SLUUG Steering Committee Minutes - August 2007
NOTE: Minutes posted on the wiki are always unofficial. Schedules for
upcoming presentations are always tentative. (Some more tentative
than others!)
Saint Louis Bread Company,
(at Old Olive and Olive),
10550 Old Olive Street Road,
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
Date and Time
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
6:30 pm - 8:55 pm
Stan Reichardt
Craig Buchek
Carl Fitch
Lee Lammert
Jeff Muse
Secretary Report
Treasurer Report
Book Sales Report
Membership Attendance Report
Most attendance sheets are available from the web servers.
Must have had good topics, as these numbers are higher than recent months.
Mailing List Report
List | May | June | July | Aug |
ANNOUNCE | 917 | 925 | 900 | 915 |
DISCUSS | 184 | 190 | 188 | 190 |
STEERCOM | 32 | 32 | 33 | 32 |
SYSADMIN | xx | xx | 18 | 18 |
July 2007
HOLIDAY - July 4
SLACC - July 5
SLUUG - July 11
Base: DSH - Distributed Shell by John Hodge
Good, but only covered the AIX version for the most part.
Generated good discussion on DISCUSS, including alternatives.
Main: Basic GIMP Usage by Scott Nesler (confirmed, via Craig)
SOLARIS - July 17
STLLUG - July 19
HZWLUG - July 24
SECURITY - July 25
TOPIC: Continued Examination of Snort by Chris Byrd and Mark Buchanan
Suggestion made to make Savvis primary meeting location.
PRO: Room is available more than UMSL location.
PRO: Nice space - main conference room.
PRO: Free sodas.
PRO: Gets Chris Byrd and Mark Buchanan more involved in leadership.
CON: No hands-on available in main conference room.
CON: Difficult to get into the building after 6:00.
Clarence should make the final decision about moving.
STCLUG - July 26
Presentation Schedule
August 2007
SLACC - August 2
SLUUG - August 8
STLLUG - August 16
SOLARIS - August 21
STCLUG - August 23
HZWLUG - August 28
SECURITY - August 29
September 2007
HOLIDAY - September 3
SLACC - September 6
SLUUG - September 12
SOLARIS - September 18
STLLUG - September 20
HZWLUG - September 25
SECURITY - September 26
STCLUG - September 27
October 2007
St. Louis Business Expo - October 2
SLACC - October 4
HOLIDAY - October 8
SLUUG - October 10
SOLARIS - October 16
STLLUG - October 18
SECURITY - October 24
STCLUG - October 25
HZWLUG - October 30
November 2007
HOLIDAY - November 12
SLUUG - November 14
TOPIC: Genetics, DNA, Viruses, Bioinfomatics, etc. (part 1) by Robert Citek (tentative, via Craig)
STLLUG - November 15
TOPIC: Genetics, DNA, Viruses, Bioinfomatics, etc. (part 2) by Robert Citek (tentative, via Craig)
STCLUG - November 19
NOTE: Date changed due to 4th Thursday falling on Thanksgiving.
TOPIC: Rapid Data Oriented Web Development with CakePHP and PHPReports by Scott Nesler (confirmed, via Carl)
HOLIDAY - November 22
Potential Future Topics
Scribus by Stan Reichardt.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL 5)- still looking for volunteer (via Craig).
CentOS Linux by Tim Dreste (Tentatively October, via Stan.)
AIX 6 - due out later this year (about November, IBM via John Hodge)
Another presentation from Tom Bowman at TeamCentric Technologies (via Craig)
History of tech since 1968 from Scott Granneman (via Gary).
Building a modern kernel by Ed Howland.
Using git by Ed Howland.
Linux(xBSD, etc) on Wireless. (Suggested by Ed Howland)
System Administration
Server Migration Project
Work left to do:
Make sure docs are up to date.
Add documentation telling users how to configure mail clients to use Bud.
Start migrating individual users.
Make sure we have documentation on what we need to migrate.
Rebuild Budlight.
Carl may rebuild using virtual machines.
Get offsite backups working.
Put SSH host keys on web page.
Work with Ed Wehner to migrate gateway-l and archrivals lists.
Migrate USERS mailing list.
Document changes to PAM to correct MAIL variable. (Craig)
Website Library
Stan R. and Ted P.
Partial migration from Dark to Bud sufficient to start loading presentations.
Migration means that we can start making real progress each month.
No routine presentation uploads yet.
Each website has skeleton presentation page listing topics given to date.
Event at EPC
August 3-5 is Missouri's tax holiday, which includes computers.
EPC is having a big sale on August 4.
We will have some SLUUG folks demonstrating applications.
Blurb was put in this week's ANNOUNCE about Linux Demonstration Table at EPC.
Will focus on how to use GNU/Linux and Open Source applications.
Setup from 4-6 PM on Friday August 3.
EPC will print some brochures for us to hand out.
Membership (and Shell Accounts)
Stan and Craig met earlier on August 1 to work out membership issues.
Those present read through the write-up on the wiki page.
Recommendations from the group:
Craig to rework the membership page a bit.
Will post
URL to STEERCOM for confirmation/vote.
Carl will spend $150 to buy membership gifts to have on-hand.
Membership drive will start in September.
We talked about making the logos that Scott Nesler made official logos.
NOTE: Membership sign-ups must include form with user info.
Publicity Handouts
Craig and Stan met earlier on August 1 to work on handouts.
Stan had previously created a St. Charles LUG brochure on GNU/Linux resources.
Need about 200 copies of all brochures.
Other Old Business
New Business
Follow-up and Action Items
Carl - Follow up with John Hodge to determine if he wants to postpone presentation.
Carl - Call Noel about transferring domain.
Carl - Rebuild Budlight.
Carl - Lead effort at EPC.
Carl - Buy $150 of membership gifts from CafePress to have on-hand.
Carl - Split out Mail Clients pages on users wiki document.
Craig - Write up brochures on meetings.
Craig - Fix up membership page, per recommendations.
URL to STEERCOM for confirmation/vote.
Craig - Print minutes for any months missing from secretary folder.
Craig - Work on finishing server builds.
Jeff - Seek assistance from AIX gurus to see if we want to set up his box.
Stan - Work on updating brochures on membership issues.
Lee - Consider online database for membership applications/renewals.