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SLUUG Steering Committee Minutes - 7 October 2009

NOTE: Minutes posted on the wiki are always unofficial. Schedules for upcoming presentations are always tentative. (Some more tentative than others!)


Saint Louis Bread Company,
(at Old Olive and Olive),
10550 Old Olive Street Road,
Creve Coeur, MO 63141

Date and Time

  • Wednesday, October 7, 2009
  • 6:30 PM -


:?: Craig Buchek :?: Carl Fitch :?: Stan Reichardt :?: Gary Meyers :?: Jerry Stutte

Secretary Report

  • Secretary has printed out minutes up through June.

Treasurer Report

  • No report. Have not had any reports since end of March!
  • Balance: $1271.62 as of 3/31/2009

Mailing List Report

  • Subscriber numbers (approximate) as of end of September 2009:
List Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
ANNOUNCE 807 805 802 791 790 786 785 783 782 771 769 772 767
DISCUSS 192 193 194 196 201 206 212 215 214 214 215 217 220
STEERCOM 33 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 34 33 34
SYSADMIN 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17
  • Numbers are as end of each month.
  • Blocking of mailing list attachments not completely configured yet.
  • ANNOUNCE mailing list.
    • Still no volunteer editor to do a quarterly or monthly newsletter.

Attendance Report

  • Attendance numbers, as of end of September 2009:
Meeting Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Steercom 2 4 5 5 6 6 6 9 8 8 5 2 4 4
SLACC 8 6 ? 4 4 - 6 5 6 6 7 8 6 x
SLUUG 15 18 21 20 27 24 23 18 32 21 15 22 19 x
STLOSUG 12 - 11 10 7 6 ? 8 13 - (7) 15 6 x
SNUG SuSE - 5 3 5? - 7 ? - 2(172) (6) 10 ? 6 x
STLLUG 23 13 15 11 10 19 32 18(21) 20 21 14 (15) 24 19 x
STCLUG 6 3 19 - 6 11? 12 9 10 8 11 11 8 x
HZWLUG 11 12 9 11 9 4 2 8 7 11 10 12 8 x
  • NA - Not part of SLUUG.
  • () - Number in parentheses is head count.
  • xx - attendance was taken, numbers not yet recorded.
  • ? - Question mark indicates attendance not taken or sheet missing.
  • - - dash indicates no meeting.

Meeting Review and Comments

September 2009

   September 2009   
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
       1  2  3  4  5
 6  7  8  9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30         

SLACC - September 2

  • Linux configuration workshop - no presentation

Labor Day - September 7

SLUUG - September 9

  • BASE: SSH Key Generation and Usages by Carl Fitch & Jerry Stutte
  • MAIN: Bill Zimmerly to be contacted by Jerry Stute

STLOSUG (Solaris) - September 15

  • TOPIC: Exercising ZFS - Practical Applications

SNUG - September 16

  • TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)

STLLUG - September 17

  • TOPIC: Redmine a Collaboration/Scheduleing/Wiki/Issue Tracking Software Ruby based server

by Carl Fitch

HZWLUG - September 22

  • Topics are usually determined by attendees. We sometimes cover more than one.
  • The presentation software named <b>Impressive</b>

STCLUG - September 24

  • TOPIC: Rehash of the SLUUG Redmine presentation

Presentation Schedule

October 2009

    October 2009    
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
             1  2  3
 4  5  6  7  8  9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31

SLACC - October 1

  • Linux configuration workshop - no presentation

Columbus Day - October 12

SLUUG - October 14

  • BASE: Linux Package Management by Stan Reichardt
  • MAIN: VirtualBox 3.0 by Jeff Logullo
  • NOTE Back to Back meeting

STLLUG - October 15

  • NOTE Back to Back meeting
  • TOPIC: VMWare's latest & greatest by Matt Skipton (via Lee)

STLOSUG (Solaris) - October 20

  • TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)

SNUG - October 21

  • TOPIC: To Be Determined (TBD)

STCLUG - October 22

  • TOPIC: Things Learned and Acquired at this Month's Virtualization Presentations

HZWLUG - October 27

  • Topics are usually determined by attendees. We sometimes cover more than one.

Potential Presenters

These are some people who can present, and possible topics they can speak about.

  • Scott Granneman
    • Snow Leopard (the next version of Mac OS X, when it comes out)
    • iPhone (sometime after July)
  • Rick Clark (Ubuntu) (via Craig)
    • TOPIC: TBD
    • Might be able to talk to STCLUG and STLLUG
  • Kyle Cordes
    • Puppet
    • Flying Boxes
  • Hostirian/Primary.NET
    • Tour of their data center
    • What it takes to run a hosting data center
  • Wehrenberg Theaters (via Gary)
    • TOUR/DEMO: Digital cinema projectors
  • Sammie from IBM,
    • Canceled Main: Live Demo of IBM Virtualization
  • Sanjiv Bhatia (or someone from UMSL, via Lee)
    • TOPIC: AIX 6
    • TOPIC: Open Grid Computing
    • December or January
  • David Letscher (Prof of CS at SLU) (via Gary)
    • TOPIC: TBD
    • Still gone for summer. Awaiting details.
  • Jeff Logullo (formerly of Sun)
    • TOPIC: MySQL - now a Sun product
    • TOPIC: Project Indiana, a new package management system a la apt/dpkg
    • TOPIC: Versioning filenames (snapshots?) in ZFS
    • TOPIC: New release of ZFS
    • TOPIC: Belenix & other live CD's based on Open Solaris
  • Scott Nesler
    • TOPIC: GIMP (follow-up from previous presentation)
    • TOPIC: PGP and GPG
  • Jeff Muse
    • Software RAID
    • Mailman
    • Various other Solaris topics
  • Stan Reichardt
    • Evaluating Security (Internet access required)
    • Using Scribus
  • Tim Dreste (via Stan R)
    • TOPIC: Untangle Gateway Platform
    • TOPIC: CentOS Linux
  • Don Ellis
    • Mac OS X Snow Leopard
  • Craig Buchek
    • GNU grep (–count, –context, -e, –color)
    • wget and curl
    • Mac OS X topics
    • Ruby on Rails
    • Test-Driven Development (or get Brian Button, if possible)
  • Tony Lovasco
    • ???
  • Mike Wilkerson
    • Round-Table on Joe Linux User (moderator)
  • Jerry Stutte
    • OpenGL part 2 (November LUG)

Potential Topics

These are some topics that we've had requested, or brainstormed, but need to find speakers for. List was posted to DISCUSS on 25 May, asking for volunteers.

  • LaTeX
    • Weiqi Gao and Brian Bilgere were looking for volunteers
    • Eric Xu says he uses it; Jerry Stutte will contact him
  • Processes
    • How to tell what's running on a machine
  • Google Wave
  • BSD jail
  • Knoppix karaoke (various users sit in front of Knoppix system)
    • regedit - edit Windows registry from Linux
  • Drawing network diagrams using Dia or OpenOffice Draw
  • AIX current release, features, future
    • Someone from IBM corporate?
  • Apple current release, features, future
    • Someone from Apple corporate?
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL 5) or Fedora recent releases
    • Still looking for volunteer; tried Clark Smith at Red Hat
  • SuSE or OpenSUSE recent releases
    • Someone from Novell corporate?
    • Gary Hollingsworth?
  • Solaris or OpenSolaris current release, features, future
    • Someone from Sun corporate?
  • HP-UX current release, features, future
    • Someone from HP corporate corporate?
    • Dave Mills?
  • iSCSI
  • CPUs
    • Features of modern Intel/AMD CPUs
    • x86-64
    • x86, x86-64, IA64, Sparc, PowerPC, ARM, POWER
  • iPhone
    • Developing for (web, native)
  • iPhone competitors
    • New Google Android Phones
    • LG Dare
    • Samsung Instinct
    • Other Linux-based phones
    • LiMo versus Google Android
  • Linux from scratch.
  • SplashTop - a quick booting distro.
  • PGP/GPG use in Email
    • Thunderbird Enigmail
    • KMail
  • Google Android
    • Gateway and STL JUGs both recently had presentations
  • GUI builders (GLADE, KDevelop)
  • WHOIS, Domain Registration Process, Registrars, Cyber-squatters, and Name Servers

SLUUG Domain


  • 2009-06 Tasked Craig to update SLUUG.ORG to show 3 names in WHOIS data.
  • 2009-08-31 Domain SLUUG.ORG only shows 2 names in WHOIS data.
         Per Gary:  Stan & I are the current 2 names so we (rather than Craig) need to add the 3rd.

SLACC Domain

  • 2009-06 Tasked Carl and Gary to renew SLACC.COM domain.
  • Need to register SLACC.COM domain.
    • Carl - follow up with Noel about transferring the SLACC.COM domain to us.
    • Expires in September 2009; need to renew.

Per Gary In August, someone already renewed until Sept 2011! Presumably Noel since he is still the ONLY listed contact.

The LONG renewal does violate our concept of using annual renewals so that we keep an institutional memory (and familiarity), but we'll have to work it.

We still need to get Noel to include our names/addresses in the registration.

  • Check on SLACC.ORG - seems to be owned by a cybersquatter.
  • Expires in August 2009.

Per Gary: It was renewed for another year in July by an anonymous registrant in the Netherlands. It is being used for the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce.

  • Noel asked that we allow current email users to keep their SLACC.COM email addresses.
  • 2009-06 Tasked Carl and Gary to transfer SLACC.COM domain.



  • 2009-06 Tasked Craig to update STLLINUX.ORG to show 3 names in WHOIS data.
  • 2009-08-31 Domain STLLINUX.ORG only shows 1 name in WHOIS data.


  • 2009-09 Tasked Gary to point STCLUG.ORG domain registrar to EveryDNS name servers.

DONE. Yay Gary

Server Admin


  • 2009-08 The Sun E250 is now up and running.
    • Named bock.
    • Running Solaris 10.
    • Stuffed full of working hard drives.
    • Has about 100 GB of RAID-Z ZFS.
  • 2009-08 Bud Light is doing daily rsnapshots to bock.
  • 2009-08 Bud backs up to Bud Light.
  • 2009-08 Stan created resources to keep track of our systems and what's running on them.

Server Management


  • Work left to do:
    • Make sure docs are up to date.
      • Jeff is completing documentation on wiki regarding his recent changes.
      • 2008-01 Add documentation telling users how to configure mail clients to use Bud.
      • 2008-01 Started documenting client email configurations, to help users migrate.
      • 2008-01 See users and mail_setup pages.
    • Craig - Work on finishing server builds.
      • 2008-01 Document changes to PAM to correct MAIL variable. (Craig)
      • 2008-03 More security, for SSH and otherwise.
      • 2008-01 Get offsite backups working. (Mike)
      • 2008-01 Publish SSH host keys on web page.
      • 2008-03 Standardize/regularize user accounts (IDs, password expirations). (Mike)
  • Other work to do:
    • 2008-08 Document useradd process.
    • 2008-03 Better web site management tools
    • 2008-08 Develop standardized 'Membership List' & same UIDs on all production machines.

Membership (and Shell Accounts)

  • 2009-09 Jerry Stutte has written an app to manage membership.
    • Working with Lee Lammert.
    • Need to deploy to bud.
    • Lists membership levels and names.
    • Will be able to show expiration dates of memberships and send out emails.
    • Need to add timestamps for changes
    • Searchable renewal method
    • Drop down list for State
    • Auto ID number generation

Annual Report to State of Missouri

  • Annual Report for 2008 is on file, next Annual Report due 31 August.
  • Filed documents available here.
    • $15.00 If filed on or before 8/31
    • $20.00 If filed after 8/31
    • Corporation will be administratively dissolved if report is not filed by November 30th.
  • We still need to change the registered agent for surface mail delivery.
    • Craig is a registered agent, per Missouri state, and volunteered to serve as our group's agent.
      • Someone just needs to file the right paperwork.
      • We thought we had filled out the paperwork; apparently it's been lost or misplaced.
  • The registration was updated by Carl in August 2009

Other Old Business

  • Wash U Cleanup
    • Jerry Stute and Jeff Muse Eric Xu volunteered to cleanup Wash U site.
    • Gary Meyer is Captain

New Business

SLCL - October 3

  • Reservations for St. Louis County Library rooms for calendar year 2010
  • Thornehill - Carl Fitch
  • Praire Commons - Stan Reichardt
  • Indian Trails - :?: Phil :?:

STL Business - October 3

  • SLUUG Linux booth number ???
  • SLUUG Linux booth number ???

Other New Business

  • Nothing.

Blue Sky

  • Speculate on events, plans, policy, procedures, projects.

Recognize Useful Effort

  • Recognize completed action items, and other useful actions.

Follow-up and Action Items


  • Everyone - Talk to someone about coming to meetings.
  • Everyone - Talk to someone about sponsorships.
  • Everyone - Talk to someone about giving a presentation.
  • Craig - Contact Kyle Cordes about presenting on Puppet.
  • 2009-06 Tasked Gary to clean up home directory on Bud.
  • 2009-06 Tasked Craig to work on presentations.
  • 2009-06 Tasked Lee to ask Sammie to bring past (and current) presentation to us on thumb drive.
steercom/2009-10.1254930428.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/10/07 14:49 (external edit)