 minutes. 
 ---- ----
 **      COOKIE TIME ~ ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ CALL FOR HELP  (Gooey Middle): ** **      COOKIE TIME ~ ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ CALL FOR HELP  (Gooey Middle): **
 ---- ----
   * [[http://​​|SLUUG General Meeting]]   * [[http://​​|SLUUG General Meeting]]
   * [[http://​​steercom/​planning.pdf|Planning Schedule Report ]]   * [[http://​​steercom/​planning.pdf|Planning Schedule Report ]]
Line 492: Line 498:
     * Gary encourages audience to throw questions to him ( steve lembark ) so as not to lose the audience. ​     * Gary encourages audience to throw questions to him ( steve lembark ) so as not to lose the audience. ​
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
-    * Stan R thought demonstration was all about *HOW* to use; but, apparently nothing is able to do concurrent testing during ZOOM connection by clients.  +    * Stan R thought demonstration was all about *HOW* to use; but, apparently nothing is able to do concurrent 
-    * :?:+    * testing during ZOOM connection by clients.  
 +    * Quite facinating, and impressive demonstration of what information it supplies.
 ==== HOLIDAY - Martin Luther King Day - January 16th, 2023 ==== ==== HOLIDAY - Martin Luther King Day - January 16th, 2023 ====
Line 519: Line 526:
     * No abstract, nor bio yet.     * No abstract, nor bio yet.
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
-    * Stan R thought sound quality was not very good, making it hard to follow. +    * Stan R thought sound quality was not very good, making it hard to follow. ​Sound was a bit off. Frequencies?​ 
-    * :?:+    * Was quite a good presentation. Could have had a much more informative abstract. 
 +    * James C may encourage Gregory Petty to come back with another presentation. 
 ==== NEWLINUX - Janurary 24th, 2023 ==== ==== NEWLINUX - Janurary 24th, 2023 ====
Line 534: Line 543:
     * of very low speed. ​ He was using the Opera browser and connecting thru a VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) connection.     * of very low speed. ​ He was using the Opera browser and connecting thru a VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) connection.
     * Ultimately he switched to using FireFox and also connected to a VPN server closer to Saint Louis. ​ After that the cycling     * Ultimately he switched to using FireFox and also connected to a VPN server closer to Saint Louis. ​ After that the cycling
-    * of his constant dropping stopped.+    * of his constant dropping stopped. VPN latency likely the problem.
     * :?:     * :?:
Line 556: Line 565:
     * Usuallly nine days prior to SLUUG MAIN General Meeting.     * Usuallly nine days prior to SLUUG MAIN General Meeting.
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
-    * This late January meeting is for February 2023 ====== +    * This late January meeting is for February 2023  
-    * :?:+    * Stan R can not get his microphone working, had to use home speaker phone so everyone could hear him.
 ===== February 2023 ===== ===== February 2023 =====
Line 582: Line 591:
     * This annual meeting is required by our by-laws.     * This annual meeting is required by our by-laws.
     * Anyone attending two sponsored meetings during last calendar year is eligible to vote.     * Anyone attending two sponsored meetings during last calendar year is eligible to vote.
-    * :?:+    * DRAFT ballot is available for review.
 ==== SLUUG - February 8th, 2023 ==== ==== SLUUG - February 8th, 2023 ====
Line 619: Line 628:
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
     * Prior SLUUG MAIN was **Using strace For Security Problems** by Steven Lembark ​     * Prior SLUUG MAIN was **Using strace For Security Problems** by Steven Lembark ​
 +    * Ken Johnson has a few potential topic; but, not ready yet. Will be a few months out.
 +    * Possible **BtrFS Hands On** by Lee Lammert ( if nothing comes in from Granneman ).
     * :?:     * :?:
Line 651: Line 662:
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
     * Prior STLLINUX topic was **Powershell Empire Security on Kali Linux** by Gregory Petty      * Prior STLLINUX topic was **Powershell Empire Security on Kali Linux** by Gregory Petty 
-    * Stan R travel has changed. ​ Expects to be out of state; but, should be able to attend remotely, make backup recording and track attendance.+    * Stan R travel has changed. ​ Expects to be out of state; but, should be able to attend remotely, 
 +    *  ​make backup recording and track attendance.
     * :?:     * :?:
Line 784: Line 796:
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: DNS zone transfers broken right now. Investigating. Everything else working fine.    * 2023-01-09 Comments: DNS zone transfers broken right now. Investigating. Everything else working fine. 
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
-    * :?:+    * Running fine. No rush to go to Debian 11.
 ===== Web Site SLUUG.ORG Maintenance ===== ===== Web Site SLUUG.ORG Maintenance =====
 //  SUMMARY: We have a traditional Internet presence with the existence of our main [[http://​​|SLUUG web site]]. // //  SUMMARY: We have a traditional Internet presence with the existence of our main [[http://​​|SLUUG web site]]. //
-  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to January ​2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​+  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to May 2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​
   *   *
-  * 2022-01-10 Comments: Normal stuff. Stan R gets matching funds for his IRA. 
-  * 2022-01-31 Comments: Normal stuff. ​ 
-  * 2022-02-28 Comments for March: Normal stuff. Keeping up, kinda. ​ 
-  * 2022-04-04 Comments: Small section added to MAIN home page detailing oreo cookie meeting setup. 
-  * 2022-05-02 Comments: None. 
   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: * Sean Twiehaus volunteered to help fix things.   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: * Sean Twiehaus volunteered to help fix things.
   * 2022-06-27 Comments for July:    * 2022-06-27 Comments for July: 
Line 808: Line 815:
   * 2022-09-07 Comments: ​   * 2022-09-07 Comments: ​
     * Stan R has only been doing minimal stuff.     * Stan R has only been doing minimal stuff.
-    * Chrom browser built-in tool, lighthouse shows low score, bad form for URL.+    * Chrome ​browser built-in tool, lighthouse shows low score, bad form for URL.
     * James C will be sending in new public key for accessing BOCK.     * James C will be sending in new public key for accessing BOCK.
   * 2022-10-03 Comments: Stan R asked James C to have Sean T send him the CSS file he had come up with.   * 2022-10-03 Comments: Stan R asked James C to have Sean T send him the CSS file he had come up with.
Line 816: Line 823:
     * Mike Knight posted about broken and missing links. That prompted Stan R to make some corrections ( not all yet ).      * Mike Knight posted about broken and missing links. That prompted Stan R to make some corrections ( not all yet ). 
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
 +    * Some discussion about making STLLINUX site more resemble SLUUG front page.
 +    * Consensus that it would be good idea and should clean up some Google Lighthouse complaints.
     * :?:     * :?:
Line 840: Line 849:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: New and improvements to their editor.   * 2022-12-05 Comments: New and improvements to their editor.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: Stan can't hear or see anyone moving now.   * 2023-01-09 Comments: Stan can't hear or see anyone moving now.
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​Barely worth the effort.
-    * :?:+
 ===== Our Internet Presence on Other Social Media ===== ===== Our Internet Presence on Other Social Media =====
Line 867: Line 875:
     * Does **NOT** look like anyone has updated our [[https://​​SLUUG_Org| twitter]] feed since November.     * Does **NOT** look like anyone has updated our [[https://​​SLUUG_Org| twitter]] feed since November.
     * **QUESTION:​** Who is supposed to be updating it?     * **QUESTION:​** Who is supposed to be updating it?
-    * :?: 
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
-    * :?:+    * What is best lead time to tweet about meetingConsensus is **before**. Really, nobody here wants to do work.
 ===== Saint Louis County Library Room Reservations ===== ===== Saint Louis County Library Room Reservations =====
Line 902: Line 909:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Not even thinking about reserving anything for next year.   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Not even thinking about reserving anything for next year.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: None   * 2023-01-09 Comments: None
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​None
-    * :?:+
 ===== Hybrid Meetings ===== ===== Hybrid Meetings =====
Line 990: Line 996:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Not even thinking about trying anything for next year.   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Not even thinking about trying anything for next year.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​Hybrid meetings, nothing comes to mind.
-    * :?:+
 ===== Camera and Microphone and Projectors ===== ===== Camera and Microphone and Projectors =====
Line 1009: Line 1014:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Nothing new.   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Nothing new.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​Nothing to say.
-    * :?:+
 ===== Attendance Data ===== ===== Attendance Data =====
Line 1031: Line 1035:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Made screen size larger, easier to work with.   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Made screen size larger, easier to work with.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ Stan R might demonstrate Attendance database at the SLACC meeting coming up.
-    * :?:+
 ===== Planning Schedule Report Database ===== ===== Planning Schedule Report Database =====
 // SUMMARY: We have LibreOffice BASE for tracking BASE, MAIN and STLLINUX meeting topics and speakers. ​ // // SUMMARY: We have LibreOffice BASE for tracking BASE, MAIN and STLLINUX meeting topics and speakers. ​ //
   * HISTORY:  ​   * HISTORY:  ​
-  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to January ​2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​+  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to May 2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​
   *   *
   * Go to https://​​steercom/​ has link to planning.pdf   * Go to https://​​steercom/​ has link to planning.pdf
Line 1044: Line 1047:
   * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to January 2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​   * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to January 2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​
   *   *
-  * 2022-01-10 Comments: Stan R restructured a number of items again. 
-  * 2022-01-31 Comments: Stan R did not break it this month. It still works fine. 
-  * 2022-02-28 Comments for March: Works well. Lee will provide info to Stan to work on transition to a different database back end. 
-  * 2022-04-04 Comments: ​ 
-    * Works Really good. 
-    * Stan R has not gotten around to working with BOCK database access that Lee gave him earlier in mid March. 
-    * Will be updating after this meeting. 
   * 2022-05-02 Comments: Lots of good info there! Stan keeping updated, which is really nice.   * 2022-05-02 Comments: Lots of good info there! Stan keeping updated, which is really nice.
   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None
Line 1065: Line 1061:
     * Topic listings of Saint Charles LUG and Security LUG from old minutes and ANNOUNCE mail have NOT been included ( would require lots more work ).     * Topic listings of Saint Charles LUG and Security LUG from old minutes and ANNOUNCE mail have NOT been included ( would require lots more work ).
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
-    * :?:+    * Excellent body of work. We all should review more often. Might make back up presentation filler.
 ===== Uploading Presentations ===== ===== Uploading Presentations =====
Line 1092: Line 1088:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Chugging right along, when we get them.   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Chugging right along, when we get them.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​Kind of keeping up with that. Need to delete a few excess Steercom videos.
-    * :?:+
 ===== Handouts ===== ===== Handouts =====
Line 1119: Line 1114:
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
     * Minor update to our **Why Use Linux** handout made for Stan R presentation. Also linked on Presentation Archives page.     * Minor update to our **Why Use Linux** handout made for Stan R presentation. Also linked on Presentation Archives page.
-    * :?: 
 ===== ANNOUNCE Mailing List ===== ===== ANNOUNCE Mailing List =====
Line 1126: Line 1120:
   * HISTORY: The subscriber list has been populated from attendance sheets by a nominating subscription process, which requires human input.   * HISTORY: The subscriber list has been populated from attendance sheets by a nominating subscription process, which requires human input.
   *   *
-  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to January ​2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​+  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to May 2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​
   *   *
-  * 2022-01-10 Comments: We would like a draftee. 
-  * 2022-01-31 Comments: We need to know which google name Tyler Rudie wants to use, so that we can authorize his access to our Google calendar. 
-  * 2022-02-28 Comments for March: Gary needs to talk with Tyler Rudie. 
-  * 2022-04-04 Comments: No volunteer. ​ 
   * 2022-05-02 Comments: Gary to ding Tyler.   * 2022-05-02 Comments: Gary to ding Tyler.
   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None
Line 1143: Line 1133:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: About the same.   * 2022-12-05 Comments: About the same.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​Problems really relate to advance scheduling.
-    * :?:+
 ===== Sponsorships ===== ===== Sponsorships =====
Line 1150: Line 1139:
   * HISTORY: We are not good at getting sponsors.   * HISTORY: We are not good at getting sponsors.
   *   *
-  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to January ​2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​+  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to May 2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​
   *   *
-  * 2022-01-10 Comments: Nothing new. 
-  * 2022-01-31 Comments: Nothing new. 
-  * 2022-02-28 Comments for March: Nothing new. 
-  * 2022-04-04 Comments: Nothing new. 
   * 2022-05-02 Comments: Would like to have some, but need a value proposition for the sponser that makes sense.   * 2022-05-02 Comments: Would like to have some, but need a value proposition for the sponser that makes sense.
   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None
Line 1165: Line 1150:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: No change.   * 2022-12-05 Comments: No change.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​We need to develop plan to attract cash sponsorships.
-    * :?:+
 ===== Linux Stickers ===== ===== Linux Stickers =====
Line 1174: Line 1158:
     * James Conroy will make background black so we can get what we want when ordered.     * James Conroy will make background black so we can get what we want when ordered.
   *   *
-  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to January ​2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​+  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to May 2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​
   *    * 
-  * 2022-01-10 Comments: * Nothing new. Neither James, nor Lee are here right now. 
-  * 2022-02-28 Comments for March: ​ 
-    * Lee will pass template to Stan. Maybe Stan and sister-in-law can get results on her Carver/​Cutter imaging machine. 
-  * 2022-04-04 Comments: Not heard back yet. 
   * 2022-05-02 Comments: ​   * 2022-05-02 Comments: ​
     * BSD stickers?     * BSD stickers?
Line 1191: Line 1171:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: No effort, no progress. Nothing new.   * 2022-12-05 Comments: No effort, no progress. Nothing new.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​Lee will send file and request to James C.
-    * :?:+
 ===== Organizational Papers ===== ===== Organizational Papers =====
 // SUMMARY: We have large box of hard copy historical records concerning our organization. ​ It has been floating around. ​ // // SUMMARY: We have large box of hard copy historical records concerning our organization. ​ It has been floating around. ​ //
 HISTORY: * 2020-10-05 * Gary found cardboard box with old secretary material. Original Xeroxes of articles of corporation,​ etc. Historical interest. No idea who dropped it off. HISTORY: * 2020-10-05 * Gary found cardboard box with old secretary material. Original Xeroxes of articles of corporation,​ etc. Historical interest. No idea who dropped it off.
-  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to January ​2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​+  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to May 2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​
   *    * 
-  * 2022-01-10 Comments: Gary THINKS he knows where it is. 
-  * 2022-01-31 Comments: Gary says no change. 
-  * 2022-02-28 Comments for March: Gary assumes still there. 
-  * 2022-04-04 Comments: Unless mice have moved box, it is still there. 
   * 2022-05-02 Comments: Unless mice have moved box, it is still there.   * 2022-05-02 Comments: Unless mice have moved box, it is still there.
   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None
Line 1212: Line 1187:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Still haven'​t moved out of corner of basement.   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Still haven'​t moved out of corner of basement.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​Box has divided and multiplying like rabbits.
-    * :?:+
 ===== Hardware Donations ===== ===== Hardware Donations =====
-  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to January ​2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​+  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to May 2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​
   *    * 
-  * 2022-01-10 Comments: Gary still has machines. Stan R still willing to help install Linux remotely using GITSO. 
-  * 2022-01-31 Comments: No change. 
-  * 2022-02-28 Comments for March: Gary got Chromebook from Jay Truesdale, has passed it along to new user. Still has one of laptops for Leo. 
-  * 2022-04-04 Comments: Still needs to pass laptop to Leo. 
   * 2022-05-02 Comments: None.   * 2022-05-02 Comments: None.
   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None
Line 1231: Line 1201:
   * 2022-10-03 Comments: Stan R will load Linux on the small netbook (has camera) for Gary to use. Gary should get from Lee and take to Stan.   * 2022-10-03 Comments: Stan R will load Linux on the small netbook (has camera) for Gary to use. Gary should get from Lee and take to Stan.
   * 2022-11-02 Comments: None.   * 2022-11-02 Comments: None.
-  * 2022-12-05 Comments: Gary will post 501c(6) business association write off should be done to be tax deductable ​for this year.+  * 2022-12-05 Comments: Gary will post 501c(6) business association write off should be done to be tax  
 +                         ​deductible ​for this year.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​Lee still has some machines for those in need.
-    * :?:+
 ===== Change BASE and MAIN Structure ===== ===== Change BASE and MAIN Structure =====
Line 1266: Line 1236:
     * We should be much more flexible in structure and not restrict to BASE and MAIN, allowing for multiple short topics.     * We should be much more flexible in structure and not restrict to BASE and MAIN, allowing for multiple short topics.
   * 2022-11-02 Comments: We agree, worth doing again. Might even be routine, like February instead of Lightning Talks.   * 2022-11-02 Comments: We agree, worth doing again. Might even be routine, like February instead of Lightning Talks.
-  * 2022-12-05 Comments: Still a very good option to have multiple short prestnations.+  * 2022-12-05 Comments: Still a very good option to have multiple short presentations.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments:  +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​We're a friendly group, .. if you have a topic that you think would be good, you don't 
-    * :?:+    * have to be an expert!!
 ===== Sanjive Item ===== ===== Sanjive Item =====
Line 1279: Line 1249:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Gary here; but, didn' t do anything.   * 2022-12-05 Comments: Gary here; but, didn' t do anything.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments:  +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​Gary has not talked to Sanjive. If nothing comes about within the next month we will 
-    :?:+                         ​delete this stanza.
 ===== We Need Help ===== ===== We Need Help =====
Line 1291: Line 1261:
   * **QUESTION:​** Any new volunteers to help?   * **QUESTION:​** Any new volunteers to help?
   *   *
-  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to January ​2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​+  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to May 2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​
   *    * 
-  * 2022-01-10 Comments: Stan R doesn'​t need mandatory retirement package. ​ Stan R given Lead Parachute package with matching IRA funds. 
-  * 2022-01-31 Comments: Always. 
-  * 2022-02-28 Comments for March: Always. ​ 
-  * 2022-04-04 Comments: Gary and Stan need clones. Psychoactive help would be nice. 
   * 2022-05-02 Comments: Confirmed.   * 2022-05-02 Comments: Confirmed.
   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None
Line 1306: Line 1272:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: As always.   * 2022-12-05 Comments: As always.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​Steve Stegmann ( was ) volunteered for Secretary position on ballot.
-    * :?:+
 ====== New Business ====== ====== New Business ======
 //  SUMMARY: After old business, we call for anything that we need to deal with: // //  SUMMARY: After old business, we call for anything that we need to deal with: //
   * Do we have anything else, anything new that we need to deal with?   * Do we have anything else, anything new that we need to deal with?
-  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to January ​2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​+  * * The narratives in the agenda/​minutes prior to May 2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​
   *    * 
-  * 2022-01-10 Comments: None. 
-  * 2022-02-28 Comments for March: None. 
-  * 2022-04-04 Comments: None. 
   * 2022-05-02 Comments: None.    * 2022-05-02 Comments: None. 
   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None
Line 1326: Line 1288:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: None.   * 2022-12-05 Comments: None.
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​None
-    * :?:+
 ====== Recurring Requirements ====== ====== Recurring Requirements ======
Line 1353: Line 1314:
   *    * 
   * January 2023 - STLLINUX.ORG domain automatic renewal.   * January 2023 - STLLINUX.ORG domain automatic renewal.
-  * January 2023 ~ Post Office Box Renewal (automatic 6 months on credit card) ~ Lee handles.+  * January 2023 ~ Post Office Box Renewal ( automatic 6 months on credit card ) ~ Lee handles.
   * January 2023 ~ Bribes early to Stan R so your name won't be on ballot.   * January 2023 ~ Bribes early to Stan R so your name won't be on ballot.
   *    * 
   * February 2023 - SLUUG Annual Board meeting and elections.   * February 2023 - SLUUG Annual Board meeting and elections.
-  * February 2023 - Verify automatic renewal of certs with LetsEncrypt (every ​90 days).+  * February 2023 - Verify automatic renewal of certs with LetsEncrypt ( every 60 days ).
   *    * 
   * March 2023 - Count Ballots   * March 2023 - Count Ballots
   * March 2023 - Updates to contacts on webpage if required.   * March 2023 - Updates to contacts on webpage if required.
   * March 2023 - Updates to email aliases if required.   * March 2023 - Updates to email aliases if required.
-  * March 2023 - *automated* LetsEncrypt free SSL certificates for websites on BOCK. 
   * March 2023 - Consider schedule workshops for July and August 2021   * March 2023 - Consider schedule workshops for July and August 2021
   *    * 
Line 1370: Line 1330:
   * May 2023   - LetsEncrypt renews every 60 days early (30 day grace period).   * May 2023   - LetsEncrypt renews every 60 days early (30 day grace period).
   *    * 
-  * 2022-01-10 Comments: None 
-  * 2022-02-28 Comments for March: None  
-  * 2022-04-04 Comments: None 
-  * 2022-05-02 Comments: None 
   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None
   * 2022-06-27 Comments for July: Good list us a lot.   * 2022-06-27 Comments for July: Good list us a lot.
Line 1382: Line 1338:
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: None   * 2022-12-05 Comments: None
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​Quick short review done during this session.
-    * :?:+
 ====== Recognize Useful Efforts ====== ====== Recognize Useful Efforts ======
Line 1390: Line 1345:
   *   *
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
-    * :?:+    * Planning Schedule report database tool is marvelous.
 ====== Follow-up and Action Items ====== ====== Follow-up and Action Items ======
Line 1418: Line 1373:
   * Stan and Gary should get together and discuss how ANNOUNCE was done.   * Stan and Gary should get together and discuss how ANNOUNCE was done.
   *    * 
-  * * Minutes narratives prior to January 2021 Steercom have been removed.* ​+  * * Minutes narratives prior to May 2022 Steercom have been removed.* ​
   *    * 
-  * 2021-01-04 * Gary and Stan need to go through this section. 
-  * 2021-02-01 
-  * 2021-03-01 * Stan went through this section, and moved and deleted much (but, there are still some that are becoming moot). 
-  * 2021-04-05 
-  * 2021-05-03 
-  * 2021-06-02 
-  * 2021-07-05 * Not reviewed at this time. 
-  * 2021-08-02 
-  * 2021-08-30 
-  * 2021-10-04 * Not reviewed at this time. 
-  * 2021-11-01 * Not reviewed at this time. 
-  * 2021-11-29 Comments: Not reviewed at this time. 
-  * 2022-02-28 Comments for March: Not reviewed at this time. 
-  * 2022-04-04: None  
   * 2022-05-02: Not reviewed at this time.   * 2022-05-02: Not reviewed at this time.
   * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None    * 2022-05-31 Comments for June: None 
   * 2022-06-27 Comments for July: No progress yet again.   * 2022-06-27 Comments for July: No progress yet again.
   * 2022-08-01 Comments: None   * 2022-08-01 Comments: None
-  ​* 2022-09-07 Comments: Nothing done. +* 2022-09-07 Comments: Nothing done. 
-  * 2022-10-03 Comments: None+* 2022-10-03 Comments: None
   * 2022-11-02 Comments: None   * 2022-11-02 Comments: None
   * 2022-12-05 Comments: None   * 2022-12-05 Comments: None
   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-09 Comments: ​
-  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​ +  * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​None
-    * :?:+
 ====== Adjourn STEERCOM Meeting ====== ====== Adjourn STEERCOM Meeting ======
Line 1452: Line 1392:
     * **QUESTION:​** Will we have Blue Sky Idea session to record or not record?     * **QUESTION:​** Will we have Blue Sky Idea session to record or not record?
     * **QUESTION:​** At what time was STEERCOM meeting adjourned?     * **QUESTION:​** At what time was STEERCOM meeting adjourned?
-    * TIME: :?:+    * TIME: 8:41pm
 ====== Stop Video Recordings ====== ====== Stop Video Recordings ======
   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​   * 2023-01-30 Comments: ​
-    * TIME: :?:+    * TIME: 8:41pm
 ====== Blue Sky Ideas ====== ====== Blue Sky Ideas ======
steercom/2023-02.1675124622.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/30 18:23 by SLUUG Administration