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SLUUG Steering Committee Minutes - August 2007

NOTE: Minutes posted on the wiki are always unofficial. Schedules for upcoming presentations are always tentative. (Some more tentative than others!)


Saint Louis Bread Company,
(at Old Olive and Olive),
10550 Old Olive Street Road,
Creve Coeur, MO 63141

Date and Time

  • Wednesday, 1 August 2007
  • 6:30 pm - 8:55 pm


  • Stan Reichardt
  • Craig Buchek
  • Carl Fitch
  • Lee Lammert
  • Jeff Muse

Secretary Report

  • Craig needs to review printed minutes to ensure we are not missing any.
    • Needs to print out minutes for July.
  • July minutes have been uploaded to wiki.
    • Due to WiFi issues, minutes were taken off-line.

Treasurer Report

  • Current Balance: $1239.81 as of 6/30/07
  • Bills paid: $23.57 (Pizza for 6/13 server work day)
  • Open questions:
    • Final bill from Wash U.
    • Receipts for expense reimbursements:
      • Gary - domain registration
      • Carl - state registration

Book Sales Report

  • None reported for June.

Membership Attendance Report

  • Most attendance sheets are available from the web servers.
    • Attendance for July 2007:
      • Jul 4 - HOLIDAY - Independence Day
      • Jul 5 - SLACC: 6
      • Jul 10 - 1st LDAP: No meeting in July
      • Jul 11 - SLUUG: 27
      • Jul 16 - Steercom: 4
      • Jul 17 - Solaris: 8
      • Jul 18 - 2nd LDAP: No meeting in July
      • Jul 19 - STLLUG: 31
      • Jul 24 - HZWLUG: 11
      • Jul 25 - Security: 6
      • Jul 26 - STCLUG: 11
  • Must have had good topics, as these numbers are higher than recent months.
    • And July attendance is normally low due to vacations, good weather, etc.

Mailing List Report

  • We have migrated most lists from Majordomo on Michelob to MailMan on Bud.
    • USERS and non-SLUUG lists are only remaining lists to migrate.
  • Some current mailing list subscriber numbers (approximate):
List May June July Aug
ANNOUNCE 917 925 900 915
DISCUSS 184 190 188 190
STEERCOM 32 32 33 32
SYSADMIN xx xx 18 18
  • Un-advertised MailMan lists are MAILMAN, TEST, TESTING and SYSADMIN.
  • The old ANNOUNCE Majordomo list has been converted to a MailMan list.
    • Subscribed (injected) 920 addresses into the new ANNOUNCE MailMan list on 29 July.
    • Surprisingly fewer than expect unsubscribe requests so far.
    • We still anticipate more ANNOUNCE reductions due to MailMan automated handling of bounces.
    • Already two new subscribers via the new process.
    • Lots of non-subscriber submissions every day – SPAM.
  • Weekly ANNOUNCE EVENTS mailing.
    • Latest mailing sent out on MailMan list. Late Sunday evening, 29 July.
    • Continued including name and link to a sponsor in each weekly ANNOUNCE EVENTS mailing.
    • Doing in reverse alphabetical order.
    • Have done 7 so far: UMSL-micros, Strategic Staffing, O'Reilly, K&S Pritchard, Hostirian Graybar, Computers & Things.
    • Next up: EPC and then Ajilon.

Presentation Review and Comments

July 2007

HOLIDAY - July 4

  • Independence Day

SLACC - July 5

  • Linux Configuration Workshop - No presentation.

SLUUG - July 11

  • Base: DSH - Distributed Shell by John Hodge
    • Good, but only covered the AIX version for the most part.
    • Generated good discussion on DISCUSS, including alternatives.
  • Main: Basic GIMP Usage by Scott Nesler (confirmed, via Craig)
    • Excellent. Everyone learned something new.
    • Scott enjoyed presenting; wants to do more.

SOLARIS - July 17

  • TOPIC: SMF - Service Management Facility by Bob Netherton
    • Very interesting. Centered around satisfying startup dependencies.
    • Bob Netherton was excellent as always.

STLLUG - July 19

  • TOPIC: Everything You (N)Ever Wanted to Know About HDTV by Craig Buchek
    • Excellent. Tons of information covered in a short amount of time.
    • Invitation mailed to ANNOUNCE the prior day seemed to bring in several new people.
    • Presentation available at

HZWLUG - July 24

  • TOPIC: Review updated HZWLUG Information CD-ROM Disc by Stan Reichardt
    • Went well. Stan did well, even without Carl there.
  • Plus other unstructured topics requested by Newbie questions

SECURITY - July 25

  • TOPIC: Continued Examination of Snort by Chris Byrd and Mark Buchanan
    • Excellent review and continuation of topic.
  • Suggestion made to make Savvis primary meeting location.
    • PRO: Room is available more than UMSL location.
    • PRO: Nice space - main conference room.
    • PRO: Free sodas.
    • PRO: Gets Chris Byrd and Mark Buchanan more involved in leadership.
    • CON: No hands-on available in main conference room.
    • CON: Difficult to get into the building after 6:00.
  • Clarence should make the final decision about moving.
    • Carl will call Clarence.

STCLUG - July 26

  • TOPIC: Basic GIMP Usage by Scott Nesler
    • Updated a bit from SLUUG version, fewer mistakes.
    • Excellent once again.

Presentation Schedule

August 2007

SLACC - August 2

  • Linux Configuration Workshop - No presentation.

SLUUG - August 8

  • Base: SFTP by Carl Fitch
  • Main: APV (Advance POWER Virtualization) Overview by John Hodge
  • Alternative: Technology Since 1968 by Scott Granneman (via Gary)

STLLUG - August 16

  • TOPIC: Podcasting with Audacity by Scott Granneman (via Craig)

SOLARIS - August 21

  • TOPIC: TBD. Possibly work on installing (Open)Solaris, or DTrace presentation by Jeff Muse

STCLUG - August 23

  • TOPIC: TBD. Possibly John Pitney.

HZWLUG - August 28

  • TOPIC: Whatever the newest person wants to talk about.
  • Plus other unstructured topics requested by Newbie questions.

SECURITY - August 29


September 2007

HOLIDAY - September 3

  • Labor Day

SLACC - September 6

  • Linux Configuration Workshop - No presentation.

SLUUG - September 12

  • Base: Rsyncing System Files with Root Permissions by Carl Fitch
  • TOPIC: TBD. Possibly John Hodge or Scott Granneman.

SOLARIS - September 18


STLLUG - September 20


HZWLUG - September 25

  • Plus other unstructured topics requested by Newbie questions

SECURITY - September 26


STCLUG - September 27


October 2007

St. Louis Business Expo - October 2

  • At St. Charles Convention Center
    • SLUUG will have a booth again.

SLACC - October 4

  • Linux Configuration Workshop - No presentation.

HOLIDAY - October 8

  • Columbus Day

SLUUG - October 10

  • Base: TBD

SOLARIS - October 16


STLLUG - October 18

  • TOPIC: Lotus Notes (Client and Server) on Linux by Tom Bowman of TeamCentric (confirmed, via Craig)

HZWLUG - October 23

  • Plus other unstructured topics requested by Newbie questions

SECURITY - October 24


STCLUG - October 25

  • TOPIC: Joomla by Mark Ward (confirmed, via Carl)

November 2007

HOLIDAY - November 12

  • Veterans Day (Observed)

SLUUG - November 14

  • TOPIC: Genetics, DNA, Viruses, Bioinfomatics, etc. (part 1) by Robert Citek (tentative, via Craig)

STLLUG - November 15

  • TOPIC: Genetics, DNA, Viruses, Bioinfomatics, etc. (part 2) by Robert Citek (tentative, via Craig)

STCLUG - November 19

  • NOTE: Date changed due to 4th Thursday falling on Thanksgiving.
  • TOPIC: PHP-Nuke and other PHP Apps by Scott Nesler (confirmed, via Carl)

HOLIDAY - November 22

  • Thanksgiving Day

Potential Future Topics

  • Scribus by Stan Reichardt.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL 5)- still looking for volunteer (via Craig).
  • CentOS Linux by Tim Dreste (Tentatively October, via Stan.)
  • AIX 6 - due out later this year (about November, IBM via John Hodge)
  • Another presentation from Tom Bowman at TeamCentric Technologies (via Craig)
  • History of tech since 1968 from Scott Granneman (via Gary).
  • Building a modern kernel by Ed Howland.
  • Using git by Ed Howland.
  • Linux(xBSD, etc) on Wireless. (Suggested by Ed Howland)
    • Part 1: Theory and operation of wireless networks.
      • The 802.11 stack (relevant protocols.)
      • Descriptions of terms, expansion of alphabet soup.
      • Security (WEP, WPA, WPA2)
      • Network types (ad-hoc, infrastrucure.)
      • Modes (ad-hoc, managed, master, monitor.)
      • Packet Types (management, data frames. Beacons, probes.)
    • Part 2: Practical Linux Wireless configuration.
      • Cards, compatiblity.
      • NDISWrapper and native (devicescape stack.)
      • Drivers
      • Tools (using wpa_supplicant.)
      • Network Monitor
      • Wireshark sniffing.


  • No change from last month.
  • Effort should be directed to find new sponsors.
    • No effort means no new sponsors.

System Administration

  • ISSUE - Storage space on MICHELOB/DARK /home directory
    • Space use at 95% level causing backups to FAIL.
    • One user taking up way too much space.
  • Security issues
    • Confirmed that we will not be using "sudo" on new sysems.
    • Set new root passwords on BUD and BUDLIGHT.
    • Sent notice of password change out to SYSADMIN list.
    • Set up cron job to dun us to change password every 6 months.

Server Migration Project

  • Carl, Craig, Stan, and Mike Knight met on July 25 to work on the new servers.
    • Migrated ANNOUNCE list.
    • Fixed problem with mailing list archive listings.
    • Corrected mailing list pages to point to new archives.
    • Fixed problem Phil reported with mailing list passwords.
    • Added mailx to allow sending email via the 'mail' command.
    • Got cron job working, to tell us when we need to update packages.
    • Upgraded to most recent version of DokuWiki.
    • Got SASL working, so authenticated users can send out emails.
    • Started documenting client email configurations, to help users migrate.
  • Work left to do:
    • Make sure docs are up to date.
      • Add documentation telling users how to configure mail clients to use Bud.
    • Start migrating individual users.
      • Make sure we have documentation on what we need to migrate.
    • Rebuild Budlight.
      • Carl may rebuild using virtual machines.
    • Get offsite backups working.
    • Put SSH host keys on web page.
    • Work with Ed Wehner to migrate gateway-l and archrivals lists.
    • Migrate USERS mailing list.
    • Document changes to PAM to correct MAIL variable. (Craig)

Website Library

  • Stan R. and Ted P.
  • Partial migration from Dark to Bud sufficient to start loading presentations.
  • Migration means that we can start making real progress each month.
  • No routine presentation uploads yet.
  • Each website has skeleton presentation page listing topics given to date.


  • Carl spoke with Noel about moving the domain website.
    • Yes. Carl to follow up.

Event at EPC

  • August 3-5 is Missouri's tax holiday, which includes computers.
  • EPC is having a big sale on August 4.
  • We will have some SLUUG folks demonstrating applications.
    • Blurb was put in this week's ANNOUNCE about Linux Demonstration Table at EPC.
    • Will focus on how to use GNU/Linux and Open Source applications.
    • Setup from 4-6 PM on Friday August 3.
    • EPC will print some brochures for us to hand out.

Membership (and Shell Accounts)

  • Stan and Craig met earlier on August 1 to work out membership issues.
  • Those present read through the write-up on the wiki page.
  • Recommendations from the group:
    • Make it clear that the primary benefit is to support the group.
    • Give away an item (from our CafePress page) for each level
      • Platinum level - golf shirt
      • Gold level - t-shirt, mug, or baseball cap
      • Silver level - bumper sticker (excluding the $10 level)
    • No longer need to follow July - June billing cycle.
      • Each member will renew 1 year from their start date.
  • Craig to rework the membership page a bit.
    • Will post URL to STEERCOM for confirmation/vote.
  • Carl will spend $150 to buy membership gifts to have on-hand.
    • Unanimous support from committee to spend this amount.
  • Membership drive will start in September.
    • After that point, Stan will add CafePress link to SLUUG web site.
  • We talked about making the logos that Scott Nesler made official logos.
    • Will post URLs to options on STEERCOM, and vote on them there.
  • NOTE: Membership sign-ups must include form with user info.

Publicity Handouts

  • Craig and Stan were to met earlier on August 1 to work on handouts.
    • Improve the brochures we have.
    • Include a page telling when/where all our meetings are. (Craig working on)
  • Stan created St. Charles LUG brochure on GNU/Linux resources.
    • Added link to PDF on SLUUG Handouts web page.
    • Will add link to PDF on STCLUG web page.
  • Need about 200 copies of all brochures.
    • Carl was to ask EPC to print 200 copies of each.
    • After event at EPC we should ask for volunteer on DISCUSS to print more.

Other Old Business

  • Gary has an additional (E250?) Sun box to put into production for our members to access.

New Business

  • Lee suggested dropping the merchant account, to save $60/yr.
    • We're not sure if we want to accept credit cards for membership drive.
    • We'll wait a couple months to see if membership drive makes keeping it worthwhile.
  • Jeff has an RS/6000 to get rid of.
    • 300 MHz, 512 MB, 18 GB+36 GB drives
    • Has PCI bus, so will run AIX 5.3.
    • Tower system.
    • Would be a good system to use once we retire Michelob and/or Dark.
      • We don't have space otherwise.
    • Jeff would be willing to build it with AIX 5.3 if someone has CDs.
      • Currently running AIX 5.1.
    • If Jeff can get assistance from others, we can use it.

Follow-up and Action Items

  • Carl - Follow up with John Hodge to determine if he wants to postpone presentation.
  • Carl - Call Noel about transferring domain.
  • Carl - Rebuild Budlight.
  • Carl - Lead effort at EPC.
  • Carl - Buy $150 of membership gifts from CafePress to have on-hand.
  • Craig - Write up brochures on meetings.
  • Craig - Fix up membership page, per recommendations.
    • Post URL to STEERCOM for confirmation/vote.
  • Craig - Print minutes for any months missing from secretary folder.
  • Craig - Work on finishing server builds.
  • Jeff - Seek assistance from AIX gurus to see if we want to set up his box.
  • Stan - Work on updating brochures on membership issues.
  • Lee - Consider online database for membership applications/renewals.
steercom/2007-08.1186019650.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/08/01 20:54 by