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SLUUG Steering Committee Minutes - 1 April 2009

NOTE: Minutes posted on the wiki are always unofficial. Schedules for upcoming presentations are always tentative. (Some more tentative than others!)


Saint Louis Bread Company,
(at Old Olive and Olive),
10550 Old Olive Street Road,
Creve Coeur, MO 63141

Date and Time

  • Wednesday, April 1, 2009
  • :?: 6:30 PM -


  • :?: Carl Fitch
  • :?: Stan Reichardt
  • :?: Craig Buchek
  • :?: Lee Lamert
  • :?: Gary Meyer
  • :?: Jeff Muse
  • :?: Don Ellis
  • :?: Tony Lovasco
  • :?: Jerry Stutte
  • :?: Mike Wilkerson

Secretary Report


  • Secretary has printed out minutes up through February.
  • :?:

Treasurer Report


  • Balance: $1361.65 as of 2/28/2009
  • Receipts (pending submission):
    • Carl - Annual registration fee to State of Missouri
    • Craig - Submit receipt for voice recorder.
    • Gary - Turn in receipt for domain registration.
  • :?:

Mailing List Report


  • Subscriber numbers (approximate) as of end of March 2009:
List Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
ANNOUNCE 857 856 853 854 843 835 830 828 807 805 802 791 790 786 xxx
DISCUSS 185 185 186 1?? 188 188 192 193 192 193 194 196 201 206 xxx
STEERCOM 31 31 31 ?? 29 32 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 xxx
SYSADMIN 17 17 17 ?? 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 xxx
  • Numbers will now be as end of each month.
  • Blocking of mailing list attachments not completely configured yet.
  • ANNOUNCE mailing list.
    • Still no volunteer editor to do a quarterly or monthly newsletter.

Attendance Report


  • Numbers, as of end of March 2009:
Meeting Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Steercom 6 2 4 4 4 7 4 2 4 5 5 6 6 6 xxx
SLACC 7 4 (4) ? x 6 9 8 6 ? 4 4 No 6 xxx
SLUUG 14 12 23 17 31 18 17 15 18 21 20 27 24 23 xxx
STLOSUG 13 No 6 No 20 10 No 12 No 11 10 7 6 xxx xxx
SNUG NA NA NA NA NA 5 4 No 5 3 5? No 7 xxx xxx
STLLUG 17 No 16 17 29 22 20 23 13 15 11 10 19 32 xxx
STCLUG 9 11 3 13 5 6 3 6 3 19 No 6 11? 12 xxx
HZWLUG 10 11 14 11 11 10 11 12 9 11 9 4 2 8 xxx
MythTV No No No No No No No No No No No No No 8 xxx

* No - indicates no meeting.

  • NA - Not part of SLUUG
  • () - Numbers in parentheses are head count.
  • ? - Question mark indicates attendance not taken or sheet missing.
  • xx - attendance numbers not yet recorded.
  • Added MythTV as a SIG.

Meeting Review and Comments

March 2009

     March 2009     
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 8  9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31            

SLACC - March 5

  • Linux configuration workshop - no presentation
    • :?: Which video projector was used, any issues?
    • :?: Was Internet available, any issues?

SLUUG - March 11

  • BASE: Internet Tablet Demo by Jerry Stutte
    • :?: Which video projector was used, any issues?
    • :?: Was Internet available, any issues?
    • :?:
  • MAIN: March Through Linux /proc by Carl
    • :?: Which video projector was used, any issues?
    • :?: Was Internet available, any issues?
    • :?:

Solaris - March 17

  • TOPIC: Continuation of System Build
    • :?: Which video projector was used, any issues?
    • :?: Was Internet available, any issues?
    • :?:

SNUG - March 18

  • CANCELLED Because of StL Business Expo on same day.

StL Business Expo March 18

  • SLUUG Booth
  • See Discussion Below

STLLUG - March 19

  • TOPIC: Podcasting and New Media by Mike Wilkerson
    • :?: Which video projector was used, any issues?
    • :?: Was Internet available, any issues?
    • :?: Mike said he wasn't recording. We did, posted on STLLUG meeting notes page.
    • :?:

HZWLUG - March 24

  • Topics are usually determined by attendees. We sometimes cover more than one.
    • :?: TOPIC1:
    • :?: TOPIC2:
    • :?: TOPIC3:
    • :?: TOPIC4:
    • :?: Which video projector was used, any issues?
    • :?: Was Internet available, any issues?
    • :?:

STCLUG - March 26

  • TOPIC: Bulk Deployment with Linux by Tony Lovasco
    • :?: Which video projector was used, any issues?
    • :?: Was Internet available, any issues?
    • :?:
  • PLANNING: Free Software and Technology Expo
    • No longer calling it Ubuntu Release Party
    • See Discussion Below


  • This SIG meets at irregular intervals.

Presentation Schedule

April 2009

     April 2009     
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
          1  2  3  4
 5  6  7  8  9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30      

SLACC - April 2

  • Linux configuration workshop - no presentation

SLUUG - April 8

  • BASE: GNU screen by Jeff Muse
  • Main: Live Demo IBM Virtualization by Sammie Allam, IBM (via Lee)
    • :?: Please ask Sammie to bring past presentation to us on thumb drive

SNUG - April 15

  • :?: TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)

STLLUG - April 16


  • :?: TOPIC: Open Source on the Desktop: Why Not? (TENTATIVE, via Gary)
    • by Don Hardaway and Craig Van Slyke (St. Louis University)
    • See first article here

STLOSUG (Solaris) - April 21

  • :?: TOPIC: Continuation of System Build

STCLUG - April 23

  • TOPIC: Google Calendar by Stan Reichardt
  • TOPIC: Google Gadgets by Jerry Stutte

HZWLUG - April 28

  • Topics are usually determined by attendees. We sometimes cover more than one.
    • OPTION1: Continued exploration of /var directory.
    • OPTION2: Exploring the GNOME File Manager.
    • OPTION3: Partitions.
    • OPTION4: Anything else.


  • This SIG meets at irregular intervals.

May 2009

      May 2009      
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
                1  2
 3  4  5  6  7  8  9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

SLACC - May 7

  • Linux configuration workshop - no presentation

SLUUG - May 13

  • :?: BASE: To Be Determined (TBD)
  • :?: Main: To Be Determined (TBD)

STLOSUG (Solaris) - May 19

  • :?: TOPIC: Continuation of System Build

SNUG - May 20

  • :?: TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)

STLLUG - May 21

  • :?: TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)

HZWLUG - May 26

  • Topics are usually determined by attendees. We sometimes cover more than one.

STCLUG - May 28

  • :?: TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)


  • This SIG meets at irregular intervals.

Potential Presenters

FIXME These are some people who can present, and possible topics they can speak about.

  • Don Hardaway and Craig Van Slyke (St. Louis University)
    • TOPIC: Open Source on the Desktop: Why Not?
    • Gary to contact them to request a presentation from them.
    • See first article here
  • Wehrenberg Theaters (via Gary)
    • TOUR/DEMO: Digital cinema projectors
  • Sanjiv Bhatia (or someone from UMSL, via Lee)
    • TOPIC: AIX 6
    • TOPIC: Open Grid Computing
    • December or January
  • David Letscher (Prof of CS at SLU) (via Gary)
    • TOPIC: TBD
    • Still gone for summer. Awaiting details.
  • Rick Clark (Ubuntu) (via Craig)
    • TOPIC: TBD
    • Might be able to talk to STCLUG and STLLUG
  • Jeff Logullo (Sun)
    • TOPIC: MySQL - now a Sun product
    • TOPIC: Project Indiana, a new package management system a la apt/dpkg
    • TOPIC: Versioning filenames (snapshots?) in ZFS
    • TOPIC: New release of ZFS
    • TOPIC: Belenix & other live CD's based on Open Solaris
  • Scott Nesler
    • TOPIC: GIMP (follow-up from previous presentation)
    • TOPIC: PGP and GPG
  • Jeff Muse
    • TOPIC: various Solaris topics
  • Stan Reichardt
    • TOPIC/DEMO: Google Calendar
    • TOPIC/DEMO: Using Scribus
  • Tim Dreste (via Stan R)
    • TOPIC: Untangle Gateway Platform
    • TOPIC: CentOS Linux
  • Don Ellis
    • Mac OS X Snow Leopard
  • Kyle Cordes
    • git and GitHub
    • Flying Boxes
  • Craig Buchek
    • git and GitHub
    • ack (grep replacement)
    • GNU grep (–count, –context, -e, –color)
    • wget and curl
    • Mac OS X topics
    • Ruby on Rails
    • Test-Driven Development (or get Brian Button, if possible)
  • Jerry Stutte
    • OpenGL
  • Tony Lovasco
    • Patent-Free Codecs (Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Theora, FLAC, Dirac) STLLUG - May 20
  • Mike Wilkerson
    • Round-Table on Joe Linux User (moderator)
  • :?:

Potential Topics

FIXME These are some topics that we've had requested, or brainstormed, but need to find speakers for.

  • Unix glossary - define terms
    • mount point
    • white space
    • "well-behaved" app
    • zombies
    • parent process
  • Knoppix karaoke (various users sit in front of Knoppix system)
    • regedit - edit Windows registry from Linux
  • Drawing network diagrams using Dia or OpenOffice Draw
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL 5)
    • Still looking for volunteer; tried Clark Smith at Red Hat
  • Fedora recent releases
  • SuSE or OpenSUSE recent releases
    • Someone from Novell?
    • Gary Hollingsworth?
  • HP-UX current release, features, future
    • Dave Mills?
    • HP corporate?
  • iSCSI
  • Using git
  • CPUs
    • Features of modern Intel/AMD CPUs
    • x86-64
    • x86, x86-64, IA64, Sparc, PowerPC, ARM, POWER
  • iPhone
    • Developing for (web, native)
  • iPhone competitors
    • LG Dare
    • Samsung Instinct
    • Other Linux-based phones
    • LiMo versus Google Android
  • Linux from scratch.
  • SplashTop - a quick booting distro.
  • PGP/GPG use in Email
    • Thunderbird Enigmail
    • KMail
  • Google Android
    • Gateway and STL JUGs both recently had presentations
  • :?:

Small Business Expo

  • QB demo for the SBE - can anyone help get it working?
  • SBE Flyers - Lee has 50 flyers if anyone would like some.
  • Small Business Expo is March 18.
    • Lee has signed up for a booth – same one as last time.
    • Project is to build a business desktop with GNU/Linux to show off.
      • Need to get requirements/recommendations.
  • :?:


  • Scott Nesler purchased and donated STCLUG.ORG domain.
  • Gary renewed STCLUG.ORG domain.
  • Craig added to Apache configuration, so it now runs off our servers properly.
  • Craig will add DNS records on our EveryDNS account.
  • Gary needs to create DNS records in EveryDNS and point the domain at EveryDNS.
    • Currently pointing at GoDaddy parking page.
  • :?:


  • Need to register SLACC.COM domain.
    • Carl - follow up with Noel about transferring the SLACC.COM domain to us.
    • Expires in March; need to renew.
  • Check on SLACC.ORG - seems to be owned by a cybersquatter.
  • Noel asked that we allow current email users to keep their SLACC.COM email addresses.
  • ACTION ITEM: Carl, Gary - Transfer and renew SLACC.COM domain.
  • :?:


  • Lee proposed resurrecting StlWebDev as a SLUUG SIG.
  • Lee spoke w/ Allan Trick, president of (now-defunct) StlWebDev group.
    • They're willing to abide by SLUUG terms.
    • They've not held meetings for some time.
    • Would like to move the web site and mailing list to our servers.
      • Mailing list would be separate from our DISCUSS list.
      • Using our Mailmain and Apache services.
  • Unanimous agreement.
  • :?:

Server Admin

  • Craig updated DokuWiki to the latest version.
  • Partitions on Bud are getting full.
    • Home and var partitions.
    • Tony will look into prices for 9 SCA hard drives - 36 GB and 72 GB.
  • Jeff installed Solaris 10 on the E250 with the hard drives.
    • Ran into mirroring issues, due to disk sizes.
  • Omnitec offered to provide secondary DNS for us.
    • We would provide secondary DNS for them.
    • Lee and Carl would maintain DNS on both ends.
  • Dark is alive again, thanks to a campus-wide power outage.
    • Anyone who needs to get anything off should do so ASAP.
    • We should retire this system.
  • Wash U took our webdev box ( off network Mon December 1.
    • They detected questionable IRC traffic with IP addresses in Finland & Norway.
    • We should analyze and respond.
  • Jeff Muse added Ultra and Busch - Sun Netras running Solaris 10.
    • Expect to use one like Bud and one for backup storage.
  • We have 2 Sun E250s, which are currently racked but not connected.
    • Carl proposed parting out those boxes.
    • Craig concurred.
    • One of the systems is reporting a bad/missing CPU.
    • The other seems to be OK, but needs power and an OS.
    • Jeff got 4 x 36 GB hard drives, and placed in the good Sun E250.
  • We're planning to setup our own DNS on Ultra/Busch.
    • Make our own servers authoritative for our own domains.
    • Would allow us to publish reverse records.
      • Primary has said they can allow this.
    • Would allow us to publish SPF records.
    • We could offer dyanmic DNS services to our members.
      • On a subdomain, such as
  • Steve Smith (from Solaris SIG) offered a 36 GB drive to install in one of the Netras.
  • :?:

Server Management

  • Backups
  • Work left to do:
    • Make sure docs are up to date.
      • Add documentation telling users how to configure mail clients to use Bud.
      • Started documenting client email configurations, to help users migrate.
      • See users and mail_setup pages.
    • Craig - Work on finishing server builds.
      • Document changes to PAM to correct MAIL variable. (Craig)
      • More security, for SSH and otherwise.
      • Get offsite backups working. (Mike)
      • Publish SSH host keys on web page.
      • Standardize/regularize user accounts (IDs, password expirations). (Mike)
  • Other work to do:
    • Better web site management tools
    • Document useradd process.
    • Develop standardized 'Membership List' & same UIDs on all production machines.
  • :?:



  • Tony Lovasco will look into getting some sponsorships.
  • :?:

Membership (and Shell Accounts)

  • Craig had a discussion with Jim Leingang about membership, and got several suggestions.
    • Assign small task to more members, so they feel more a part of the organization.
      • For example, have someone new every month doing sign-in sheets and new user contact.
    • Reward good behaviors.
      • Awards at the end of the year.
      • Provide incentives (like door prizes) for people who bring in new members.
  • Membership drive
    • Need to print out name tags.
      • Omnitec will print them out and bring to SLUUG meeting.
  • Cafe Press merchandise
    • Carl/SLUUG/Lee need to reconcile demo merchandise
  • Lee has proposed to sell pizzas as fund-raiser if continued insufficient Memberships & Sponsors.
  • :?:

Manage The Group

  • Lee suggested we create a Rails app on Bud to manage the group.
    • Member data - payments, expirations, etc.
    • Sponsors - expirations, etc.
    • Attendance
    • STL Ruby Group is writing a similar application.
      • RAMS - Rails Association Management System
      • We should leverage that, and guide it to our needs
    • Scott Nesler has built an app for attendance
      • Stan has plugged data into it for the year
      • Not sure if the app fits any of our other needs
        • (app is developed on CakePHP MVC architecture).
        • Member Payment, expiration would be simple addition to existing table/screens.
        • CRUD functionality simplifies expanding the application with additional tables.
        • Compartmentalization of CSS and layout templates simplifies changes to the look and feel.
  • :?:

Improve Attendance

  • Gary suggests we discuss why the #s on the general meeting and STLLUG are so low!
    • What can be done to return them to more traditional values?
    • Also relate to subscriptions to ANNOUNCE.
    • Gary suggests we talk about what can be done about the declining subscriptions to ANNOUNCE.
    • A ~20% drop in 18 months! (And it was over 1000…when?)
  • Craig gave away a stuffed penguin as a door prize.
    • Had stated that whoever brought the most (new, returning) people to STLLUG meeting.
    • Tony Z won the penguin, bringing his Linux class to the meeting.
  • :?:

Free Software and Technology Expo

  • Rick Clark from Canonical proposed SLUUG sponsor an Ubuntu release party.
  • Official Name: Free Software and Technology Expo
  • Date will be 2nd Saturday in May - May 9.
    • Runs from 4 PM to 9 PM
    • Setup from 3 PM to 4 PM
  • Tony Lovasco from Nexradix paid for Westport Plaza location.
  • Single ballroom - 75' x 30'
    • Tables in a horseshoe, with projector
    • Booths around the edges
    • SLUUG membership desk
  • Potential Presentations (4)
    • something by Rick Clark of Canonical / Ubuntu
    • Open Source Licensing: What You Need to Know by Craig Buchek
    • something by Scott Granneman (TENTATIVE)
    • something security-related by Christine Wanta
    • Open Source in an Economic Downturn by Craig Buchek (ALTERNATE)
  • :?:
  • :?: PLANNING: Free Software and Technology Expo
    • :?: Uncertain of Canonical or Rick Clark attendance
    • :?: No longer calling it Ubuntu Release Party
    • :?: Changed references to a Ubuntu Release Party to simple Ubuntu Release coming end of April
    • :?: Changed home pages for SLUUG, STLLUG, STCLUG and STL computer events calendar
    • :?:
    • :?: Anybody else gone to examine Westport site?
    • :?: What is room capacity of Westport site?
    • :?: Anybody take photos of Westport site?
    • :?: Do we have diagram of Westport site?
    • :?: How many tables, booths, chairs and workers will be there?
    • :?: Will video projector be used?
    • :?: Will Internet be available?
    • :?: Will TUX be wandering the area?
    • :?: Will SLUUG have show computers?
    • :?: Do we have any SLUUG volunteers signed up?
    • :?: Do we have name tags for all SLUUG volunteers?
    • :?: What are other exhibitors doing?
    • :?: Anybody talk to local Red Hat representative?
    • :?: Anybody talk to local Novell representative?
    • :?: Anybody talk to local Sun representative?
    • :?: Anybody talk to local XXX representative?
    • :?:

Other Old Business

  • :?: Any?

New Business

  • :?: Any?

Recognize Useful Effort

  • Recognize completed action items.
  • Recognize who did anything useful.
  • :?: Any?

Blue Sky

  • :?: Any?

Board Meeting

  • :?: Any?

Follow-up and Action Items

  • Everyone - Talk to someone about coming to meetings.
  • Everyone - Talk to someone about sponsorships.
  • Everyone - Talk to someone about giving a presentation.
  • :?: Lee - Need list to print out name tags for paying members.
  • :?: Gary - Update STLLINUX.ORG to show 3 names in WHOIS data.
  • :?: Any?
steercom/2009-04.1238499578.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/04/01 16:28 (external edit)